Hertfordshire Programme of study for PSHE & Citizenship

Key Stage 2

1 Developing confidence and responsibility and making the most of their abilities

The numbers are those given in the National Curriculum 2000 Framework for PSHE and Citizenship

Teaching aims / Learning outcomes / Teaching activities / QCA Units of
work for
and PSHE / Links
with SEAL / Dates
and Topics / Resources
1a To talk and write about their opinions and explain their views on issues that affect themselves and others / Can explain my opinions to others
can listen to others’ opinions and exchange views can write about my opinions / Discuss and debate why smoking is unhealthy
Explore how smoking is presented in the media and write about this (En, ICT) / Unit 1 Taking part / Good to be me
Changes / Project Charlie
The World of Tobacco
Exploring feelings
1b To recognise their worth as individuals by identifying positive things about themselves and their achievements, seeing their mistakes, making amends and setting personal goals / Can say what I am good at and what I can achieve
can recognise my mistakes,
know how to apologise and to try again
can set goals for my work and behaviour that will help me progress / Design a cover for a diary showing their strengths
draw a cartoon strip showing how something went wrong and how they made amends (Art)
set a goal for a fortnight to develop a personal skill / Unit 2 Choices
PSHE Unit 4 Support Networks / New Beginnings
Getting on and falling out
Say no to bullying
Going for goals!
Good to be me
Changes / Citizenship and Personal,
Social and Health Education
Cooks & Ogres
Exploring feelings
Poems about me

Links to National Healthy School Status


1.1 uses the PSHE framework to deliver a planned programme, in line with relevant DfES/QCA guidance - Ofsted self evaluation 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d, 4e

1.2 monitors and evaluates PSHE provision to ensure the quality of teaching and learning - Ofsted self evaluation 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d, 4e

1.3 assesses pupils’ progress and achievement in line QCA guidance - Ofsted self evaluation 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d, 4e

Teaching aims / Learning outcomes / Teaching activities / QCA Units of
work for
and PSHE / Links
with SEAL / Dates
and Topics / Resources
1c To face new challenges positively by collecting information, looking for help, making responsible choices and taking action / feel confident when doing something for the first time
know how to find information
can ask for help
can make responsible choices / Become involved in solving arguments peacefully
Research roles of pressure groups
Ask an adult for help in solving problems and follow their advice / Unit 2 Choices
PSHE Unit 4 Support Networks
See 3c / New Beginnings
Say no to bullying
Going for goals!
Changes / A Teacher’s
Handbook for PSHE and Citizenship
Citizenship Foundation
Cooks & Ogres
Internet PSHE
Primary Schools Council Toolkit
1d To recognise as they approach puberty how individuals’ emotions change at that time and how to deal with their feelings towards themselves, their and family and other positively / know that my emotions affect my behaviour and that feelings may change as I grow older
understand that my behaviour affects others
know how to be responsible / Discuss feelings based on reading and viewing excerpts from videos
keep diaries reflecting on changes to themselves in this transition period and their relation-ships with their families and friends / Unit 7 Children's Rights / Good to be me
Relationships / Sam’s bad day
A Teacher’s Handbook for PSHE and Citizenship
Poems About Feelings, Poems About Me, Poems and You and Me


1.1 uses the PSHE framework to deliver a planned programme, in line with relevant DfES/QCA guidance - Ofsted self evaluation 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d, 4e

1.2 monitors and evaluates PSHE provision to ensure the quality of teaching and learning - Ofsted self evaluation 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d, 4e

1.3 assesses pupils’ progress and achievement in line QCA guidance - Ofsted self evaluation 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d, 4e

Emotional Health and Well Being

4.2 has clear, planned curriculum opportunities for pupils to understand and explore feelings using appropriate learning and teaching styles - Ofsted self evaluation 4a

Teaching aims / Learning outcomes / Teaching activities / QCA Units of
work for
And PSHE / Links
with SEAL / Dates
and Topics / Resources
1e To learn about the range of jobs done by people they know, to under-stand how they can develop skills to make their own contributions in the
future / Find out how different people contribute to my community
identify my special skills and how I can develop them and others to benefit / Do research into voluntary groups and paid employment / Unit 4 People who help us / RSPCA
Blue Cross animal hospital
Junior Citizenship Project
Council for Environmental Education
1f To look after their money
realise that future wants and needs may be met through saving / Begin to understand about sources of money, how to use it and the value of saving / Plan with others Council budgets to improve local facilities (Ma)
plan how to save money to buy trainers / PSHE Unit 7 Looking after my money / A Teacher’s Handbook for PSHE and Citizenship
Primary Schools Resource Pack
I am, I know, I can

Links to National Healthy School Status


1.1 uses the PSHE framework to deliver a planned programme, in line with relevant DfES/QCA guidance - Ofsted self evaluation 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d, 4e

1.2 monitors and evaluates PSHE provision to ensure the quality of teaching and learning - Ofsted self evaluation 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d, 4e

1.3 assesses pupils’ progress and achievement in line QCA guidance - Ofsted self evaluation 4a, 4b, 4c, 4d, 4e

2 Preparing to play an active role as citizens

Teaching aims / Learning outcomes / Teaching activities / QCA Units of
work for
and PSHE / Links with SEAL / Dates
and Topics / Resources
2a To research, discuss and debate topical issues, problems and events / Learn more about events around me and investigate them / Consider experiences of refugee children through firsthand accounts and books / Unit 1 Taking part
Unit 5 Living in a diverse world / Getting on and falling out
Relationships / Citizenship and PSHE
All of us
First steps to rights
2b To know how and why rules and laws are made and enforced, why different rules are needed in different situations and how to take part in making and changing rules / Learn more about rule making and keeping and the role of democracy / Make a list of rules for the playground wording them positively and avoiding "don't"
Organise a class council and decide what to do to change the rules / Unit 8 How do rules and laws affect me?
Unit 2 Taking part
Unit People who help us / New Beginnings / A Teacher's Handbook for PSHE and Citizenship
All of us
Citizenship and PSHE
2c To realise the consequences of anti-social and aggressive behaviours such as bullying and
racism on individuals and communities / Can understand the consequences of my conduct on others and
know that bullying, some forms of teasing and racism are always wrong / Devise a board game in which to make decisions about different types of behaviour and the related feelings
Design a postcard with names/phone numbers of bodies that offer help/support to individuals, families and groups / Unit 2 Choices
Unit 7 Children's Rights / Getting on and falling out
Say no to bullying / Bullies at School
All of us
How to stop bullying
HABI Anti-bullying toolkit
The year of the worm

Links to National Healthy School Status

Emotional Health and Well Being

4.5 has a clear policy on bullying, which is owned, understood and implemented by the whole school community

Teaching aims / Learning outcomes / Teaching activities / QCA Units of
work for
and PSHE / Links
with SEAL / Dates
and Topics / Resources
2d To appreciate there are various responsibilities, rights and duties at home, at school and in the community and that these can sometimes conflict with one another / Feel confident that there is a role for me to play in school
understand about rights, duties and responsibilities and conflicts resolution / Create a class book of poems and photos about responsibility and carrying out duties
draw up a class Bill of Rights practise conflict resolution
role play scenarios / Unit 1 Taking part
Unit 3 Animals and us
Unit 7 Children's rights / New Beginnings / Stand up for your Rights
How do I feel about? Series
All of us
Using your wants and needs cards
Citizenship and PSHE
2e To reflect on spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues, using imagination to understand other people's experiences / Take time to think about people and happenings
think about the lives of others who live in other countries / Discuss and look at photos of the lives of children living in different countries and compare and contrast with own experiences / Unit 2 Choices
Unit 7 Children's Rights
Unit 10 Local democracy / New Beginnings
Getting on and falling out
Say no to bullying
Good to be me
Changes / Your World, My World
Families Pack
Ofsted report
All of us
2f To acknowledge that differences and similarities between individuals arise from a number of factors, including cultural/ethnic/ racial/religious diversity, gender and disability / Accept that everyone is a unique, special being of equal value under-stand how and why individuals and groups contribute in diverse ways society / Find out about local religious leaders (RE)
improvise diverse situations involving children from different sexes and with different abilities
role play negotiating solutions / Unit 12 Moving on
Unit 5 Living in a diverse world
Unit 4 People who help us / Getting on and falling out
Say no to bullying
Going for goals!
Good to be me / Herts Scheme of work
for RE
Dealing with Racial Harassment
All of us
How do I feel about?
Cooks & Ogres
Teaching aims / Learning outcomes / Teaching activities / QCA Units of
work for
and PSHE / Links
with SEAL / Dates
and Topics / Resources
2g To know what democracy is and what the basic institutions are that support it locally and nationally / Can appreciate
the importance of democracy
know about my local and district councils and central government / Take part in class/school council elections
be a member of a council
write letters to elected MP or councillors / Unit 8 How do rules and laws affect me?
Unit 9 Respect for Property
Unit 10 Local democracy for young citizens / Stand up for your rights
Primary Schools Council Toolkit
All of us
2h To recognise the role of voluntary, community and pressure group / Can talk about the work of some local charities / Invite speaker(s) from different groups in to give presentations, arrange follow-up / Unit 3 Animals and us
Unit 7 Children's rights / I am, I know, I can
All of us
2i To appreciate the range of national, regional, religious and ethnic minorities in the UK / Can respect and celebrate the richness and diversity of our population / Organise multi-cultural events in school involving parents/carers from different cultures / Unit 5 Living in a diverse world
Unit 7 Children's Rights / Changes / Herts Scheme of work for RE
Cooks & Ogres
Coming to England
2j To know that resources can be allocated in different ways and that these economic choices affect individuals, communities and the sustainability of the environment / Know more about the sources of money and the different choices that people need to make about spending and saving / Form a class charity, decide on a project to raise awareness about the environment involving different choices plan how to raise money, budget and allocate the money / Unit 9 Respect for property
Unit 2 Choices
Unit 5 Living in a diverse world / A Teacher's Handbook for PSHE and Citizenship
All of us
Families Pack
Your World, My World
2k To explore how the media present information / Can begin to explain how the media presents information / Collect press cuttings on legal/ illegal drugs and discuss differences
in approaches / Unit 3 Animals and us
Unit 10 Local democracy
Unit ll In the media / Taking drugs literally
Project Charlie
All of us

3 Developing a healthy safer lifestyle

Teaching aims / Learning outcomes / Teaching activities / QCA Units of
work for
and PSHE / Links
with SEAL / Dates
and Topics / Resources
3a To know what makes a healthy lifestyle including the benefits of
healthy eating
what affects mental health and how to make informed choices / Recognise how to take care of my body and mind and how choosing to exercise regularly, eat healthily and stay positive can help keep me fit and well / List food they think should be eaten regularly present their choices discuss value of positive attitudes
prepare an assembly on
exercise / Unit 2 Choices
PSHE Unit 6 Eating healthily, being active / Health for Life
What’s wrong with me?
Health Matters
3b To know that bacteria and viruses can affect health and that following simple, safe routines can reduce their spread / Can keep myself clean and tidy and be careful about washing my hands / Use the internet to look at different reports on bacteria and viruses and health and present information to the class / Wired for Health
Health for Life
Pasteur’s Fight
Against Microbes

Links to National Healthy School Status