Q1 How easy do you find getting through to the surgery on the telephone?

o  Very easy

o  Fairly easy

o  Not very easy

o  Not at all easy

Q2 How helpful do you find the reception staff at

the Practice?

o  Very helpful

o  Fairly helpful

o  Not very helpful

o  Not helpful at all

Q3 How easy do you find making an appointment

to see a nurse or doctor urgently / same day?

o  Very easy

o  Fairly easy

o  Not very easy

o  Not at all easy

o  Don’t know

Q4 How easy do you find making an appointment

to see a nurse or doctor in advance?

o  Very easy

o  Fairly easy

o  Not very easy

o  Not at all easy

o  Don’t know

Q5 How important is it to you to be able to make

an appointment to see a nurse or doctor in advance?

o  Important

o  Not important

Q6 How do you prefer to book appointments at the practice (please tick all that apply)?

o  In person

o  On the telephone

o  Online

Q7 Did you know that you were able to book an appointment or order a repeat prescription online?

o  Yes

o  No

Q8 When you want to make an appointment with a particular doctor, how quickly do you usually get seen?

o  The same day

o  The next day

o  2 – 5 days

o  5 days or more

o  Don’t know / have not tried

Q9 How do you rate this?

o  Excellent

o  Very good

o  Good

o  Fair

o  Poor

o  Not applicable

Q10 When you want to make an appointment with

any doctor at the practice, how quickly do

you usually get seen?

o  The same day

o  The next day

o  2 – 5 days

o  5 days or more

o  Don’t know / have not tried

Q11 How do you rate this?

o  Excellent

o  Very good

o  Good

o  Fair

o  Poor

o  Not applicable

Q12 If you need to speak someone at the Practice for advice how easy do you usually find this?

o  Very easy

o  Fairly easy

o  Not very easy

o  Not at all easy

o  Don’t know

Q13 When you were at your last consultation with a doctor, how long did you wait for your consultation to start?

o  Within 5 minutes

o  6 – 10 minutes

o  11 – 20 minutes

o  21 – 30 minutes

o  30 minutes or more

Q14 How do you rate this?

o  Excellent

o  Very good

o  Good

o  Fair

o  Poor

o  Not applicable

Q15 The last time you saw a doctor, how would you rate the amount of time you had at your appointment?

o  Excellent

o  Very good

o  Good

o  Fair

o  Poor

o  Not applicable

Q16 The last time you saw a doctor, how would you rate how good they were at listening?

o  Excellent

o  Very good

o  Good

o  Fair

o  Poor

o  Not applicable

Q17 The last time you saw a doctor, how would you rate how good they were at explaining tests and treatment?

o  Excellent

o  Very good

o  Good

o  Fair

o  Poor

o  Not applicable

Q18 The last time you saw a doctor, how would you rate how good they were at involving you in decisions about your care?

o  Excellent

o  Very good

o  Good

o  Fair

o  Poor

o  Not applicable

Q19 The last time you saw a doctor, how would you rate how good they were at treating you with dignity and respect?

o  Excellent

o  Very good

o  Good

o  Fair

o  Poor

o  Not applicable

Q20 Did you have confidence and trust in the doctor you saw or spoke to?

o  Yes definitely

o  Yes, mostly

o  Yes, somewhat

o  Yes, a little

o  No, none at all

o  Don’t know / cant say

Q21 When you were at your last consultation with a nurse, how long did you wait for your consultation to start?

o  Within 5 minutes

o  6 – 10 minutes

o  11 – 20 minutes

o  21 – 30 minutes

o  30 minutes or more

Q22 How do you rate this?

o  Excellent

o  Very good

o  Good

o  Fair

o  Poor

o  Not applicable

Q23 The last time you saw a nurse, how would you

rate the amount of time you had at your appointment?

o  Excellent

o  Very good

o  Good

o  Fair

o  Poor

o  Not applicable

Q24 The last time you saw a nurse, how would you

rate how good they were at listening?

o  Excellent

o  Very good

o  Good

o  Fair

o  Poor

o  Not applicable

Q25 The last time you saw a nurse, how would you

rate how good they were at explaining tests and treatment?

o  Excellent

o  Very good

o  Good

o  Fair

o  Poor

o  Not applicable

Q26 The last time you saw a nurse, how would you

rate how good they were at involving you in decisions about your care?

o  Excellent

o  Very good

o  Good

o  Fair

o  Poor

o  Not applicable

Q27 The last time you saw a nurse, how would you

rate how good they were at treating you with dignity and respect?

o  Excellent

o  Very good

o  Good

o  Fair

o  Poor

o  Not applicable

Q28 Did you have confidence and trust in the nurse you saw or spoke to?

o  Yes definitely

o  Yes, mostly

o  Yes, somewhat

o  Yes, a little

o  No, none at all

o  Don’t know / cant say

Q29 Is the practice currently open at times that are convenient to you??

o  Yes (Go to Q31)

o  No

o  Don’t know

Q30 Which of the following times would be helpful to you?

o  Before 8am

o  At lunchtime

o  After 6.30pm

o  On a Saturday

o  On a Sunday

Q31 How easy do you find accessing the building?

o  Excellent

o  Very good

o  Good

o  Fair

o  Poor

o  Not applicable

Q32 Did you know that we offer the following In-house services? (Please tick Yes or No)

Yes No

o o GP

o o Nurse Practitioner

o o Practice Nurse

o o Health Care Assistant

o o Physiotherapist

o o Counsellor

o o Midwife

o o Practice Pharmacist

Q33 How would you like us to communicate to you about new services? (Please tick all that apply)

o  Newsletter

o  E mail

o  Posters in Surgery

o  Local press

o  Flyer

o  Notes on Prescriptions

o  Website

o  Other (please specify below)



Q34 How do you rate the cleanliness of the Practice?

o  Excellent

o  Very good

o  Good

o  Fair

o  Poor

o  Not applicable

Q35 Would you recommend the Practice to someone that has just moved into your local area?

o  Definitely

o  Probably

o  Probably not

o  Definitely not

o  Don’t know

Finally it would help us if you could tell us a little about yourself, all answers are anonymous.

Q36 Are you?

o  Male

o  Female

Q37 How old are you?

o  Under 15

o  16 – 44

o  45 to 64

o  65 to 74

o  75 or over

Q38 Do you have a long-term health condition?

o  Yes

o  No

o  Don’t know

Q39 What is your ethnic group?

o  White

o  Black / Black British

o  Asian / Asian British

o  Mixed

o  Chinese

o  Other Ethnic group (please state below)


Q40 Which of the following best describes you?

o  Employed (full or part time including self employed)

o  Unemployed / looking for work

o  At school or in full time education

o  Unable to work due to long term sickness

o  Looking after home / family

o  Retired from paid work

o  Other (please state below)
