

Available / Marks Given / Reviewed
applicable) / Comment on Reviewed Marks (if applicable)
As advertised
Experience Question(s) number: __
As advertised
Question(s) number:__
  • An awareness and understanding of the main educational issues facingprimary schools.
  • Knowledge of LMS and ability to manage finance and resources to ensure their most effective and efficient use.
  • An understanding of how to develop and implement policies.
  • Awareness of the principles underpinning the revised Northern Ireland Curriculum.
  • Ability to manage and develop ICT throughout the school.
  • Awareness of the National Standards for Headteachers.

Question(s) number:
  • Ability to manage human and other resources.
  • Ability to set targets and provide constructive feedback (eg within the PRSD Scheme).
  • Ability to promote good interpersonal relationships.
  • Ability to make informed decisions and communicate these effectively to the relevant people.
  • Conflict resolution skills.
  • Good organisational skills.
  • Good communication skills and presentational skills both verbal and written.

Personal Qualities/Leadership Skills
Question(s) number:
  • Ability to work well with others and motivate staff in the common aim of ensuring that all pupils are enabled to develop to their full potential.
  • Ability to lead and motivate staff in the pursuit of the school aims and objectives.
  • Ability to take responsibility, address conflict and maintain discipline.
  • Ability to establish partnerships between staff, parents and the community and external agencies.
  • The ability to recognise the need for change and taking the necessary steps to implement it.
  • The ability to be an effective listener with the ability to assimilate the views of staff, Governors and parents.
  • An ability to develop the school’s existing ethos.
  • A commitment to providing support to improve the spiritual and moral development of the pupils and staff in accordance with the school’s existing ethos.
  • Ability to maintain and develop the school’s role in the community.
  • A commitment to sustaining and developing the school’s wide-ranging extra-curricular provision.
  • A commitment to providing education of the highest quality and to achieving the highest standards possible throughout the school.
  • A confident approach and ability to lead by example.
  • The interest and enthusiasm in undertaking the post.
  • Demonstrating a consistent child centred approach to major issues.
  • Demonstrating effectively a clear vision for the future of the school.
  • A commitment to the professional development of all staff.
  • Demonstrate a willingness to understand the ongoing development of the school within the context of the local community and its history.

(Communication, Content, Presence)

Total Total Marks

Weightings Awarded

Available / Poor / Average / Good / Excellent
30 / 3 – 9 / 12 – 15 / 18 – 21 / 24 – 30
25 / 3 – 8 / 10 – 13 / 15 – 18 / 20 – 25
20 / 2 – 6 / 8 – 10 / 12 – 14 / 16 – 20
15 / 2 – 5 / 6 – 8 / 9 – 11 / 12 – 15
10 / 1 – 3 / 4 – 5 / 6 – 7 / 8 – 10

Interviewer’s Signature ______Date______

For example: A range of 2 – 6 allows a selection from (2,3,4,5 or 6)