Unlocking the chains
London-born Jackie Pullinger--born the same year as me in 1944--became a truly born again believer. She began attending a home Bible class. One evening, she went to her class teacher and said she wanted to spread the Good News of salvation, but didn’t know where Abba wanted her to go. Her teacher was a young man; but out of his spirit he gave her an interesting instruction. He told her to go down to the harbor and book passage on a ship going around the world, and when she felt Him say to get off, she should get off and be led by the Spirit to where she was to go.
Jackie did what he said. It was 1966. Jackie got to Hong Kong and Abba impressed her to get off. He led her to an area of Hong Kong that was so crime-ridden that the police would not go there. Because she had been filled with the Spirit of Yahuwah she had no fear, even though people were being murdered all around her plusthe drug addiction, prostitution, and violence of all types as the norm. She began preaching. Addicts, prostitutes, murderers, gang members and every other kind of sin-sick person came to her for help. She delivered them by the power of the Spirit. Word got around. The sinners respected her and protected her. She established a powerful ministry.
In 1994, I met Jackie.The area had become an open clean area. She had a place built where she could preach, teach, and feed the hungry, called Hang Fook Camp – officially St. Stephen’s Society. I had to take two trains and a taxi to get there, but it was worth it. I’ll never forget her sermon one Sunday morning on what we lost in the Garden. She told how Satan stole our passion for the presence of God.
You can read her story in her life-storyChasing the Dragon. In 1995, I helped Jackie and those with “Open Doors” to open a portal of entrance into mainland China through Portugal-controlled Macau, once British Hong Kong went back to China.Macau was the last remaining European colony in China. It went back to China December 20, 1999. Hong Kong went back to China July 1, 1997.
After Macau went back to China, Bible smugglers into mainland China, like Jackie Pullinger, Dennis Balcomb’s “Donkeys for Jesus,” and Open Doors, have had to go “underground” to continue the work of getting Bibles to believers and spreading the Good News. In 1992, Jackie married John To, one of her Chinese workers. He passed away in 1999. She is still there. Jackie is just one example of a truly born believer who understood what it meant to be a child of Elohim.
This morning Derek sent me an e-mail with one of his Spirit-birthed remarks which I’ll pass on to you: “It's time to pull out all stops as a child of the King who has been set free from darkness. The enemy is giving his best--we shouldn't do any less!”
Please know: There’s only one thing standing between you and the eternal lake of fire – the blood of the Lamb of Elohim, Yahushua--His death in your place, and His resurrection! If you minimize His salvation, deny His Deity, or somehow ignore Him in favor of other soul-pursuits, you may hear Him say to you, as to the “foolish virgins,” – “Truly I say to you `I do not know you.’ ’
Satan cannot accomplish his goals without subtly influencing the children of Yahuwah to minimize His Son, or deny Him altogether. He cannot accomplish His goal without influencing the children of Yahuwah that their mind is more important than their spirit, and that to be filled with the Spirit of Yahuwah is not all that important. He wants to make sure no one understands that we’re in a war with him, and he definitely doesn’t want Yahuwah’s people learning how to do spiritual warfare against him.
Satan has succeeded by and large to make the Lion of the Tribe of Judah into a watered down Greek. Satan cannot get over Genesis 3:15. Satan was horrified when Yahushua showed up in Hades and took the keys of death and hell away from him, then arose from the dead. Hethought for sure he had killed Yahushua.
His one goal is to destroy Yahushua, because it was Yahushua who conquered him and crushed his head, and through His salvation has taken multi-millions of people out of the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Yahuwah. If he can just manipulate the thinking of Yahuwah’s people to stop their loyalty to Yahushua, then he has a good chance of winning-over all humanity to himself. And, just in case he can’t bring down all of Yahushua’s loyal friends, he is working hard with his human and non-human agents to create fragmented people whom his demons can possess to make super soldiers toform a 200,000,000-man army that will come against Yahushua at His return to kill Yahushua and all those with Him.Revelation 19:19 is his goal. I hope you’ve read that last article – it is extremely important: “The Shocking Hidden Goal of Globalism Exposed – Psalm 2 and Revelation 19:19”/March 10, 2017.
A recent article: “Jesus’ Existence Debated--CNN series `Finding Jesus’ to air again - Scholars Debate Evidence for Jesus’ Existence” byAmanda Casanova | Religion Today Contributing Writer | Monday, March 06, 2017. Satan at work!
Satan wants to take as many humans as possible into the lake of fire with him, and he needs your help. If you’re not passionate, loyal, and obedient enough to share the salvation of Yahushua, you’re falling right into his plans for you. Sadly, most believers today who claim to be “saved” have lost their passion, their first love, for the One who died for them and rose for them. Yes, it is a “salvation issue!” To lose one’s first love for the One who died for us is to lose Him.
From Revelation 2:2-5, Messiah speaking to the assembly at Ephesus: “I know your works, your labor, and your endurance, and that you are not able to bear the evil ones …and have labored for My Name’s sake and have not become wearied. But I hold one thing against you – you have lost your first love. So remember from where you have fallen and do the first works or else I shall come to you speedily and remove your candlestick from its place unless you repent.”
To remove the candlestick would basically be removing their Light, plunging them into darkness.If you’re a child of light, to be plunged into darkness would reverse your salvation--removing your name from the Book of Life (Revelation 3:5) Today almost all believers in western Greek-Roman culture have lost their passion for Yahushua. For these, He died in vain. But, persecution will restore some. Guard your salvation!
In China, for example, true believers risk the lives to share the Good News. They are denied rights, beaten, tortured, imprisoned, and killed. Some have no Bible at all, yet have memorized a few verses. These will shine like the stars because they’ve turned many to righteousness. (Daniel 12:3). I encourage you read the letter to the West, printed in The Church in China by Carl Lawrence.
In Derek’s podcast, Shabbat, March 11th, he talked about the assembly at Laodicea. He wrote regardingRevelation 3:15-17: …“as for the Hot--they are blameless and have no sin. As for the Cold, their sin is unhidden--right out in the open. But for the Lukewarm—their sin is hidden. It is why they will be spewed out of Messiah’s mouth, because what was concealed inside will be made to come out into the open. It’s the one thing that makes Him nauseous—hidden sins. Messiah came.”
We are emotional beings, but so is Elohim! Read the Torah and the Prophets – Yahuwah and Yahushua are very emotional! If our emotion comes from Yahuwah’sSpirit, then we are empowered by His Spirit and fit for use. Passion, if turned towards the heart of Elohim, to know Yahuwah and Yahushua, is a powerful force. Passion turned towards the flesh is a destroyer. Hell is opening its mouth wider to receive the masses of the earth (Isaiah 5:14-16).
Yes, it is a salvation issue!Luke 3:16, those who are filled with the Spirit contain the living fire of the Spirit that burns inside day and night. In Jeremiah 20, Jeremiah has come to the end of his preverbal rope, and wants to give up his ministry. But, he can’t do it: Jeremiah 20:9: “When I said I will not mention Him, or speak His Name again, it (His Name) was in my heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones and I began weary of holding it back…” Jeremiah 23:29: “Is not My Word like a fire,’ says Yahuwah, `and like a hammer that breaks the rocks in pieces.” Yes, His Name, His Word, His passionate Being, His love, is like a fire inside those who have received Him His Spirit.
Luke 3:16: “Yochanan answered…`I indeed immerse you in water but one mightier than I is coming,...He shall immerse you in the Set-Apart Spirit and fire.”
Hebrews 12:29: “For indeed our Elohim is a consuming fire.”
Deuteronomy 4:24: “For Yahuwah your Elohim is a consuming fire, a jealous El.”
The Spirit of Yahuwah comes into your re-born spirit to burn out your sinful lusts so that your soul/mind and emotions joinwith your perfected spirit in unity, and you’re your spirit-man within you becomes a shining light in this dark world.
Revelat0n 16:15: “See I am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who is staying awake and guarding his garments lest he walk naked and see his shame.” Don’t let the fire in your spirit go out! And if it is out, start it up again and guard it.
In Revelation 16:15 Messiah, our High Priest, refers to the practice of the temple High Priest who nightly would check to see if the flame on the altar was still burning. If the priest in charge of the fire fell asleep and let the flame grow dim, or out, the High Priest would take some of the coals and set his garment on fire. Of course, he’d run out screaming in terror, but he would never again let the fire go out!
The anointing breaks the chains of slavery off of us, so that we can be free to serve our new Master, Yahushua.Our passion for the presence of Yahushua was lost in the Garden – and through the Spirit of Yahuwah dwelling in us, that passion is re-birthed in the true new birth and the true baptism into the Spirit… It is this “in love” passion that lifts us out of this dimension into His – not by fleshly worked up emotions but by His Spirit flowing through our mortal flesh. It is called “the anointing,” the anointing oil that breaks the yoke of the enemy.
Isaiah 10:27: “And in that day it shall be that his burden is removed from your shoulder, and his yoke from your neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing oil.” The picture here is of two oxen yoked together and their necks are so greased that the yoke slides off. Messiah said: “Come unto Me all you who labor and are heavy leaden and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me for I am meek and lowly of heart and you shall find rest for your souls.” (Peace of mind and emotions).
February 18th Derek sent me a link to a video of Jonathan David and Melissa Helser singing “I’m No Longer a Slave to Fear; I am a child of God.” Derek’s comment: “Watch as Melissa passionately sings "I am a child of Yah." If only this reality would be birthed in people--the enemy would be terrified!” In the video, Melissa stands to Jonathan’s right--the young lady with long brown hair in a braid. She begins to sing by herself at about 4.0 minutes into the song. If you are filled and anointed with His Spirit, as she sings “I am a child of God,” don’t be surprised if the anointed (presence) of Abba pierces into your spirit like a sword.
Do you want to terrify the enemy and run him off? Let Abba’s Spirit fill you to the degree where you can praise like Melissa does--uninhibited! That’s Yedidah my friends! I hold nothing back when I praise, worship, and preach the Word. This is the passion we lost in the Garden. Those who passionately love Elohim return to the Garden in extra-dimensional reality. The link to “No Longer a Slave to Fear”:
February 18, 2017, from Derek: “Another one from the album I'm sending you. Just change the name to Yahushua. It's so special. I love Him so…” This one is entitled: “Beautiful Jesus,” sung by Melissa. Link:
March 4, 2017, from Derek: “This line causes my tears to flow. He's so personal...” -- referring to: “He makes wrong things right.” Link to the acoustic video of “Beautiful Jesus”:
When I hear her sing “Beautiful Jesus,” I burst into tears, for thePresence of the Spirit very strong. Yes, change “Jesus” to “Yahushua” if you want. Evidently the Spirit is reading Melissa’spassionate heart for Him, as He reads the heart of those who risk their lives in China to spread the John 3:16 “gospel.” Education will come. Messiah’s 1000-year reign will be a continual teaching experience. But, life in the Spirit must accompany education, or else intellectualism will bringspiritual death. Intellectualism created Darwin’s “theory of evolution.” For us who know our Creator, his “theory” is insane.
Yes, go ahead --jump up and down like Melissa; throw your arms into the air. Cry out over and over: “I am a child of Yah” until you feel the chains breaking off of you and the Spirit rise within you empowering you to shout it to the nations. Shout out your declaration of who you are with every fiber of your being. Let your ears hear your voice. In doing so, the enemy flees in terror. If there is anything that runs them off it is a fanatic shouting “I LOVE YOU YAHUSHUA! Your blood has saved me;Your rising has given me life! Yahuwah YOU are my ABBA; I LOVE YOU YAHUWAH!
At times, does the Spirit of Yahuwah make us emotionally wild with joy? Oh yes! If you are oppressed, feeling lousy, crushed, and empty – SHOUT your praises! “I AM A CHILD OF YAH!” Raise your hands in worship, sing “Beautiful Yahushua” with Melissa.
Be child-like! Praise strengthens, heals, and deliversour body as the mind. Don’t let yourself become dull. Let Him light the fire in you;and you keep it burning!
If you want to spiritually fly, listen to Melissa’s “Catch the Wind.” Derek e-mailed: “Listen as soon as you can, maybe tonight… His faithfulness causes us to soar!! Praise Abba! Link:
Two more: “You Are an Endless Ocean Bottomless Sea.” Link to the extended version:
“God of the Angel Armies” (article November 1, 2016 with the words) Link to the extended version:
Refer to the following articles for strengthening and confirmation:
The Transforming Liberating Power of Joy/February 8, 2014
In His Presence There is Peace, Joy, and Power!/February 13, 2014
Removing the Chains – Living in Freedom/March 26, 2015
Identity Theft – Restoring the Truth About Who You Really Are/March 18
I’ve Seen I AM, Now I Know Whose I am, Now I Know that I am Loved/March 22, 2016
Walking Alongside the Master, Basking in His Presence/March 27, 2016
You Are Not a Caged Victim Trapped in Time - Close the Portals to the Past and Walk Forward Into the Light of True Freedom–My Powerful Dream of April 14, 2016/Apr. 22, 16
Peace in the Midst of Battle – II Kings 6:14-17/September 23, 2016
Elohim of the Angel Armies –Passion, Praise, Power, and Victory…/November 1, 2016.
Tying Up Our Loose Ends in Preparation for Our Resurrection/February 22, 2017
Dear Eagles of Yahuwah:Enjoy your passionate and exciting flight to total freedom!
March 14, 2017
Passion - Unlocking the Chains, March 14, 2017
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