International Council of Christians and Jews
Cordially invite you to the
ICCJ-Conferene 2009
A Time for Recommitment
Jewish Christian Dialogue
70 Years after War and Shoah
Sunday, 5. July - Wednesday, 8. July in Berlin
Akademie of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation
Tiergartenstraße 35
10785 Berlin
Sunday, 5. July 2009
17.00 hrs Registration
18.00 hrs Dinner
20.00 hrs Time for Recommitment – The Twelve Points of Berlin Building the New Relationship between Jews and Christians
Prof. Dr. Beate Neuss
Vice-Chair of Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation, Chemnitz
Dr Deborah Weissman
ICCJ President, Jerusalem
Dr Wolfgang Schäuble
Minister of the Interior, Berlin
Rabbi Dr h c Henry G Brandt
Jewish President of the German Coordinating Council of Christian-Jewish cooperation, Augsburg
Dr. Pilipp A. Cunningham
ICCJ Vice President, Philadelphia
Bischof Dr. Wolfgang Huber
Chairman of the Council of Protestant Churches, Berlin
Signing Ceremony
ICCJ member organisations sign The Twelve Points of Berlin
Monday, 6. July 2009
09.00 hrs Joint Meditative Moment
09.15 hrs The necessity of developing theologies of Judaism that affirm ist distinctive integrity
Christian keynote speaker
Bishop Dr Heinrich Mussinghoff, Aachen
Jewish respondent
Dr Edward Kessler, Cambridge
Moderation: Dr Deborah Weissman
11.00 hrs Workshops on theological topics deriving from the Twelve Points of Berlin
- Paulus and Judaism
Presenters: David Bolton, Emmanuel Nathan
- 21 century forms of supersessionism (German)
Presenter: Dagmar Mensink
- The mutual influence of Jewish and Christian liturgy
Presenter: Prof. Dr. Clemens Leonhard
- The impact of the Israeli Palestinian conflict on Christian-Jewish Dialogue
Presenters: Judith Banki, Dr Jane Clements, Dr Deborah Weissman
- The Papacy of Benedikt XVI
Presenters: Lucia Faltin, Dr. Hans Hermann Henrix
- From Assymetry to complementarity? The „Rheinische Synodalbeschluss
Presenters: Katja Kriener, Dr. Matthias Loerbroks
- What is the Christian mission to the Jews after the Shoah?
Presenters: Marieke den Hartog, Prof. Dr. Hanspeter Heinz
13.00 hrs Lunch
13.30 hrs - Introduction of new educational material and courses in
Jewish Christian relations
Presenter: Lucia Faltin
14.30 hrs Workshops on today’s issues in Jewish Christian dialogue
- Christian-Jewish dialogue in France (French)
Presenter: Florence Taubmann
- A report on the „Christ and the Jewish People consultation“
Presenter: Dr Joseph Sievers, Prof Dr John Pawlikowski
- How Jews and Christians pray about the other
Presenters: Dr. Philip A. Cunningham, Rabbi Dr. Andrew Goldstein
- Perceiving and Conceiving the „other“ through texts
Presenter: Rabbi Prof Dalia Marx
- Jewish Christian dialogue – yesterday and today (German) Presenters: Dr Hans Hermann Henrix, Rabbi Dr Walter Homolka
- Jewish communities in Germany today
Presenter: Sergej Lagodinsky
- Similarities and differences after the Shoa: second and third generation.
Presenter: Dr. Alan L. Berger
16.30 hrs Free evening
Tuesday, 7. July 2009.
08.45 hrs Presentation on the history of the Holocaust monument in Berlin
09.15 hrs Re-examining Jewish texts and liturgy in the light of Jewish Christian dialogue
Jewish keynote speaker
Prof Ruth Langer, Boston College
Christian respondent
Dr. Barbara U Meyer, Hebrew University/Hebrew Union College, Jerusalem.
Moderation: Dr. Philip A. Cunningham, Philadelphia
10.30 hrs Transfer by bus to Jannowitzbridge
11.15 hrs Excursion by boat on Spree river, lunch
15.30 hrs Return to Hotel
17.00 hrs Bustransfer to French Cathedral (Gendarmenmarkt)
17.30 hrs Celebration of the 60th anniversary of the German Coordinating Council at the French Cathedral
Chancellor Dr Angela Merkel, Berlin
19.30 hrs Reception
20.00 hrs Free evening
Wednesday, 8. July 2009
09.00 hrs Joint Meditative Moment
09.15 hrs The common commitment for justice in the global society
Panel with
Christian Meissner, Berlin
Rabeya Müller, Cologne
Rabbi Debbie Young, London
Moderation: John Robinson
11.30 hrs Workshops on the non-theological topic from the “Twelve Points of Berlin”
- Women’s issues in interfaith dialogue
Presenters: Jael Botsch-Fitterling, Prof. Dr. Ursula Rudnick
- The current economic crisis and interfaith dialogue
Presenters: Dr. Shanta Premawardhana, Christian Meissner
- Interfaith Text Study
Presenters: Rabbi Ehud Bandel, Rabeya Müller, Dr. Barbara U. Meyer
- Good cases in Jewish Christian dialogue: Gartenstadt Atlantic Berlin-Wedding
Presenter: Prof. Dr. Michael Woffsohn
- Intergenerational process in interreligious dialgue
Presenter: John Robinson
- Chavruta on the Twelve Points of Berlin
Presenters: Daniel Geese, Daniela Koeppler
13.30 hrs Lunch packages and bus ride to Holocaust Memorial
15.00 hrs Visit of Jewish Museum
18.00 hrs Return to Hotel
19.00 hrs Dinner
The future of Christian Jewish dialogue
Hermann Gröhe
State Minister Federal Chancellery, Berlin
Moderation: Rabbi Ehud Bandel, Melbourne, Australien
Conference language
English and German. Simultaneous translation will be provided in plenary sessions. No translation in the workshops
Conference fee
€ 250,00
(includes meals indicated, Boat trip, visit of museum, etc.)
Conference Hotel
Hotel Berlin Berlin
Lützowplatz 17
10785 Berlin