06 May 2007


President (Jul 03-Jun 07) Pat McAdoo ‘70

President Elect (Jul 07-Jun 11)Rebecca Hooper, ‘75

Vice President (Jul 05-Jun 09) Vicki Belcher ‘86

Membership Secretary Elect (Jul 07-Jun 11) Dee Dee Swiecki ‘01

Corresponding Secretary (Jul 03-Jun 07)Christy Gantt ‘96


Membership Secretary (Jul 03-Jun 07)Jane Freund‘82

Treasurer (Jul 05-Jun 09) Lynne Lowe ‘93

Ex-Officio Directors: COL Josef Moore, Program Director; Respective PT Directors USA/USAF/USN/USPHS


Nominating Committee:Jean Bryan Coe ’74

Social Committee: Ted Gutierrez ’75


Awards Committee: Doug Christie, Honorary Member

CMJADLS CommitteeLynne Lowe ‘93

Archivist/Historian: Jane Morrical ‘78

Publications Committee: Kathy Morris, c/o Lynne Lowe ‘92

By-Laws Committee: Unappointed


The 23rd Annual Meeting of the Executive Board of the ALUMNI ASSOCIATION US ARMY ENTRY LEVEL PROGRAMS FOR THE PHYSICAL THERAPIST, INC. was called to order by President Pat McAdoo, 06 May 07, at approximately 0730 hrs,in the main conference room of the Center for the Intrepid.


President McAdoo welcomed the members of the Executive Board and Committee Chairpersons that were present. A brief review of the proposed agenda was completed; accepted as written, and meeting was continued. Officers’ name and address roster was updated and verified. Corrected officers’ roster is provided in Attachment 1.


1. COL(R) Rebecca Hooper was presented, during the Saturday luncheon with Baylor students, as the new Alumni Association President Elect. She then extended an invitation to attend a personally-guided tour of the Center for the Intrepid later in the day, after the completion of the CEU.

2. Dr. WesMcWhorter was presented the Outstanding Alumni Award for 2007. Dr, McWhorter took an opportunity to briefly thank all those present in the room, acknowledge his spouse for her support, and lauded those that have served and continue to serve within the SP and the military.


Presented that the 2006 BOD Meeting Minutes were reviewed and approved in July via email.


President’s Report

Pat McAdoo presented the President’s Report. Commented on the passing of several alumni association members as well as one Baylor DPT student over the past year. Briefly presented the response of the Alumni Association to the death of the student, in terms of memorial and support.

Discussed local representation of Association. Motion made by Vicki Belcher to designate Howard May to be the Corporate Representative, to include access to the Association safety deposit box. Seconded by Christy Gantt and unanimously passed by all.

Stated that communication with Baylor DPT Director has been less than satisfactory. Will need to readdress and try to strengthen the communication link with the Baylor DPT program. Also need to try to readdress the CMJADLS, in terms of providing an inservice to returning alumni as well as an educational experience for current students, in coordination with a luncheon to allow alumni and students to interact and visit. Faculty usually decides who they want to invite as a speaker during a fall retreat, but communication regarding speakers and presentations has not proceeded as desired and speakers are now being scheduled independently of the Alumni Association. As initiated by Pat McAdoo, Rebecca Hooper indicated that she will focus on improving communication and decision-making process regarding CMJADLS and alumni-student interactions between the Alumni Association and the Baylor DPT Program and faculty over the immediate future and next year. Also, for consideration, is the APTA location in San Antonio next year, as well as the CSM in Nashville, TN, both of which may lend themselves to an Alumni meeting/CEU, interaction with current students, or a combination of both.

Vice President’s Report

Vicki Belcher presented a brief Vice President’s report. Engraved medallions are pending, and casting plates were found to actually be located locally so that coins could be made much easier. POC is Pete Smith, local manufacturer, contact 210-404-1726. Also, plan is to have more alumni association pins manufactured, with actual provider source still to be identified. The supply of engraved watches for VMSA is sufficient at this point and not of issue.

Treasurer’s Report

Jeannie BryanCoe presented copies of the financial report of the organization for calendar year 2006, as provided by Lynne Lowe who could not attend the meeting. The budget was balanced, with a significant cash balance forward. The cash balance forward was a continuation from last year, in which there was an influx of dues funds. Discussion followed regarding some service options that might be pursued, using a portion of the cash balance. These include:

1.Will consider continued fund assistance for student participation in the National Student Conclave on an ongoing


2. Development of web page for Alumni Association, independent of the Baylor DPT site.

Board agreed to an tentative acceptance of financial report for 2006, pending correction and completion by Lynne Lowe once she has time to review the discussion as presented from the group present at the meeting.

Motion to accept the amended proposed budget was made by Vicki Belcher and seconded by Christy Gantt. The motion then carried unanimously. The treasurer’s report, which includes both the 2006 financial report and the proposed budget for 2008, as reviewed and amended, is provided at Attachment 2.

Membership Secretary’s Report

Dee Dee Swiecki, new Membership Secretary for the next term, did not yet have the current membership roster, but will obtain information from Jane Freund at first opportunity. Discussion ensued regarding the recruitment of members in the future, with suggestions of continued contact with current students and residents, an informational tri-fold flyer to be provided with description of benefits, information to be made available via the website, and other recruitment avenues brainstormed by all present. Rough draft of tri-fold brochure design was formulated, with input from all, to include a tear-off membership enrollment form. Suspense is by next CSM in Feb 2008, in Nashville, TN.

Proposed the consideration of moving to a different website for the Alumni Association, completely separate from the Baylor DPT program, so that information and updates can be done independent of DPT program faculty control. Motion forwarded to have Dee Dee Swiecki be the chair of a discovery committee for the establishment of a new website. Vicki Belcher moved that we proceed as just suggested, with Dee Dee Swiecki to take on role; future consideration will be to have a new position of webmaster. Seconded by Christy Gantt, and unanimously approved by board.

Recording Secretary’s Report

Christy Ganttreported that no additional members requested hard copies of future mailings as opposed to electronic copies over the past year. A listing of those individuals for which mailing was returned, no correct address available, as well as names of any deceased members was provided to Dee DeeSwiecki for an update of the consolidated membership list. Proposed to have draft of minutes out to Board members for review within several days.

Representative Director Classes Pre-1949, 1949-1971, 1972-1988, 1989-2004, 2005-present

No representative directors were present at this meeting. Discussion was held as to the need to recruit representatives to help encouragemore involvement on the part of class groups. The board felt that the move to increased electronic communication and an eventual interactive website, with options for inputting individual updates, will help improve participation.

Nominating Committee Report

Nominating committee reported that ballot was filled and selections were made for next term President, Membership Secretary, and Recording Secretary. The next election, with ballot nominations, will be conducted in Spring of 2009, to fill positions that will be vacated in July 2009. For consideration at that time, nominations of anyone willing or suited for opening officer positions can be forwarded to Jeannie Bryan Coe at 210-601-1632 or . Future recruiting of candidates for all positions will include the established considerations that prime candidates live in close proximity to San Antonio so that they can more easily make Association functions, and be retired or with sufficient expendable time to more easily fulfill office obligations.

Awards Committee Report

Dr. Wes McWhorterwas the very deserving recipient of the Outstanding Alumni Award this year. He was contacted and notified of the honor, with indication that he would be at the ceremonies. Attachment3provides a short biography of Dr. McWhorter.

By Laws

By-Laws can be accessed on the Alumni Association web site. If you would like to have a copy, please contact Jean Bryan Coe at jeanbryancoe@mindspring. If you would prefer to have a hard copy, please mail your request to Jean Bryan Coe at 2207 Hwy 35N, STE C-184, Rockport, TX78382, and she will be glad to mail you a copy

Archivist/Historian Report

Jane Morrical was unable to attend this year’s meeting secondary to a current mobilization, but she is continuing in her efforts to preserve alumni association history and will resume increased efforts once she returns home. Items that she has been gathering include oral histories, pictures, past academic records from the PT program, and other assorted records. Will look to recruit other alumni who are interested in assisting with the recording of Association history as well as better define what history and items are to be recorded and maintained.

CMJADLS Committee Report

Due to scheduling issues and student nonavailability, there was not aCMJADLS speaker this year. A CEU course was offered, in whichStephen C. Allison, PhD, MPT presented on Evidence Based Practice for Everyday Practitioners. It was attended by alumni and numerous CIs, and the day included the association alumni luncheon, which was held at the Ft. Sam Houston Club. The activities on this day were concluded with an option tour of the Center for the Intrepid by COL(R) Rebecca Hooper. Feedback on all activities was very positive from participants. Expectation is that CMJADLS will resume next year, in conjunction with annual alumni activities.

Publications Committee Report

Discussion resumed this year, regarding electronic versus regular mailingof the newsletter. It is again to be developed by Kathy Morris and is expected to be full of lots of great information. To be included in the newsletter is information for events and schedules for the next year and updates from the different class years.. Plan is to have it posted and available on the current web site at click on Alumni Association.There will also be word passed through an “alert tree” via Membership Secretary (Jane or Dee Dee) that the newsletter can be accessed via the website. A hard copy will be sent to those who specifically requested such.

Social Committee Report

Ted Gutierrez reported that the Association paid approximately half of the $2016.00cost for the 2007 CSM program alumni party/function at CSM in BostonFeb 14-18, 2007. The other half of this cost was covered by the Federal Section, a partnership that is hoped to continue in future opportunities. Commented by those that were present was that CSM was a huge success, with standing room only and many others joining the group from other sections, Orthopedic and Federal, as well as Baylor DPT program student and faculty. Plan is to continue with comparable functions at CSM in future years, as well as the annual APTA conference. Pending budget for next year is $1000 for the CSM gathering, which is expected to be combined with additional funds to be provided by Federal Section.

The reunion luncheon went very well this year, with all costs covered as well as the provision of lunch for several CIs that were present for the CEU, with a small profit still made. Budget for the CMJADLS and luncheon next year is pending, awaiting final decisions regarding events to be offered and coordination with Baylor DPT program.


1. Extended discussion regarding various options for future social engagements, Alumni Association, CSM and APTA Annual Conferences, etc. Details are provided throughout various sections within these meeting minutes. Proposed target date for CMJADLS and luncheon activities next year is the first weekend in May, with some flexibility, but intent to avoid Easter, Passover, Fiesta, and other universal scheduling concerns.

2. Discussed that the current supply of Medallions for the Outstanding Alumni Award recipients is sufficient for this year.For future orders, POC is Pete Smith, local manufacturer, contact 210-404-1726.

3. Current supplies of watches for VMSA is sufficient and not in question.

4. Designate Howard May to be the Corporate Representative, to include access to Association safety deposit box.

5. Completed and submitted all appropriate documentation for Permission to Operate on Fort Sam Houston. This will continue to be an issue every other year, and Rebecca Nowlin Lange (class of 86), a practicing attorney, has agreed to help as needed with the required liability plan.

6. Due to her continued assistance with Association affairs, Col Eva Eckberg, USAF,was nominated to be an honorary member of the Association, as moved by Christy Gantt and seconded by Vicki Belcher. Motion unanimously passed, and Col Eckberg will be notified by Pat McAdooat first opportunity. In a similar honorary membership action from the past year, Cindy Quirozwas notified and was very pleased to receive such designation in recognition of her continued assistance.

7. Upon completion of her presidency, Pat McAdoo will be joining the Awards Committee.


Schedule for next year’s Executive Board Meeting as well as the CEU/CMJADLS are pending, but will probably be held on the first weekend in May.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 1105.

Respectfully submitted,

Christy Gantt, ‘96

Recording Secretary

Executive Board Meeting Minutes 06 May 2007 Page1


President (2007-2011)
Rebecca Hooper (Class of ' 75)

Vice-President (2005-2009)
Vicki Belcher (Class of ’82)

Membership Secretary (2007-2011)
Dee Dee Swiecki (Class of ’01)

Secretary (2007-2011)
Christy Gantt (Class of ’96)

Treasurer (2005-2009)
Lynne Lowe (Class of ‘93)

Director, US Army-BaylorUniversityDoctoralProgram
AMEDDCenter and School
2250 Stanley Road
Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234-6130

Social Committee
Rosendo "Ted" Gutierrez

Nominating Committee
Jean Bryan Coe

Awards Committee
Doug Christie

Publications Chair
Kathy Morris

Jane Morrical

For more information regarding the Alumni Association, contact Vicki Belcher, , or any of the officers listed above.

Executive Board Meeting Minutes 06 May 2007 Page1






Cash Balances Forwarded$103,226.52

Savings Accounts$19,290.29

OTLF Funds$ 6,171.09

CMJADLS Fund$13,119.20

C.D.'s $15,000.00

C.D. rollover interest (total accumulation)$ 6,259.21

Checking Account $ 1,964.78

Money Market$60,712.24

Income $4,721.52

Dues$ 1,020.00

AMEDDMuseum Voluntary Contributions$ 110.00

Alumni Association Voluntary Contributions$ 479.95

CMJADLS Contributions$ 1,081.50

One-Time-For-Life Memberships$ 540.00

Interest $ 880.16

OTLF savings$ 53.01

CMJADLS savings$ 125.58

CD-OTFL$ 701.57

Money Market$ 609.91

Interest-DLS$ 548.92

Interest-OTFL$ 60.99



President$ 514.40

Vice-president$ 0.00

Membership Secretary$ 0.00

Corresponding Secretary$ 0.00

Treasurer$ 306.00

Social Chairman $1,186.53

Combined Sections Meeting$ 703.88

Continuing Education$ 0.00

Newsletter/Annual Report$ 0.00

CMJADLS Endowment Fund$1,415.01

Program Expenses$1,721.46

P.O. Box Rental Fee$ 36.00

Safety Deposit Box Fee$ 15.00

Awards Committee$ 0.00

VMSA$ 0.00

AMEDD donation$ 0.00

Nominating Committee $ 0.00

Archivist$ 0.00




Savings Accounts$17,588.42

OTLF Funds$ 4,764.10

CMJADLS Fund$12,824.32

C.D.'s $15,000.00

C.D. rollover interest (total accumulation)$ 6,960.78

Checking Account $ 1,178.51

Money Market$61,322.15

Total = $102,049.86


OTFL--One-Time-For-Life Dues Membership

CMJADLS--COL Marilyn J. Anderson Distinguished Lecture Series

C.D.--Certificate of Deposit

VMSA--Virginia Metcalf Service Award


Total donations collected through 31 December 06--$80,521.37

Total expenses through 31 December 06--$27,347.47


Carrie Hoppes ’06, Paul Froehlich ’06, Michael Crowell ’06

NOTE: The totals are off by 10 cents. The bank shows we have 10 cents that I cannot account for. Two hours of combing through numbers did not reveal the source of error, so I am leaving it as is.

Respectfully submitted,

LYNNE M. LOWE, TREASURER (Class of 1993)

Executive Board Meeting Minutes 06 May 2007 Page1


Proposed 05Actual 05Proposed 06Actual 06Proposed 07Proposed 08



President...... $100.00$99.88$100.00$514.40$100.00$100.00

Vice President...... $100.00$0$100.00$0$500.00$100.00

Secretary……..Corresponding...... $400.00$0$400.00$0$200.00$200.00

………Membership...... $150.00$0$150.00$0$100.00$100.00

Treasurer...... $400.00$437.67$400.00$357.00$400.00$400.00

Annual Report...... $700.00$661.21$700.00$183.52$700.00$700.00

Newsletter...... $800.00$0$800.00$0$500.00$500.00

Awards Committee...... $100.00$16.00$100.00$0$100.00$100.00

Social Committee...... $800.00$973.15$800.00$1,186.53$800.00$1,000.00

CSM Gathering……………..------$26.43$500.00$703.88$1,000.00$1,000.00

CE expenses…………………------$90.00$400.00$0$200.00$300.00

Nominating Committee...... $0$299.37$200.00$0$300.00$0

Program Support Expenses...... $500.00$537.48$800.00$714.41$800.00$1,200.00

Student Conclave…………..------$724.40$1,200.00$1,000.00

Archivist...... $100.00$0$100.00$0$100.00$100.00

Contingency Task Force...... $0$0$0$0$0$0

VMSA...... $100.00$191.25$0$0$100.00$0

CMJADLS...... $5,000.00$2,148.81$5,000.00$1,415.01$5,000.00$11,500.00

TOTAL EXPENSES...... $9,250.00$5571.25$10,550.00$5,989.15$12,100.00$18,300.00

Executive Board Meeting Minutes 06 May 2007Page1


DATE: 24 Jan 07

SUBJECT: Nomination of Wes McWhorter for the Army Physical Therapist Alumni Award 07

1. It is my pleasure to nominate Dr. J Wesley McWhorter (class of 1979) for this prestigious outstanding alumni award.

2. In addition to his clinical work, Dr. McWhorter has taught in physical therapy programs for almost twenty years at University of Texas Medical Branch Galveston, Louisiana State University and University of Nevada at Las Vegas, where he became program director in 2005. Feedback from the directors of these physical therapy programs (including Dr. Betty Landen (a former Army-Baylor program director who was the program director at UTMB at Galveston) has been absolutely stellar. One evidence of his teaching acumen and respect from his students was being named Grand Marshall for the commencement ceremony at UTMB Galveston in 1989. He continues to carry an active teaching load as program director and consistently receives highest accolades on evaluations from both his students and his faculty.