Application form for TAIEX Expert Mission

Project title: Expert Mission onEstablishment of National Continuously Operating GNSS Stations Network
N.B.: only type-written and fully completed applications will be accepted
Beneficiary country: / Turkey
Beneficiary Ministry/Service: / Ministry of Defence
Date of submission: / 25/06/2008
Objective of the Expert Mission:
Objective of the Expert Mission is to get detailed state of the art information on Continuously Operating Reference stations (CORS) technologies and to examine the implementations of network based Diffferential Global Navigation Satellite Systems (DGNSS) and Real Time Kinematic (RTK) GNSS which provides position information to cadastral and civil works associted with INSPIRE requirements to be applied throughout EUROPE. As responsible Ministry for establishing geodetic reference networks in conformity with EUREF resolutions, Ministry of Defence will establish a DGNSS network which consists of approximately 145 stations throughout Turkey.
Meeting the service based reqirements for both technical and administrative common conditions for Trans-European transportation systems and for agricultural field applications are important for the utilization of positional information outputted by DGNSS/RTK networks. The basic goal of the expert mission is to make the first on-the -job communication with the people having adequate experience on the means of similar DGNSS/RTK network already established in some of European countries.
1. Authorisation from Hierarchy (Head of EU integration department or technical dept.)
Title[1]: / Dr.Col.Eng.
First name: / Kadri
Surname: / PAMUKOĞLU
Function: / Head of Technical Departments
Office Tel.: / 90(312) 5952018
Office Fax: / 90(312)3201495
E-mail: /
Date of consultation:
Supporting comments:
Signature (if applicable):

Please complete and return to:

European Commission , InstitutionBuilding unit (TAIEX)

Rue de la Loi 200, B-1049 Brussels

Fax: +32-2-296 76 94 E-mail:

2. Expert Mission Content
a) What will the MemberState Expert(s) focus on during the visit?
Legislation Implementation Institutional development
b) EU legislation concerned (please give reference to regulations, directives etc.) and chapter of the Acquis and details of provisions for discussion
CELEX N°/Natural number: / 52007PC0661
Type of legislation: / Directive
Screening chapter: / Policy conformity for regional geographical iformation common in environmental, transportational and agriculture at chapters 1 to 7.
c) Outline your current situation concerning the EU legislation indicated and mention any recent developments that may be relevant in this regard (e.g. give details of the stage of preparation of the legislation, outline the timetable for the adoption of the legislation)
The foundation of the active control network is already maintained according to the national standards and commercial statements. No legislation activity within EU has been initiated yet. Adoption of the legislation in the same field will be performed after the Expert Mission within the obtained skills from the experts giving the similar service.
d) Is there any planned or currently running PHARE/CARDS/TWINNING or other project that is dealing with the issues covered by the request? Yes No
If yes, please indicate details:
e) Draft programme for the Expert mission:
Please list in detail the issues you would like to discuss with the MemberState expert, such as implementing regulations, infrastructure, strategies, training and any other elements of relevance:
The main phases of the mission are:
a. Getting information about Continuously Operating GNSS Network standarts to be employed in European Countries.
b. Getting information about data processing technics, data broadcasting medium and implementation of the networking to meet the positional requirements for environmental, transportational and agricultural fields.
c. Obtaining the necessary information about quality management and applications to used in the common legislation in between countries adopting the INSPIRE directive.
3. Logistical aspects
a) Is there a MemberState Administration/Organisation from which you wish to receive the expertise?
(this information is mandatory for applicants from beneficiary Member States)
Preferred Country (choice cannot always be guaranteed) / Germany
Hosting Member State Authority/Institution (if known) / Satellite Positioning Service of the German State Survey (SAPOS)

Rue de la Loi 200, B-1049 Bruxelles/Wetstraat 200, B-1049 Brussels - Belgium - Office: CHAR 03/149
Telephone: switchboard +32-2-296 73 07 Fax: +32-2-296 76 94

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Do you know the MemberState expert from whom you wish to receive expertise?

Rue de la Loi 200, B-1049 Bruxelles/Wetstraat 200, B-1049 Brussels - Belgium - Office: CHAR 03/149
Telephone: switchboard +32-2-296 73 07 Fax: +32-2-296 76 94

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Title: / Mr.
First Name: / Dieter
Surname: / Lohrenger
Ministry or Institution: / SAPOS, German State Survey
Department: / Central Bureau
Function: / Landesvermessung und Geobasisinformation
Office address (street/number/office number) / c/o LGN Podbielskistraße 331
Post code: / 30659
City: / Hannover
Office Tel: / (0511) 64609 - 287
Office Fax: / (05 11) 6 46 09 - 1 68
E-mail: /

Have you had previous contact with your selected host Institution/Organisation/Expert? Yes No
b) When would you like to receive the Expert?
Date/Year: / 2009
Calendar week: / 02
Duration (maximum 5 working days): / 5
c) Language knowledge (please state the language(s) and indicate your level of competence)
1st language: English / Very Good Good Fair Poor
2nd language: German / Very Good Good Fair Poor
3rd language: / Very Good Good Fair Poor
4. List of Participants

Data received from you is to be used for the organisation of TAIEX events only, and for no other purpose unless stated. You are entitled to have your data deleted or removed from our database at any time.

1. Details of the applicant acting as main co-ordinator requesting the Expertise
Title (Mr., Ms.) : / Mr.
First Name: / Onur
Surname: / LENK
Ministry or Institution: / Ministry of Defence
Department: / General Command of Mapping, Department of Geodesy
Function: / Head of Department
Office address (street/number/office number): / Harita Genel Komutanlığı Tıp Fakültesi Cad. Jeodezi Dairesi Dikimevi
Post code: / 06100
City: / Ankara
Office Tel: / +90 312 595 2250
Office Fax: / +90 312 320 14 95
Email: /
Will you also participate to the expert mission? / Yes No
2. Details of the person(s) participating to the Expertise
Title (Mr., Ms.) : / Mr.
First Name: / Ayhan
Surname: / CINGOZ
Ministry or Institution: / Ministry of Defence
Department: / General Command of Mapping, Department of Geodesy
Function: / Permanent Network Section
Office address (street/number/office number): / Harita Genel Komutanlığı Tıp Fakültesi Cad. Jeodezi Dairesi Dikimevi
Post code: / 06100
City: / Ankara
Office Tel: / +90 312 595 2327
Office Fax: / +90 312 320 14 95
E-Mail: /
Title (Mr., Ms.) : / Mr.
First Name: / Bahadır
Surname: / AKTUĞ
Ministry or Institution: / Ministry of Defence
Department: / General Command of Mapping, Department of Geodesy
Function: / Geodesy Branch
Office address (street/number/office number): / Harita Genel Komutanlığı Tıp Fakültesi Cad. Jeodezi Dairesi Dikimevi
Post code: / 06100
City: / Ankara
Office Tel: / +90 312 595 22 55
Office Fax: / +90 312 320 14 95
E-Mail: /
Title (Mr., Ms.) : / Mr.
First Name: / Soner
Surname: / OZDEMIR
Ministry or Institution: / Ministry of Defense
Department: / General Command of Mapping, Department of Geodesy
Function: / Geodesy Branch
Office address (street/number/office number): / Harita Genel Komutanlığı Tıp Fakültesi Cad. Jeodezi Dairesi Dikimevi
Post code: / 06100
City: / Ankara
Office Tel: / +90 312 595 2257
Office Fax: / +90 312 320 1495
E-Mail: /
Title (Mr., Ms.) : / -
First Name: / -
Surname: / -
Ministry or Institution: / -
Department: / -
Function: / -
Office address (street/number/office number): / -
Post code: / -
City: / -
Office Tel: / -
Office Fax: / -
E-Mail: / -
Please note: The information contained in this form will be made available
on-line to the Mission and the Embassy of your country in Brussels.
All applications received directly from the Western Balkans' administrations will be forwarded to the EU Delegation in the country concerned, and in the case of Kosovo to the EC-Liaison Office, for a preliminary evaluation.

Rue de la Loi 200, B-1049 Bruxelles/Wetstraat 200, B-1049 Brussels - Belgium - Office: CHAR 03/149
Telephone: switchboard +32-2-296 73 07 Fax: +32-2-296 76 94

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[1]Personal data contained in this document will be processed in accordance with the privacy statement of the TAIEX instrument

(See and in compliance with the Regulation (EC) N° 45/2001.