Miller, Foundations of Psychological Testing 5e Instructor Resource

Chapter 14 Exercises

Exercise 1

A.  Choose one paper-and-pencil test and one projective test from Chapter 14. Research the two tests by looking in Test Spotlights, going to Mental Measurements Yearbook and accessing the publisher’s website online. Then answer the following questions.
1. When was each test developed?
2. What is the purpose of each test?
3. What does the web site say about the reliability and validity of each test’s scores? If you find reliability or validity coefficients cite them or their range.
4. What credentials are needed to buy the test?
5. Is there evidence that the test does not discriminate against minorities? If so, describe the evidence.

B.  Compare the answer you found for the paper-and-pencil test with the answers for the projective test and describe the difference in the characteristics of each test.

Exercise 2

A.  As you know, Wikipedia is an on-line encyclopedia that anyone can add to or edit. Now that you are becoming an expert on testing, go to Wikipedia and look up the following:

1.  Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2

2.  Rorschach Inkblot Test

3.  Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST)

4.  Any other tests from Chapter 14 in which you are interested.

B.  Compare the information in Wikipedia with the information you have learned in this textbook, and answer these questions.

1.  Is the information in Wikipedia accurate? Give examples.

2.  Did you find any information missing? If so, what could you add?

3.  Did you find any errors in the information in Wikipedia? If so, what is erroneous and what is the correct information?

Exercise 3

1.  Identify three personality tests often used by clinicians for diagnoses and intervention.

2.  Access the websites referenced in your text or other credible websites to learn more about each test.

3.  Write a two paragraph paper on the similarities and differences between the tests and why clinicians might use each.