“Childhood – a journey or a race?”

Focusing on the social and emotional

well-being of children and families

in today’s world

ECTA Cairns Regional Group

Saturday 11thAugust 2012

At Rydges Tradewinds Cairns, 137 The Esplanade, Cairns

All registrations should be received on or before 27thJuly.

Sponsored by:

“Childhood – a journey or a race?”

Focusing on the social and emotional well-being of children and families in today’s world

PROGRAM: Saturday 11th August

7.00 amRegistration (tea/coffee available)

7.30-8.30 amBreakfast (at Poolside Pavilion)

Trade Displays available.

8:30-8.45 am Opening

(followed by “Housekeeping” and Introduction of Keynote)

8.45-9.45am Keynote Speaker– Kerry Bird

“Life is not an emergency”

9.45-11.15amWorkshop Session One

11.15-11.45am Morning Tea and Trade Displays

11.45am-1.15pm Workshop Session Two

1.15-2.30pm Lunch (atPoolside Pavilion)

Trade Displays available.

2.30-4.00pm Workshop Session Three

4.00-4.30pmAfternoon Tea and Trade Displays

4.30-5.30pmPanel -“Getting the Right Balance “

and Closing with a Story

If you wish to stay and network with colleagues afterwards, you are welcome to use the bar (at your cost) by the pool.

Please read the following pages for more details about the Keynote, Workshops and Panel.

Kerry Bird - Master of Learning Innovation; Graduate Diploma of Arts (Leadership Studies); Diploma of Teaching: Senior Education Officer for Faith & Religious Education
“Life is not an emergency” (QCT Professional Standards 6,7,8,9,10)
How often do you wonder about the rate, speed and demands of life? Do you ever feel that your life is being overly directed by other people’s and organisational priorities, expectations and deadlines? And, with all that is planned, taught, assessed and reported in your work with young people, do you wonder if we’ve got the balance right?
Educational settings have the potential to engage people in ways that help them define who they are, why they are important, how they should act and who they can become. Optimising the learning and well-being potential of young people implies an expanded orientation for education that moves beyond a focus on academic competencies to embrace human development and learning more holistically. It calls for a belief in the education of the whole person, to maximise potential and to offer meaning, purpose and that life is indeed worth living.
The learning and wellbeing lives of young people are linked to the learning and wellbeing of the key adults in their lives. Young people learn us, not textbooks and syllabi. You matter. This keynote offers an opportunity for reflection and aims at fanning the flame of your capacity to “be the change you wish to see in the world” (Ghandi).
Kerry Bird has worked in schools in many dioceses across Queensland and NSW in both teaching and leadership roles, and has a broad experience in teaching boys and co-ed, from early childhood to secondary.Kerry is a Senior Education Officer for Faith & RE. This role includes management of the implementation of the Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Policy across the diocese. Kerry is extremely passionate about wellbeing - personal, relational and spiritual.She has been project managing SEL in Catholic schools in the Cairns Diocese for the past 12 years. In 2010 Kerry was accorded the Diocese of Cairns' prestigious Docemus Award for Leadership. Kerry has presented workshops to teachers, school officers, parents and educational professionals across Queensland and NSW. She has been published in theEducational & Child Psychology© The British Psychological Society, 2010 and presented at the 2011European Network for Social and Emotional Competence Conference (ENSEC) in Manchester.
David O’Loughlin and Len Specht: Horticulture and Permaculture in Cairns
“Gardening with Children” – Growing food in a small or larger area and eating it!
(QCT Professional Standards 1,2,3,10)
Both David and Len will provide many examples of successful ways of working with children and together growing plants to maturity. The learning activities in this workshop will be a mixture of theory, demonstration and “handson”. Len will be keen to display the wicking bed method of growing plants – a method that can be easily replicated in a teaching area, Once set up, this method requires minimal attention. These beds are free standing and easily accessible to children, adults and people in wheelchairs.
Two weeks before the workshop sessions, David and Len have made this request. “You are attending a workshop on gardening with children. To assist the presenters in meeting your needs can you tell us what you expect to learn and what you would like to do with that learning once you are back at your work-site?”
Please email your questions to with the subject title “Gardening Questions.”
David O’Loughlin and Len Specht are currently semi-retired and live in Cairns pursuing their interests in horticulture and permaculture in particular. Both have been practitioners in this area for some years. David is currently a consultant in Strategic Planning and also the President of a community group “Permaculture Cairns.” Prior to coming to Cairns in 2005, David had 40 years with the Education Department in South Australia. Len brings the knowledge and skills drawn from a life of leadership in many trades and private companies. Len’s interest is growing plants through aquaponics while respecting and valuing water conservation. A characteristic of his approach is to recycle materials, water and plant nutrients.
Sue Southey: Early Childhood Teacher, Springwood Community Kindergarten
“Design + Play = Maths”(QCT Professional Standards 1,2,3,5,10)
Increasing pressure for numeracy and literacy outcomes is putting child initiated and play based learning at risk. Educators in early childhood settings need effective ways of building mathematical understandings whilst supporting child initiated and creative play. This workshop will examine decision making, resourcing and intentional teaching practices for kindergarten to year one, to promote mathematical understandings through creative play with open-ended materials (arranging).
Sue Southey is Co-Director at Springwood Community Kindergarten. She is a sessional tutor at Griffith University, and QUT and is currently completing her Masters in Early Years. Sue is Vice-President of the Early Childhood Teachers’ Association
Will Jones: C&K Early Childhood Advisor – Curriculum;
“Those Difficult Conversations”(QCT Professional Standards 6,7,8,9,10)
Whether it is those difficult conversations with our colleagues, or the families of the children we teach, or maybe even those we wish we could have with our Principal…. They each have one major factor in common….How we use a strength based spirit and intent of what we say; how we say it and how we negotiate the outcomes we may desire.
Will P.A. Jones has been C&K’s Early Childhood Curriculum Advisor for the Cape Gulf and FNQ for the past 11 years. The majority of her Early Childhood services are Aboriginal Torres Strait Island Kindergartens. Will has over 30 years experience in Early Childhood Teaching as well as teaching Preschool to Year 7 with Education Queensland, and 9 years with Johnstone TAFE. She is passionate about inclusive education and behaviour guidance rather than behaviour management.
Lillian Miller and Antoinette Cole: Indigenous Education, Catholic Education Services
“Learning is a journey – Let’s start early” (QCT Professional Standards 1,2,3,4,5,10)
This workshop will provide opportunities for Early Childhood Educators to engage with activities to enhance mathematical understanding and development; and will explore useful resources to engage your student in mathematical processes that are fun and enjoyable.
Lillian Miller and Antoinette Coleboth currently work for Catholic Education Services – Indigenous Education. Lillian has taught for 25 years within State and Independent schools in Queensland and New South Wales. Lillian works for Catholic Education Services in Cairns where she has been a member of the Student Services Team for the past 5 years, and has worked as School and Community Officer, Project Officer and Education Officer – Indigenous Education. Antoinette is an experienced and talented teacher, and is currently Senior Education Officer – Indigenous Education in the Diocese of Cairns. She travels extensively throughout the Diocese and has a thorough knowledge of programs being implemented in Catholic schools from Tully to Thursday Island. She is a valuable mentor, and supports staff to promote effective teaching strategies, and has an aspirational approach to education for Indigenous students.
David O’Loughlin and Len Specht: Horticulture and Permaculture in Cairns
“Gardening with Children” – Growing food in a small or larger area and eating it!
(Repeated Gardening workshop) See previous 2 pages for details.
Sue Southey: Early Childhood Music Consultant
“Rhythms of the Rainforest: Music and EYLF / Kindergarten Learning Guideline”
(QCT Professional Standards 1,2,3,5,10)
Music supports all areas of an early years curriculum. Enjoy new musical experiences using a variety of fun and easily accessible resources. Develop an understanding of how music supports learning and fits within the context of current curricula; the Early Years Learning Framework and Kindergarten Learning Guideline. Supporting CD available for purchase.
Sue Southey is Co-Director at Springwood Community Kindergarten. She is a sessionaltutor at Griffith University, and QUT and is currently completing her Masters in Early Years. Sue is Vice-President of the Early Childhood Teachers’ Association
Trevor Fourmile:Aboriginal Author and Storyteller; Cultural Practice Coordinator Ipswich
“Traditional Storytelling” (QCT Professional Standards 1,2,3,4,6,8,10)
This workshop will cover the importance of how to engage and educate our younger generation with a tool that has been passed down for thousands of years. Traditional storytelling shared amongst the Yidinji People helped us sustain our wealth of knowledge, and provided us our governance and our lore. I will not only share my experience, but give you the tools to engage with the Indigenous People.
Trevor, whose Yidinji name is Bumi (lightning flash) is a Cultural Practice Coordinator in Ipswich. He is interested in teaching the younger generation his culture through traditional dancing, storytelling and writing children’s books ( including “How the Cassowary got his Helmet” and “Bajirriga the Turtle: How the Boy turned into a Turtle”). His story was winner at the inaugural Black Ink Writing and Illustrating Awards. It is a story written by Trevor as he remembered the stories told by his Grandparents, and he also thanks his Father for passing on the traditions and his Mother for her artwork.
Jane Brentnall: Developmental Guidance Officer, Education Queensland
“Anxiety and Children”
In my role as a Developmental Guidance Officer, I am often asked to work with anxious children. This presentation will include some background literature and some ideas of how to support children. The second part will be an introduction to Management of Young Children Program (MYCP), a practical behaviours programme for parents and their children.
Jane Brentnall started work as a primary teacher in Victoria. Her next journey was in the area of blindness and visual impairment – working with all ages in the area of mobility, and also as an advisory teacher. Jane has worked as a Developmental Guidance Officer since the mid 90’s – both in Cairns schoolsand in indigenous communities.
Carleen De Jong and Neree Murphy: Early Childhood Teachers, Freshwater State School
“Science Sizzles” - Thinking, reasoning and working scientifically in your early childhood setting. (QCT Professional Standards 1,2,3,5,10)
Science sizzles when children are thinking, reasoning and working scientifically. Children’s scientific knowledge is developed so they have the skills to inquire, question and hypothesise when working scientifically. In this “hands on” workshop, we will endeavour to give you lots of ideas to make science a fun learning experience for all, across different learning contexts.
Carleen De Jong and Neree Murphywork together as Prep Teachers at the Freshwater State School, and both trained in the “Butterfly Wings” program which they established and ran at Freshwater, starting in 2011. Carleen has over 40 years teaching experience in the Early Years sector – Day Care, Kindy, Preschool, Prep and Primary. She also has experience and involvement in running parenting programs, playgroups and serving on a variety of committees in relation to Early Childhood Education. Neree has nearly 30 years experience in the Early Childhood sector. She has spent two years as Preschool Advisor and has been involved in various Early Childhood network groups. Neree is passionate about retaining child centredness in Early Years.
Sandra Bulger: Early Childhood Teacher, Mourilyan Community Kindergarten
“Finding the Calm Within” (QCT Professional Standards 6,7,8,9,10)
There are never enough moments in the day, and sometimes we can forget to allow ourselves quality times to go within and nurture our inner strengths. It is often in these quiet moments that we can gain clarity of our thoughts, helping us to see positive further actions from which we might benefit. If we are too busy to give ourselves this gift of time, compassion and personal kindness, we may not see opportunities or beneficial pathways as they arise in life. Calm reflection, gentle nurturing of our spirits and compassion for ourselves and others are all beneficial ways to find the strengths within. This presentation will give each participant easy life skills and methods to achieve calmness of mind through breathing and relaxation exercises.
Sandra Bulger has travelled widely throughout the world searching for opportunities to find the peace within. She has lived in many retreat type environments including Buddhist monasteries. Sandra has tried to incorporate what she has learned into her everyday life when challenging or stressful situations arise. Sandra is the mother of four boys and she has always worked within an early childhood setting. Her current studies and writing focus strongly on personal strengths, courage and the individual ways we adapt to change and challenge in our lives.
Kylie Giordimaina: Speech-language Pathologist
“Speech, Oral Language & Phonological Awareness”
(QCT Professional Standards 2,6,7,8,9,10)
The aim of the presentation is to provide participants with information regarding speech, oral language and phonological awareness development in preschool and early primary children. Practical strategies and activities will be discussed to support these areas of development within the kindergarten and early primary school environments.
Kylie Giordimaina has worked as a Speech-Language Pathologist for the past 16 years. She spent the first 8 years of her career working for Catholic Education in Melbourne and last 8 years working for Education Queensland, now in the Acting position of Senior Advisor Speech-Language Therapy. She has also worked part-time in her Private Practice. Kylie has specialised in the areas of speech, oral language, phonological awareness and literacy.
Barb Powell: Occupational Therapist
“The Sensory Diet” - How we can help our little marathon runners make it across the finishing line!
(QCT Professional Standards 6,7,8,9,10)
This workshop aims to give greater insight and understanding into how our sensory environment affects a child’s ability to learn, develop and behave. We will discuss neurological theories behind sensory integration, assessment of children’s sensory needs, and finally identify some useful sensory diet strategies you can use with your students.
Barbara Powell is an Occupational Therapist with 20 years experience working with children. She has worked for many years with Education Queensland, and has also spent time working in a community setting in London with school aged children. She now has a small private practice in Cairns and is busy with three children of her own.
PANEL and STORY : 4.30pm – 5.30pm
“Getting the Right Balance”
(QCT Professional Standards 6,7,8,9,10)
There will be a cross section of the community (including educators, administrators, therapists,professionals and families)on the Panel to answer your questions about “Getting the Right Balance.”If you have any questions that you would like to submit in advance, please email them to with the subject title “Panel Questions.” On the day of the Conference, there will be a “posting board” in the Trinity Room where you can write your questions during the day.
We will close with a story,“The Faraway Tree” read to us by the Author, Anna Boucaut. There will be limited copies of the story available for purchase (cash only) at the conference.
ECTA Inc. - the Early Childhood Teachers Association Queensland
ECTA Inc., the Early Childhood Teachers Association comprises Queensland registered teachers and others interested in the work of early childhood professionals committed to promoting early childhood education philosophy and the ongoing development of quality care and education for young children.
ECTA designs and implements programs that enhance the professional growth of early childhood professionals working in Queensland.
ECTA was created and is administered by members who teach in schools, kindergartens and childcare centres or are professionals working in the health, education and well-being of children under eight years of age.
ECTA programs are designed to enhance the professional growth of members and others working in services for children under eight years of age.
ECTA encourages the establishment of regional groups throughout the state to enhance networking among early childhood professionals.
ECTA encourages individuals and groups to identify and share with others what they are learning about good practices emerging within their work environment.
ECTA Cairns Regional Group would like to thank our sponsors and suppliers who have donated or supported the Conference:
  • ECTA
  • C&K
  • Harleys Educational
  • Black Ink Press
  • Remote Electrics