NCCL Santa Fe Province Minutes

October 2013

Members Present: Mary Helen Llanez, David McNamara, Deacon Keith Davis, Shirley Zuni, Maria Cruz-Cordoba, Elizabeth Crespin, Mike Berger via skype, CarmenPortela via skype

Members Not in Attendance: Ryan Hanning,

Pre-Session – Wednesday, October 9th - Evening

Maria Cruz-Cordoba welcomed those in attendance. Shirley Zuni led opening prayer. Brief introductions were made and dinner was held at High Noon where Michelle Montez joined the group. Main discussion was the Diocese of Las Cruces’ long-distance learning program and how they are serving the needs of the immigrants despite the challenge of Border Patrol Inspection stations that border the city of Las Cruces and outside areas.

Morning Session – Thursday, October 10th

Meeting was delayed one hour due to time difference with Arizona. Maria welcomed members and led morning prayer.

NCCL Catechetical Award/Distinguished Service Award

In discussions were nominees for the NCCL Catechetical Award and the Distinguished Service Award for 2014.

1.  The nominees for the NCCL Catechetical Award are: Franciscan Communications, Word on Fire, Bishop Ricardo Ramirez and Loyola Press.

2.  The nominees for the Distinguished Service Award are: Frances Vogel-Montano, Leota Roesch and Sr. Lois Paha.

Individual Diocesan Director Survey

Discussed were responses to the Individual Diocesan Director Survey. As a province, we agreed that:

1.  Training PCL, developing families intergenerational and the need for bilingual training materials were our greatest challenges/needs in catechetical ministry.

2.  We saw our top projects/initiatives goals for the year ahead to be: Strong Catholic Families, updating materials for training, reaching out to PCLs at each vicariate/deanery and online outreach.

3.  We also agreed that NCCL should continue its best practices and to continue updating resources.

4.  As for listing participants for diocesan membership, each is reviewing the list provided and will update.

Province Feedback on Year of Faith and the New Evangelization

Discussion on the impact of the Year of Faith. They are:

1  Greater awakening via faith witness and roots.

2  Remembering and reconnecting to Vatican II

3  Events bringing people back

4  Cannot determine results; too soon to tell

Discussion on the increase in sacramental practice. They are:

1  there is an increase of confessions in Phoenix

2  priests have added more confession times.

3  Appreciate “Confession is beautiful” website.

Discussion on what’s next on the horizon after Year of Faith. They are:

1  more time is needed to let it sink in with the people

2  changes need to be made in how programs are presented.

3  More needs to be done in engaging families

4  promoting a pilgrimage of a travelling statue at their mission churches in continuing their year of faith.

Discussion on trends in catechetical ministry or books/articles being read that have us thinking. They are:

1  Rebuilt by Michael White and Tom Corcoran

2  Forming Intentional Disciples by Sherry Weddell

3  The Parish guide to social media by Clarissa Valbuena Aljentera

4  My Sisters the Saints: A Spiritual MemoirHardcover byColleen Carroll


Discussion on the pressing needs in our areas. They are:

1  good programs for PCLs such as the Effective DRE series to be updated and translated in Spanish

2  there needs to be bilingual formation resources in books or online;

3  more online formation

4  a concise list of resources that work.

Financial Report: Maria presented the financial report. The sources of income come from the participation of assessment fees, however, this year Diocese of Gallup is not able to contribute due to their filing of bankruptcy.

1.  Maria discussed Leland Nagel’s suggestion of increasing memberships within our diocese and $10.00 would be contributed to the Province or looking at another line item to supplement the Diocese of Gallup.

2.  Everyone agreed that they would look at other line items and donate on behalf of the Diocese of Gallup.

3.  Maria donated $700 scholarship money to the fund that she was awarded to attend NCCL in Cleveland, Ohio. Since the monies were from last year’s fiscal budget the monies were deposited in this account to offset any additional expenses that may incur for her to travel as Rep council.

4.  There will be an increase of $50-$75 for next year’s assessment fee 2014-2015. This year will remain unchanged.

Dates for Fall 2013 Santa Fe Province

The date decided was October 7th and 8th, 2014. Diocese of Tucson will be hosting.

The meeting was adjourned at Noon. Lunch followed for those present.