• Signed Copy ofEnhanced Form R

The enhanced Form R, along with guidance on how to complete it, can be found via the following Synapse link–

Part A:

Please check and amend any incorrect information in the amendments section. You are asked to check the following information: personal details including address (work and personal), medical school, immigration status, provisional CCT date and date of expected revalidation (only applicable if known).

Part B:

Guidance on completing your enhanced form R can be found on the LPMDE website . In particular, please ensure you complete the ‘Time out of training: Trainee self-reported absence since last ARCP/RITA as mandated by the GMC’ box located on page 4 of the enhanced Form R. If you have had no days off, please put ‘0’.

NB Any strike days in which you participated should be included in your TOOT days.

Both forms must be SIGNED and uploaded on your eportfolio by the deadline below. Form Rs will no longer be received by email.

Please note that, once generated, the enhanced Form R must be printed and HAND SIGNED before uploading on eportfolio.

To Submit on e-portfolio:

  • ARCP Exams & Courses Pro-Forma

This form can be found on the London School of Paediatrics website via the link at the end of this document, and should be filled out with all details requested. Please scan and upload into your personal library on Kaizen in a folder clearly marked: ARCP Winter 2018

  • ARCP Post Pro Forma (formerly CCT Grid)

All trainees need to complete this form. This form can be found onLondon School of Paediatric website via the link at the end of this document.It should be completed with details of all your posts since joining run-through training to include your most recent post/placement. This will ensure that you are being assessed for the correct level and proportion of training and also allow for the best possible estimate of your CCT date. Please scan and upload into your personal library on Kaizen in a folder clearly marked: ARCP Winter 2018

  • Educational/Clinical Supervisor’sTrainer Reports

You must submit an Educational Supervisor Trainer’s Report for every clinical post that you have undertaken since your last ARCP. If you have remained in the same Trust, with the same Supervisor, undertaking the same speciality for the full 12 months, you only need to submit one Educational Supervisor Trainer’s Report. If this is the case, the report must specify that it is covering the whole year (i.e. March 2017- March 2018).

If your Educational Supervisor also worked with you clinically, they should complete the Clinical Supervisor section toward the end of the Educational Supervisor’s Trainer Report. If your Educational Supervisor does not fill this in, you must obtain a separate Clinical Supervisor’s Trainer Report.

  • At least the minimum number of Supervised Learning Events (SLEs)

The required number of SLEs (mini CEX, CbD, DOPS, DOCs,) required at each stage of training is detailed on the RCPCH website

You need to do at least one Safeguarding CBD per training year (pro rata for LTFT trainees). This is an absolute requirement.

Please note that from August 2016, the minimum requirements for SLEs have changed. For most types of assessment, there is no longer a minimum number required. The focus has now shifted to one of quality rather than quantity and assessments will be scrutinised by the panel to ensure that they are being used regularly and appropriately as a developmental tool. It is recommended that trainees at all levels do at least one or two SLEs each month.

All SLEs for the assessment periodmust be completed by the deadline belowahead of the ARCP panel sitting which will commence that week to enable the panel to sign you off for the full year (March 2017 – March 2018) prior to progression.

SLEs will be viewed by the panel on eportfolio and no hard copies are required.

Please note that only SLEs showing as completed (highlighted in green) on Kaizen can be considered by the panel. Be aware that some assessments require a final note/sign off from the trainee before they show as completed.

  • ePaedMSF

This should be completed annually and will be viewed by the panel on eportfolio. There are no longer MSF ‘windows’ and trainees can open and close their own MSF on Kaizen at any point in the training year.

Trainees can open an MSF the same way as they open another Assessment. If they go to new event and select MSF then they will need to complete their self-assessment and then invite others to fill in their feedback.

Submission of Documents

On Eportfolio:

Documents uploaded to Kaizen for consideration by the ARCP panel should be placed in the documents section of your personal library in a folder titled ARCP Winter 2018. Please be sure to mark them as shared (not private)

All documentation should be submitted by

5pm on Tuesday 23rd of January 2018

Failure tohave everything completed and ready for review, will automatically lead to an ARCP Outcome 5. For those of you who are unaware, failure to submit documentation after an ARCP outcome 5 automatically leads to anInPerson ARCP and the very real chance of an ARCP Outcome 2.

Please report all problems with Synapse to:

If you have any problems with eportfolio please contact the college for advice on the following email address:

All ARCP documentation and more detailed guidance can be found on London School of Paediatrics website.