1 Given: A patient has ingested 10g of paracetamol

Question: Gastric lavage is essential

2 Given: A man is admitted after head injury; he has a Glasgow Coma Scale score of 15

Question: He requires an urgent CT brain scan

3 Progression of Alzheimer’s disease is halted by donepezil (Aricept)

4 Temazepam is a useful hypnotic for the treatment of early wakening

5 Hyponatremia is a recognised complication following head injury.

6 A normal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain scan excludes a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis

7 Given: A patient with carotid stenosis develops cerebral infarction

Question: The most likely mechanism is restriction of blood flow through the stenotic segment

8 The ulnar nerve supplies sensation to the little finger

9 Inflammatory joint disease such as rheumatoid arthritis rarely affects the hands

10 Patients with radial nerve palsy cannot extend the fingers

11 Malignant spinal cord compression is an emergency

12 The stage of family role identification extends from 2 to 6 years of age

13 Major depressive illness may be induced by corticosteroids

14 All phenothiazine drugs have adverse extra-pyramidal effects

15 Topical corticosteroids can safely be prescribed for undiagnosed ‘red eye’

16 Metabolic alkalosis is a consequence of aspirin overdose

17 The overall suicide rate in the United Kingdom has increased in the last 5 years

18 Before referring a case to the Coroner, a Certificate of the Cause of Death must be completed and given to the family

19 Congenital heart block is a recognised consequence of maternal systemic lupus erythematosus

20 Haloperidol is a dopamine D2 receptor antagonist

21 Given: Schizophrenia is a natural disease

Question: Death following self-harm is a recognised complication of schizophrenia, and need not be referred to the Coroner

22 Cognitive behaviour therapy improves the prognosis of schizophrenia

23 Intravenous antibiotics are the most important way of preventing osteomyelitis in open contaminated fractures of bone

24 Woven bone, formed during fracture repair, is generally converted to lamellar bone

25 In suspected septic monoarthritis, both blood and synovial fluid cultures must be taken

26 Astrocytoma is a tumour that arises from neurones

27 Regular monitoring with full blood count and liver function tests is necessary for patients prescribed sulphasalazine

28 Given: A 60 year old myopic lady presents with pain in the right eye, especially on reading, and has a red eye with a small pupil

Question: Acute angle-closure glaucoma is the most likely diagnosis

29 Rheumatoid arthritis causes synovial hypertrophy

30 Chronic alcoholic brain disease involves permanent damage to the mamillary bodies

31 Glioblastoma multiforme arises from astrocytes

32 Secondary brain tumours are more frequent than primary brain tumours

33 Given: A 20 year old student has a tonic-clonic convulsion after having a blood test

Question: He probably suffers from epilepsy

34 Multiple sclerosis can give rise to vertigo

35 Given: An elderly patient complains of slowing down, and examination reveals unilateral tremor and bradykinesis

Question: The likely diagnosis is Parkinson’s disease

36 Bisphosphonate treatment may control the symptoms of Paget’s disease

37 Hypocalcaemia is common in osteoporosis

38 After femoral neck fracture, the three-month mortality rate is about 5%

39 Eburnation of the joint surface is a feature of osteoarthritis

40 Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) acts on 5HT receptors

41 Lithium carbonate has a narrow therapeutic window

42 Carpal tunnel syndrome requires no investigation before surgical treatment

43 Given: A 64 year old man with repeated attacks of right amaurosis fugax undergoes Doppler ultrasound studies of his carotid vessels and is found to have a 50% stenosis of the left internal carotid artery

Question: He should undergo a left carotid endarterectomy as soon as possible

44 Cerebral haemorrhage is a complication of streptokinase therapy

45 A facial paralysis getting progressively worse over a period of one month is likely to be Bell’s palsy

46 Gentamicin is more vestibulotoxic than cochleotoxic

47 Air conduction of sound is better than bone conduction

48 Hearing loss in Meniere’s disease is characteristically for low frequency sounds

49 Otitis media is the commonest cause of persistent deafness in young children

50 People with alcohol dependency syndrome are usually unaware of their addiction

51 Benzodiazepines are effective antidepressants

52 Oesophageal bleeding is a complication of portal hypertension

53 Suicide is more common in men than women

54 The annual incidence of agranulocytosis in patients taking clozapine is 1 to 2%

55 Postnatal depression often requires inpatient psychiatric care

56 Section 3 of the Mental Health Act can only be used by the patient’s own consultant

57 Sexual dysfunction occurs in approximately 10 to 15% of patients treated with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)

58 The symptom of hopelessness is associated with suicide

59 Antipsychotics must be discontinued during pregnancy

60 Depressive symptoms occur in about 50% of people with bulimia nervosa

61 Most subjects with autism have a diagnosable physical disorder

62 The most common cause of poor attendance at school is truancy

63 The mortality rate from female breast cancer in the United Kingdom is decreasing

64 Depressive disorder is less common in childhood than in adolescence

65 An infant is clinging strongly to its mother, and so a diagnosis of physical abuse can be excluded

66 Given: MMR vaccine is a live virus vaccine

Question: MMR vaccine should not be given to children being treated with systemic steroids

67 Pyloric stenosis is associated with hyperchloraemic alkalosis

68 Given: A 6 week old infant presents with fever, drowsiness and poor feeding.

Question: Antibiotics should only be started once bacterial cultures have been shown to be positive

69 Given: The father of a 2 year old boy has been recently been diagnosed with tuberculosis

Question: The child is at a higher risk of developing fulminant tuberculosis than is his mother

70 Given: A 6 year old girl bleeds excessively after sustaining small cuts and abrasions

Question: The most likely diagnosis is anti-haemophilic globulin deficiency

71 Rotavirus is the most common cause of gastroenteritis in infants and young children

72 Coeliac disease may present with small intestinal lymphoma

73 Mental health problems are rare in childhood epilepsy

74 There is a genetic contribution to the development of schizophrenia

75 Family therapy can be an effective form of treatment for some childhood disorders

76 Separation anxiety is a normal part of childhood development

77 Hallucinations can occur in non-psychotic conditions

78 The average age for a child to first walk unaided is 24 months

79 The iron content of breast milk is higher than that in standard formula milk

80 The benefits of breast milk include protection from infections

81 Breast feeding increases conjugated bilirubin levels in the neonatal period

82 Wheeze, hyperinflation and hepatomegaly are features of bronchiolitis associated with respiratory syncytial virus infection

83 Irritability and absent breath sounds are a poor prognostic sign in an attack of asthma

84 Early and intensive physiotherapy improves survival in cystic fibrosis

85 In a child, a bradycardia of 60/minute during sleep indicates severe cardiac disease

86 In measles, the cutaneous rash precedes the appearance of Koplik’s spots

87 For iron to be absorbed, it needs to be in the ferrous form

88 More girls than boys develop urinary tract infections

89 Gram positive cocci are the commonest organisms causing urinary infections in childhood

90 In girls, breast development starts before pubic hair grows significantly

91 The risk of developing ovarian cancer is less in women taking the combined contraceptive pill

92 A correctly-placed copper intrauterine contraceptive device will be effective for five years or more

93 Raised blood pressure is a contraindication to the combined oral contraceptive pill

94 Antibiotic therapy renders the emergency contraceptive (‘morning after’) pill ineffective

95 Healthy children have higher erythrocyte counts than adults

96 Iron deficiency anaemia in pregnancy is associated with preterm labour

97 Urticaria and sneezing, occurring together, is highly suggestive of anaphylaxis

98 In the antenatal detection of Down's syndrome. the maternal serum level of human chorionic gonadotrophin is the most powerful predictive factor

99 Antenatal screening for beta-thalassaemia need only be carried out in women of Mediterranean origin.

100 Amniocentesis carries a risk of abortion of 5% in excess of the background spontaneous abortion rate.

101 Pulmonary embolism is the commonest cause of post partum collapse

102 Respiratory distress syndrome is more likely to occur in babies born of diabetic mothers, compared to non-diabetic mothers

103 Late decelerations are those which occur late in labour

104 Entonox is a mixture of oxygen and nitrous oxide in the ratio of 30:70

105 Ergometrine is contraindicated in women with cardiac disease.

106 Oxytocin has an antidiuretic effect equivalent to that of vasopressin.

107 Vaginal breech delivery should not be permitted in primigravidae.

108 The drug of choice to suppress lactation is stilboestrol.

109 Breast fed babies are less likely to be obese.

110 Breast abscesses are best treated by the administration of a broad spectrum antibiotic.

111 Laparoscopy should be performed if an ectopic pregnancy is suspected.

112 Breast cancer is less common in women who have breast fed their babies.

113 Hot flushes can occur before menopause

114 The mean age of the menopause in the United Kingdom is 45 years.

115 The commonest cause of post menopausal bleeding is endometrial carcinoma.

116 The national cervical screening programme recommends that screening should begin at 16 years of age in sexually active women.

117 In cervical cytology, an adequate sample includes endocervical cells.

118 In cervical cytology screening programmes, the false negative rate is less than 1%.

119 Insulin resistance is associated with the polycystic ovarian syndrome

120 Urinary incontinence is more common in women than men

121 Surgery alone is usually curative of ovarian cancer

122 Progestogens are highly effective in the treatment of dysfunctional uterine bleeding

123 Physiotherapy is an effective treatment for detrusor instability

124 Ectopic pregnancy can be a consequence of chlamydial infection

125 In the United Kingdom, pelvic inflammatory disease is most commonly due to gonorrhoea

126 Given: Hyperkalaemia is noted during the investigation of a patient who has recently presented with hypertension

Question: Conn’s syndrome is the most likely diagnosis

127 Given: A hypertensive patient presents with headaches, palpitations and sweating

Question: The symptoms are consistent with a diagnosis of phaeochromocytoma

128 Given: A 52 year-old patient with essential hypertension on full-dose atenolol and lisinopril has a blood pressure of 162/94mmHg

Question: Adding a thiazide diuretic would be an appropriate action

129 Given: A 52 year old man collapses suddenly and unexpectedly in the bus queue. There is no previous history

Question: The most likely diagnosis is pulmonary thrombo embolism

130 Patients treated with captopril for essential hypertension have a higher risk of developing diabetes mellitus than do patients treated with atenolol

131 Spironolactone has been shown to reduce the mortality in patients with heart failure

132 Given: The relative risks of a smoker developing coronary heart disease and cancer of the larynx, compared with a non-smoker, are 2 and 15 respectively

Question: This shows that smoking causes more cases of cancer of the larynx than of coronary heart disease

133 ACE inhibitors should not be given to patients with moderately severe renal failure

134 Osteosclerotic secondary tumours are associated with carcinoma of the prostate

135 Patients with renal failure caused by diabetes mellitus characteristically have small kidneys

136 In chronic systemic hypertension, the kidneys are usually large

137 Hyperglycaemia during the acute phase of myocardial infarction is an adverse prognostic marker

138 Beta blockers are the therapy of choice in patients with heart failure

139 Thiazide diuretics are contraindicated in the treatment of hypertension in subjects with diabetes mellitus

140 Beta blockers exacerbate psoriasis

141 In a clinical study, the main purpose of randomisation is to ensure that there are an equal number of subjects in each group

142 Given: A 45 year old nursing assistant in an endoscopy unit presents with recent onset of asthma

Question: She should be removed from her working environment

143 There is no correlation between the incidence of ischaemic heart disease and the number of cigarettes smoked

144 The left main bronchus is more vertical than the right main bronchus

145 The Fc component of immunoglobulin binds to macrophages

146 Diminution of the R wave is an early feature in acute myocardial infarction

147 High protein diets slow the progression of renal failure

148 Treatment with intravenous sodium bicarbonate may help to control the hyperkalaemia of renal failure

149 Most patients with hairy cell leukaemia have considerable splenomegaly

150 Sputum coughed up by patients with pneumonia associated with Klebsiella pneumoniae is often visibly coloured with iron-containing pigment

151 Carcinoid syndrome causes high output cardiac failure

152 Smoking is associated with bladder cancer

153 Most myocardial infarcts occur in the wall of the right ventricle

154 Multiple myeloma is a disease of myocytes

155 Reed-Sternberg cells are diagnostic of lymphoma

156 Most non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas are of B-cell type

157 Folic acid deficiency causes megaloblastic anaemia

158 The Philadelphia chromosome is associated with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia

159 A low grade fever is a feature of iron deficiency anaemia

160 Sickle cell anaemia is usually inherited by an autosomal recessive mechanism

161 Given: A patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease has become slightly more breathless, is producing a little yellow sputum and feels ill

Question: Amoxycillin is an appropriate treatment

162 Given: A patient has a bicuspid aortic valve, and develops a fever. A blood culture grows Enterococcus faecalis

Question: High dose penicillin is the best treatment

163 Mycobacterium tuberculosis showing resistance to both isoniazid and rifampicin is becoming more common

164 Given: A patient has a PaO2 of 65mmHg (8.7 kPa), a PaCO2 of 65 mmHg (8.7 kPa), a pH of 7.5 and a HCO3- of 40mmol/l

Question: This is respiratory acidosis

165 Depression in the medically ill often goes undetected

166 Chronic fatigue syndrome is classified as a functional somatic disorder