Sustainability Focused Courses

  1. ANR 130 Plant Science
  2. ANR 350 Horticulture
  3. CFS 441 Family Resource Management
  4. GSTR 410 Senior Seminar in Contemporary Global Issues: Exploring Depictions of Collapse in Modern Cinema
  5. MAT 108 Environmental Issues a Mathematical Modeling Approach
  6. SENS 100 Introduction to Sustainability & Environmental Studies
  7. SENS 215 Sustainable Appalachian Communities
  8. SENS 225 Environmental Justice
  9. SENS 226 Coral Reef Ecosystems
  10. SENS 340 Introduction to Ecological Design
  11. SENS 345 Ecological Architecture
  12. SENS 386D Materials & Methods of Construction
  13. SENS 386E Adv Ecological Architecture
  14. SENS 490A Independent Study
  15. SENS 495 Internship
  16. SENS 460 Sustainability Capstone
  17. TEC 489 Seminar in Technology

Sustainability Related Courses

  1. AFR 217 Making Poverty History
  2. ANR 117 Primitive Survival Skills
  3. ANR 100 Introduction to Agriculture and Natural Resources
  4. ANR 130 Plant Science
  5. ANR 240 Soil Science
  6. ANR 265 Bees and Beekeeping
  7. ANR 330 Forage and Row Crop Production
  8. ANR 342 Soil and Water Conservation
  9. ANR 360 Forest and Wildlife Management
  10. ANR 375 Farm Resource Management
  11. ANR 492 Senior Seminar
  12. APS 186A Natural History of Southern Appalachia
  13. APS 229 Contemporary Issues of Appalachia
  14. ARH 239 Native North American Art & Archeology
  15. BIO 344 Dendrology & Forest Ecology
  16. BIO 386S Forest Ecology
  17. CFS 237 Human Environments I
  18. CFS 238 Human Environments II
  19. CHM 134 Accelerated Environmental Chemistry
  20. GSTR 110 Writing Seminar I: Critical Thinking
  21. GSTR 210 Writing Seminar II: Identity & Diversity
  22. GSTR 310 Understandings of Christianity
  23. GSTR 332 Scientific Knowledge & Inquiry
  24. GSTR 410 Senior Seminar: Contemporary Global Issues
  25. PHI 230 Reflecting on Nature
  26. PSJ 100 Foundations of Peace & Social Justice
  27. PSJ 205 Peace & Social Justice: Theory and Practice
  28. SENS 320 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
  29. SENS 386 Special Topics
  30. SENS 395 Medical Plant Production
  31. SOC 110 Problems of American Institutions
  32. TEC 110 Technology
  33. TEC 118 History of Technology
  34. TEC 140 Production Technology in Woods
  35. TEC 250 Production Technology – Metals
  36. TEC 275 Power Technology
  37. TEC 340 Advanced Studies in Woodworking
  38. WST 495 Internship

The following departments offer sustainability courses

Agriculture and Natural Resources

Appalachian Studies

Art History


Child and Family Studies


General Studies



Peace and Social Justice


Sustainability and Environmental Studies

Technology and Industrial Arts

Women's Studies

Degree programs that have specified sustainability learning outcomes

Agriculture and Natural Resources

Appalachian Studies

Sustainability and Environmental Studies

Technology and Industrial Arts