Meeting Title: Kincorth Learning Partnership Meeting Date:18th of February 2015

Participants, Heather Gordon (Kincorth Community Centre, Gillian Maclean( DA), Linda Buchanan (ACC), Chris Smilie (ACC/ALL), Craig Singer (ACC/YW), Gillian Grant (NHSG), Shamini Omnes (NHSG), Graeme Hopkins +2 ( Fire Scotland) -8

MinuteNotes: Linda Buchanan Chair-Anne-Marie Steehouder (ACC /CBO)

Apologies: Gillian Maclean (DA),Brian Allan (Altens Community Centre),Linda Asher (NHS),Ellie Hepburn (Youth Work Team), Susanne Henderson ( Kincorth Academy)

1 / Chair and minute taker
Apologies and introductions / The group were asked to give an brief update on priority areas of work or particular issues in their areas of work relevant to the partnership / Anne-Marie chaired and took note of the meeting along with Linda.
Apologies were noted.
AMS – focus has been on the school consolation in the area.
LB – Focus has been on HMI inspections and areas being preparing to be inspection ready.
CS – brief info on the total learning offer in the area and youth work provision.
CS – Highlighted ICT and Literacy work going on in the area.
HG -Involvement in the Kincorth CC management committee and development of Internet Café.
GG –Practice has highlighted gap in baby and parent provision has led to development of local group to begin shortly.
SO – described post as PHC working with South GP Clusters in local neighbourhoods.
GH-Explained his role in community fire safety and availability of free home safety visits for all but targeting vulnerable groups. Can also do talks with community groups in Torry and Kincorth areas.
His service can also provide detectors for hard of hearing tenants.
Graeme was happy for individuals to contact him to find out more about the above.

2 / Previous minute and matters arising / Matters arising. / Proposed and agreed by the group.
No matters arising.
3 / Key Topic Discussion- / Self-Evaluation and moving forward / Please see Action plan for 2015 which has been written up from discussion from this meeting and as a follow on from January meeting. / To be agreed by all Partners / April 2015-2016
Learning Partnership Funding / Proposed Project Funding initiatives discussed /
  1. Digital Project – Kincorth Community Centre Internet Café + Support.
IT equipment and set up costs partly funded to help in setting up of local internet facility with access to support and particular programmes to help individuals learn, gain employment, use social media, access online support etc.
£2000 – Agreed
  1. Parent and Baby Group
Gillian the local health visitor had been in touch with myself requesting if there may be any funding available to start up a local Parent and baby group at the community centre, possibly going to include some ‘Peeps’ programme.
£1000 – Agreed
  1. Youth Steering Group and Activities fund
Funds to support the development of a local youth steering group and local Youth led activities and initiatives in the area.
£1000 - Agreed
  1. Loirston Outdoor Garden area
Funds to help develop an environmentally friendly outdoor play and learning garden area for children using the centre. Led by CBO and local volunteers.
£500 – Agreed
  1. Family Learning courses – Kincorth, Cove and Altens Areas. CBO and partners will do some research to find out what type of family learning provision is most needed in the area. Possibly co-deliver courses and also encourage local parents and volunteers to undertake Family Learning training for trainers when offered.
Creche to be provided alongside courses on offer.
£1400- Agreed
Total allocated – £5900 / AMS – KMC/Pathways
AMS/Youth work team/community Centres
AMS/Local Centres/Family learning team.
4 / AOCB / Structure of Themed meetings 2015
April – Community Support and Volunteering
June – Adults and Families
August – Health and Wellbeing
October – Young People
December – Learning Partnership Self Evaluation
5 / Date, time and place of next meeting / Wednesday 14th of April 9.30am
Venue TBA / .