Market Road, Wickford, Essex SS12 0AG
Tel: 01268 733071
Fax: 01268 570214
Headteacher – Mr T. Flitman
3rd February 2017
Newsletter 634
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Safer Internet Parent’s Session – Monday 6th February
Reminder: The safer internet sessions are on Monday. There will be two sessions, at 1.30 and 6.00 p.m. and both will last around 90 minutes. Schools are seeing a significant increase in issues around pupil safety and well–being when online and this session will enable you to take the necessary steps to ensure your child is safe when online. The sessions will complement the sessions we gave the children on internet safety last term. I cannot stress enough how important it is for parents to keep up with internet safety when it comes to their children. If you would still like to attend please let the office know by Monday morning.
Parents Evening Tuesday 7th March and Thursday 9th March 2017
Please note we changed our dates for parents evening, due to Wickford Infants having theirs on the same night. Apologies for any inconvenience caused. Letters to make your appointments have been sent home today. If, for whatever reason, you have not received one, full details are on the website.
Wacky Reading
Many thanks and well done to everyone who entered the wacky reading competition. We had some very creative entries and the photographs are going to look fabulous on display! Congratulations to our book token winners:George Attfield (3W), Evan Edwards (4F), Alex Nolder (5W) and Eve Richardson (6E).
Thoughtless Driver
My thanks to the two parents who contacted me this week to let me know their concern about the driver who has been revving their engine and performing wheelies outside school in the mornings. I gather that, for good measure, the young man concerned has been verbally abusive as well. The matter is now in the hands of the police.
SchoolMoney – Online payments
A recent SchoolMoney upgrade has meant some people are having problems paying on mobile phones. SchoolMoney have said that payments can still be made by downloading and using Google Chrome as the browser and not the mobile phones own browser. It’s mainly Samsung phones that are affected.
Year 6 Anglian Ruskin University – 6F: 8th February
Reminder: Please remember to provide a packed lunch. If your child is entitled to Free School Meals and you would like us to provide a packed lunch please let the office know by Tuesday 7th February.
Please see ‘Other letters’ page – Spring Term 2017 for new term fees and dates.
Netball – This starts after half term on Thursdays (23rd February) for existing members. Please inform the office if your child does not want to continue.
Letters/Events (Please check the school website for further information)
Year 3 Keep on Reading – If you have not returned your books please bring them in on Monday.
Parent Forum –Tuesday 7th February 2pm - Details are in Newsletter 633
Year 3 Barleylands Farm – Friday 24th February.
Assemblies start at 9.00 a.m. and last around half an hour, including time for a cup of tea or coffee.
3F – Friday 3rd March
3W – Friday 24th March
Parent Lunches
Please arrive at reception by 12.10pm. Both parents and children are to order school dinners please.
3F – Thursday 9th February - We can no longer take any more orders.
3E – Thursday 23rd February – We can no longer take any more orders.
4W – Thursday 2nd March – Parent orders and payments must be in by Thursday 9th February.
Congratulations to the following children:
Najat Chowdhury (3W) has moved up to Stage 4 in her swimming lessons.
Enjoy your weekend.
T. Flitman
Working For Everyone