05.01: World War Again

The Big Ideas
How did the end of WWI, including the Treaty of Versailles, affect Germany?
How did the Munich pact affect Germany? Why was the agreement made?
How were the three Neutrality Acts different from each other? What did each allow? What were their goals?
What events helped move Americans from isolationism to support for the war?
What are the differences between the cash-and-carry and lend-lease programs?
The Nye Committee – (What were its goals and results?)
President Roosevelt – (How did he move the country towards war?)
Benito Mussolini – (What kind of leader was he?) / Events (Describe the event, its causes and effects)
Hitler comes to power in Germany
Japan invades Manchuria
Germany invades Poland
Vocabulary (fill in effects from the lesson where possible or put the definition in your own words)
Appeasement – policy of granting some of a dictator's demands to prevent further demands and ensure peace
Cash and Carry – system under which warring nations could purchase arms and other war goods from the United States only with cash and only by taking them away on their ships
Dictator – absolute ruler
Fascism – system of government dominated by a strong leader and a military state
Isolationism – a policy of remaining apart from the affairs of other nations
Lend-Lease – system under which the United States could provide aid to any country it deemed necessary in return for payments on credit or in kind, or because of the importance of U.S. national interests
Militarism – the policy of making military interest very strong; a political situation in which the military interest dominates government policy
Nationalism – devotion to the interests of one's own nation; desire and plans for national independence
Totalitarianism – system of government dominated by absolute control by the state over its citizens