House Athletic Sports

Congratulations to all of our students who attended the school athletic sports at Llanberris on Thursday 3rd March. All participants did their best and supported others in their house. Congratulations to Green House who won.

Thank you to the SEDA students for their assistance on the day.

Could any students who took home their house and age group tag please return this tag to their classroom teacher.

Students who have been chosen to represent our school in the District Athletics Championships will have a note sent home with them today. Could these notes please be signed and returned to the school office by this Friday.


Can all students who are using a Caledonian athletics top as part of their futsal uniform please ensure these are returned to either Danielle, Bec or Mick at the conclusion of their game on Saturday. These are required for Athletics on Tuesday 22nd March.

Prep Futsal

Any children interested in being part of the Prep Futsal team please let your teacher know. The games will commence in term 2 and be held every Saturday morning. We will be doing some basic skill coaching during the week. The kids don’t need to be skilled, they just need to want to have fun!!

Australian Pedal Prix – Mt Gambier

Expressions of interest are invited from students who would like to pedal in the Mt Gambier event. This 8 hour race will take place on April 1st/2nd. The cost for this event will depend on the number of students riding (entry fee is $350). Please advise Ben Harris by Friday 18th March if you would like to race at this event.

Before & After School Care 2016

Before School Care will operate from 7:30am – 8:45am. every school day.

After school care will run from 3:25 – 6:00pm. in the multi-purpose room at the front of the school. Students must have a Before & After School Care Enrolment form filled in before they can attend. Forms are available from After School Care or from the school office.

Late Pick Up Fee - Please be aware that there is a $1 per minute/per child charge for late collection, after 6pm. For bookings or enquiries contact Kylie on 0431579678


AFL Auskick will be held at Russell Square, Scotts Parade on Fridays from 5:00 – 6:00pm

Starting date: 15/04/16

Finish Date: 24/06/16

Register your child online at

Brown Hill Uniting Church

Mini Fair and Car Boot Sale

19th March from 9am – 12 noon

On the corner of Thompson & Humffray Sts

For site bookings please phone Barb on 0409 812470 Only $15 per site. No sites available on the day.

Proceeds will support the Brown Hill Swimming Pool Learn to Swim Program


Community Connect is an opportunity for family members and friends of present and past students to form a relationship with the school and to contribute to the school community. The team meet on every fortnight on a Monday before assembly for approximately 30 minutes.

Our committee for2016 has its Annual General Meeting on the 21st March at 2pm. We would like to get our team formed so that we can start working on some projects such as our fundraising activities, special lunch days, interior design and social events.

Our Mission Statement:

Community Connect recognises the importance of community involvement and support within the school environment to achieve a partnership with the school that can be built upon and sustained so that we can give the students an enriched learning environment.


·  Promote friendship and support within the Caledonian community through social activities.

·  Help raise funds to support school programs, social events and renew equipment.

·  Liaise with the School Council and identify areas in need of funding that may not be covered within the budgetry limits of the school.

·  Set priorities for funding objectives.

·  Give support to our teaching and administration staff wherever possible.

Committee members 2015-16

President: Sherridan Crawford 0424037705

Vice President: Mel Tolliday

Committee members: Kirsty Russell, Sarah Watts, Kate Robinson, Cindy Trigg, Erin Andrews, Janine Harris, Kate Hodge, Alida Trafford, Emma Carter, Andrea Perrin, Kelly Spooner.

School Council Representatives: Emma Carter and Sarah Watts

Upcoming Events:

AGM – 21st March, please sign in and meet at the front office.

Hot Cross Bun Morning Tea – 21st March – volunteers required.

Easter Raffle drawn 24th March – volunteers required to wrap prizes.



Drum Lessons

John Wood is available to teach drum lessons at Caledonian PS within school hours on a Friday. One-on-one lessons or group lessons are available (maximum 2 students per group). Students do not need a drum kit to get started. If you would like your child to participate in these lessons, or would like more information on cost, session times, etc. please contact John on 0427185736.