<Insert name of the project>
Quality Management Plan Template
Document Guide
The following table presents the answer to some of the key initial questions regarding the Quality Management Plan.
Topic / GuidanceWhy is this document important? / Quality Managemnt Plan defines the acceptable level of quality for the deliverables in a project.
Why should I use this document? / The Quality Management Plan describes the project’s quality program and objectives, as well as specific plans for how the program will be executed on the project.
Is this a mandatory document? / The Quality Management Plan is a mandatory document for high complexity projects. It is considered optional, however, for low and medium complexity projects and likely integrated as a sub-section in the Project Management Plan.
Who should complete this document? / A Quality Manager or a Project Manager should complete this document.
Is this document required for OCIO reporting? / No
Where can I get additional help from? / Ministry PMO or PMP designated project manager.
Once you have reviewed and completed this docuement, please answer the question below:
In reviewing and completing this document, have you identified any new risks or issues that are not fully addressed by the Quality Management Plan document? / o Yes o NoIf yes, have you recorded and escalated the risk/issue in the appropriate log?
Document Control Information
Document Information
Document Identification / <Insert document ID, if applicable>Document Name / Quality Management Plan
Project Name / <Insert project name>
Document Author / <Insert author name
Document Version / <Insert version number>
Document Status / <Insert document status>
Date Released / <Insert release date dd-mmm-yyyy
Document Edit History
Version / Date / Additions/Modifications / Prepared/Revised by /Version #> / dd-mmm-yyyy > / <Provide additional details about this document version.> / <Name>
Document Review/Approval History
Date / Name / Organization/Title / Comments /dd-mmm-yyyy > / <Name> / Organization/Title> / Comments>
Distribution of Final Document
The following people are designated recipients of the final version of this document:
Name / Organization/Title /<Name> / Organization/Title>
Table of Contents
1 Overview 5
1.1 Purpose 5
1.2 Quality Management Plan Objectives 5
1.3 Roles and Responsibilities 5
1.4 Implementing the Quality Management Plan 5
1.5 Maintaining the Quality Management Plan 5
2 Quality Assurance Plan 6
2.1 Quality Assurance Overview 6
2.2 Quality Assurance Reviews 6
3 Quality Control Plan 7
3.1 Quality Control Overview 7
3.2 Deliverable Management 7
3.2.1 Deliverable Review Process 7
3.2.2 Deliverable Review Defect Classifications 7
3.3 Project Metrics 7
4 Quality Support Plan 8
4.1 Quality Support Overview 8
Table of Contents4-Mar-15 / Page iv / <Insert project name>
Quality Management Plan
Quality Management Plan / <Insert document ID, if applicable>
1 Overview
1.1 Purpose
Describe the purpose and objectives of the project’s quality programs.
1.2 Quality Management Plan Objectives
Develop a list of quality management plan objectives to meet project-specific requirements. For example, the objectives might include: the project’s overall quality goal; the approach to verify that the project methods, processes and templates are being used by the team; and the approach to verify that deliverables are meeting project standards and quality expectations.
1.3 Roles and Responsibilities
Summarize the key roles and responsibilities involved in executing the project's Quality Management Plan. In order to maintain independence and objective feedback in quality verifications, the project manager should not play the role of quality manager (in most situations).
1.4 Implementing the Quality Management Plan
The delivery of quality in every project requires purposeful effort and time. For small and medium projects, it is anticipated that the Project Manager will likely assume this role as part of their overall responsibilities. However, in larger and more complex projects, the role of a quality manager should be assigned to a resource with sufficient capacity to plan, coordinate, and manage all the quality program schedules, activities, and required follow-up activities.
1.5 Maintaining the Quality Management Plan
Describe how the quality manager (project manager if no quality manager is assigned) will implement required revisions to the project’s Quality Management Plan to keep it current and relevant.
2 Quality Assurance Plan
Describe the quality assurance processes planned for the project.
2.1 Quality Assurance Overview
Quality assurance is the application of planned, structured activities to help verify that the project employs all processes needed to create high-quality deliverables that meet requirements. Describe the tasks related to quality assurance and defines the verification review plans for the project.
2.2 Quality Assurance Reviews
The purpose of this section is to define the project’s plans for performing quality assurance reviews. Quality assurance reviews are performed to confirm that the processes and standards as defined in approved plans (such as the Project Management Plan) are followed by the project team. In this section, describe:
· The quality assurance review approach.
· The quality assurance review findings.
· The process to implement corrective actions based on the quality assurance review findings.
3 Quality Control Plan
3.1 Quality Control Overview
Quality control involves monitoring project-specific results for quality, and identifying corrective, preventive, or improvement actions when results are unsatisfactory.
3.2 Deliverable Management
Deliverable management is the set of activities the project uses to draft, review and obtain appropriate levels of approval for project deliverables.
3.2.1 Deliverable Review Process
Before a deliverable goes through the deliverable sign-off process, deliverable reviews are performed by the project team with the aim to detect defects. The project will plan the type of review for each deliverable in the project’s Deliverables Log.
The specific review process, steps and timing should be detailed in this plan and be consistent with the tracking tools for monitoring deliverable progress.
For additional information please see:
Ø Deliverables Log
Ø Deliverable Overview and Approval Form
3.2.2 Deliverable Review Defect Classifications
The defects[1] identified during the deliverable review are classified into the following severity levels:
· Critical: Defect that would result in a failure of the software product or an observable departure from specification (or any other input document). (E.g., no known work around is available).
· Major: Defect that would result in a failure of the software product or an observable departure from specification (or any other input document). A work around is possible but would require significant additional effort to ensure expected product behavior.
· Minor: Defects that deviate from specifications but will not cause the failure of the software product or an observable departure in performance. Minor defects could have a cosmetic impact in terms of navigation or usability.
· Low: Low or no impact on existing, defined functionality of software product.
3.3 Project Metrics
Provide a list of Project Metrics. Metrics represent a critical facet of project and quality management used to monitor and control the project. In addition, metrics are reported to the project leadership in the Status Report (see Metrics Tab).
4 Quality Support Plan
This section defines the external, to the core project team, review process(es) that will be performed to support delivery quality. Reviews may be mandatory or optional.
4.1 Quality Support Overview
This section documents quality support activities that will occur in addition to the quality assurance and quality control activities by the core project team.
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Quality Support Plan22-Apr-15 / Page 8 of 8 / <Insert project name>
Quality Management Plan
[1] For clarity, software development examples are used to illustrate the defect classifcations.