Supplemental Exhibit 3.3.a: Overview/Background for PDS Survey Sent to Department Chairs Prior to June 28, 2011 Leadership Group Meeting
To: Leadership Group
From: Tom Proffitt
Re: Background for PDS Survey
Date: 6/21/11
As you know, Jeff K. and I have increased our review and planning efforts for our upcoming accreditation (SPAs underway, all SPAs due Sept 11, Unit Institutional Report and E-exhibits due Sept 2013). As part of that effort,and reflecting changes to the processes re. UNIT accreditation, we must identify one (or more) Standard(s) as our “Target” standard(s), which means that we must demonstrate that our performance demonstrates the “highest” rubric/level of effectiveness.
For our accreditation, we have identified Standard 2: Assessment System as our required “target” standard. Re. our review and planning, we have identified “gaps” in our efforts to meet the “target” standard (as well as all other Standards). Based on feedback from our last accreditation, we know that one area that we must address is Standard 2: Unit Operations. (Pls See NCATE descriptions/ definition below.)
Given the central role of PDS to the College of Education, we instituted an assessment of PDS “Operations.” In collaboration with CPP, a PDS-Standards based survey was developed. (As we know, the joint accreditation visit is a standards-based effort.) In fact, the survey is a “two-fer” for us, given the critical role of PDS in Standards 2 and 3 (Clinical Experience). Also, as indicated in our COE Strategic Plan, faculty members have called for more PDS assessment. This will be another step in that direction. .
The survey was sent to the site-coordinator, mentor teachers, and principal in each school that constitute the selected PDS. As embedded in the MSDE accreditation standards and procedures, the selected PDS are viewed as “representative” of all PDS in the program.
For our Spring 2011 effort, 2 PDS in each of the ECED, ELED, SCED, EESE/SPED, and MAT programs were surveyed. The PDS selected were:
a. Fall-Spring Professional Year PDS. ( For our Fall 11 effort, we will select Spring-Fall Professional Year PDS--if the program has a S-F PDS.)
b. Ongoing and mostly veteran partnerships from multiple school systems (AA, Harford, Howard, Carroll, Baltimore Co., and PG)
The PDS, identified by liaison, were:
a. ECED: J. Guerrero and H. Skelley
b. ELED: F. Berkey, S. Johnson
c. SCED: M. Crimi, D. Jackson
d. SPED/EESE: T. Guidi, D. Tessier
e. MAT: B. Dimasio, C. Powell
Standard 2: Assessment System and Unit Evaluation
The unit has an assessment system that collects and analyzes data on applicant qualifications, candidate and graduate performance, and unitoperations to evaluate and improve the performance of candidates, the unit, and its programs. In the evaluation of unit operations and programs, the unit collects, analyzes, and uses a broad array of information and data from course evaluations and evaluations of clinical practice, faculty, admissions process, advising system, school partnerships, program quality, unit governance, etc.
Standard 3: Field Experiences and Clinical Practice
The unit and its school partners design, implement, and evaluate field experiences and clinical practice so that teacher candidates and other school professionals develop and demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions necessary to help all students learn.
Unit Operations. Activities undertaken by the unit pertaining to governance, planning, budget, personnel, facilities, services and procedures (such as advising and admission), and resources that support the unit's mission in preparing candidates.