Template 6
Waiver of Car Parking
Planning Report Template

1. Subject Site and Surrounding Locality

1.1 Subject Site

o  Subject site shape, size, orientation and any easements

o  Location of all on-site buildings with setbacks from property boundaries

o  Use of all components of any on-site buildings

o  Location and number of all on-site car parking

o  Traffic and access arrangements

o  Loading and unloading facilities (if applicable)

o  Street frontage features (i.e. crossover, poles, street trees)

o  Any other relevant characteristics of the subject site

1.2 Surrounding Locality

o  Use of all adjoining and surrounding buildings and/or properties

o  Adjoining and surrounding roads and laneways

o  Public car parks and other street parking available within the surrounding locale

o  Public Transport Facilities within the surrounding locale

o  Street frontage features (i.e. crossovers, poles, street trees)

o  Streetscape features typical of the locality

o  Any other relevant characteristics of the surrounding locality

2. The Proposal

o  Use/function and types of activities of all components of the proposal

o  Number of Staff and allocation of staff

o  Number of expected Patrons (if applicable)

o  Number of Tables and Chairs (if applicable)

o  Days and Hours of operation

o  Car parking deficiency or surplus (credit) associated with the existing use

o  Public, street or other parking that will be relied upon

o  Any other relevant characteristics of the proposal

3. Background to the Current Proposal

o  Highlight any outcomes or recommendations from any Pre Application Meetings or discussions with Council prior to lodging the application (if applicable)

o  Outline discussions and/or meetings with any external Referral Authorities (i.e. VicRoads) and any outcomes (if applicable)

4. Planning Controls

4.1  Zoning Controls

o  Zoning of the subject site

o  Purposes/Objectives of the Zone

4.2 Overlay Controls

o  Any Overlay Controls that may affect or cover the subject site

o  Purposes/Objectives of the Overlay Control(s)

4.3 State Planning Policy Framework (SPPF) Controls

o  List all relevant State Planning Policy Framework Controls

o  Adopted State Policies and Strategies (eg. Melbourne 2030)

4.4 Local Planning Policy Framework (LPPF) Controls

o  List all relevant Local Planning Policy Framework Controls

o  May include Local Car parking, Access and/or Loading and Unloading Policies and/or Codes that apply to specific areas within the municipality

4.5 Particular Provisions

o  List any Particular Provisions Clauses

o  Particular reference to Clause 52.06 Car Parking

5. Planning Considerations

5.1 Compliance with Planning Controls

o  Highlight areas of consistency with the relevant Planning Controls listed above.

o  Address areas of inconsistency and highlight the impacts.

§  Zoning Purposes and Objectives

§  Overlay Purposes and Objectives

§  SPPF Control Purposes and Objectives

§  LPPF Control Purposes and Objectives

§  Particular Provisions Clause 52.06 Car Parking

5.2 Compliance with Local Planning Car Parking, Access and/or Loading and Unloading Policies and/or Codes

o  Highlight all areas of consistency and non-consistency with any relevant Local Planning Car Parking, Access and/or Loading and Unloading Policies and/or Codes

o  Acknowledge they may include Local Car Parking, Access and/or Loading and Unloading Policies and/or Codes that apply to specific area within the municipality

5.3 Proposed Car Parking Waiver is Appropriate and Acceptable

o  Reference to any relevant Parking Precinct Plan prepared by the Local Council

o  Describe how the proposed car parking waiver is appropriate and suitable for the subject property and proposed land use

o  Describe the availability of car parking in the surrounding area and street networks

o  If appropriate, describe proposed shared use of parking spaces by multiple users

o  If appropriate, provide an empirical assessment of car parking demand (if applicable)

o  Highlight all public transport options and accessibility in the surrounding locality

o  Describe and highlight impact of the proposed car parking waiver upon the surrounding locale and street network

6. Conclusion

o  Summarise the proposed car parking waiver

o  Address areas of potential impact

o  Highlight why the proposed car parking waiver is appropriate for the subject site and surrounding locality