7 APRIL 2008

* / Cllr K Armstrong / * / Cllr C Horner
* / Cllr J Barfoot / * / Cllr R Taylor
* / Cllr K Barnes / * / Cllr K Warnell (Chairman)
* / Cllr P Demonti / * / Cllr Miss C Woodman (V/Chairman)
* / Cllr Mrs Hollebon (ex-officio) / * / Cllr C Woodward

* Denotes present

In attendance: Tricia Carpenter, Asst Town Clerk




RESOLVED: the Minutes were received as a correct record of the proceedings and signed by the Chairman.


Cllr Armstrong Personal Planning Applications: 3/08/0286/FP/MP

3/08/0393/FP/SE, 3/08/0455/LB/SE,


The applicants are known to Cllr Armstrong

Cllr Barnes Personal Planning Application: 3/08/0292/FP/NB

The applicant was known to Cllr Barnes

Cllr Demonti Personal Planning Application: 3/08/0488/FP/SE

The applicant was known to Cllr Demonti

Cllr Warnell Personal Planning Application: 3/08/0476/FP/NB

The applicant was known to Cllr Warnell

Planning Application: 3/08/0472/FP/SE

The neighbour of the applicant was known to Cllr Warnell.

Cllr Barfoot Personal & Prejudicial Planning application: 3/08/0488/FP/SE

The applicant was a customer of

Cllr Barfoot.


i) No objections were raised on the following applications:-

3/08/0286/FP/MP / Replacement garden room
Northrepps, 12 Westfield Road
Applicant: Mr Simon Smith
3/08/0368/FP/MP / Single storey rear extension
1A Thornfield Road
Applicant: Mr and Mrs Mauriutto
3/08/0441/FP/NB / Replacement of existing concrete paved patio and bridge with hardwood deck across stream
The Piggeries, Pig Lane
Applicant: Mr and Mrs Nichol
3/08/0450/FP/LD / Proposed 1st floor extension to existing dwelling
11 Cannons Mill Lane
Applicant: Mr and Mrs S Karim
3/08/0455/LB/SE / 2no ‘H20’ logos with Perspex face and stainless steel surround. 1no ‘HUSH’ logo made from individual stainless steel letters illuminated via sign light below.
Millars One, Southmill Road
Applicant: Millars One
Note: Members were disappointed to note the application was retrospective.
3/08/0464/OP/SE / Outline planning permission for 2no two bedroom bungalows
199 London Road
Applicant: Mr Peter Walker
3/08/0472/FP/SE / Single storey rear extension
9 Manston Drive
Applicant: Mrs Tatjana Sevo
3/08/0476/FP/NB / Two storey rear extension
12 Chapel Row
Applicant: A Herbert
3/08/0489/FP/LD / Proposed roof dormer to rear
32 Newtown Road
Applicant: Mr J Fitzpatric

ii) Objections were made on the following applications:-

3/08/0292/FP/NB / Conversion of garage to annexe
98 Hadham Road
Applicant: Mr S Brownridge
Reason: The proposal would be contrary to the Town Council’s Planning Policy BSP 002 The garage should be used for the housing of private vehicles and not as additional living accommodation or for any commercial activity. This would ensure that continued provision of off street parking facilities in the interests of highway safety to safeguard the amenities of adjoining occupiers and would be in accordance with Policy ENV9 and appendix iv of the East Herts Local Plan Second Review. Members also expressed concern regarding the volume of traffic in the area, and noted the large amount of vehicles currently regularly parked within the curtilage of the property and considered that the annexe would be contrary to policy ENV8 (b) of the East Herts Local Plan Second Review.
3/08/0393/FP/SE / Erection of a detached dwelling plus double garage
Land rear of 212 Stansted Road
Applicant: Mr Mark Vincent
i / Over development of the site
ii / Unacceptable form of backland development
iii / Loss of privacy and noise disturbance to neighbouring properties, contrary to ENV 1(d) of the East Herts Local Plan Second Review.
3/08/0466/FP/NB / Construction of 2no two storey dwellings (detached) with 3 bedrooms and car parking places
Land adjacent to 33 Cherry Gardens
Applicant: DNMG LLP
i / Out of keeping with the street scene, contrary to ENV 1 of the East Herts Local Plan 2nd Review
ii / Over development of a cramped site
iii / Inadequate parking provision
3/08/0488/FP/SE / Construction of four bed detached house
8 Maple Avenue
Applicant: Mr Dominic Leacy
i / Inappropriate backland development
ii / Loss of orchard and foliage, contrary to ENV 11 of the East Herts Local Plan 2nd Review.
Note: Having already declared a personal and prejudicial interest, Cllr Barfoot vacated the chamber prior to the discussion on this item.
3/08/0517/FP/MP / Demolition of garage, erection of two storey side extension and front porch
28 Patricia Gardens
Applicant: Mr Scott Robertson
The proposal would be contrary to the Town Council’s Planning Policy BSP 002 The garage should be used for the housing of private vehicles and not as additional living accommodation or for any commercial activity. This would ensure that continued provision of off street parking facilities in the interests of highway safety to safeguard the amenities of adjoining occupiers and would be in accordance with Policy ENV9 and appendix iv of the East Herts Local Plan Second Review. In addition the proposal was considered to be an over development of the site in an already congested area.


RESOLVED: that the attached list of decisions issued by East Herts Council be noted.


None to date.


None to date.


Members had been circulated with a copy of an email from the Environment Agency in which it was confirmed that officers had traced the oil back to its source and that the investigation was still open with enforcement officers taking appropriate action. Members were disappointed that more detailed information regarding the pollution incident had not been forthcoming and requested that a further letter be sent to the Environmental Agency to ascertain the source of the leak, whether the leak had now been contained and information regarding the enforcement action being pursued.


Members had previously been circulated with a copy of a letter from Churches Together detailing the forthcoming Shine Festival and the proposed clean up in the Town on

20 September 2008. Cllr Horner wished to ascertain whether the Council would be in a position to lend support to the project, either via lending resources or by providing publicity for the event to ensure that the whole community was involved in this worthy project. The Deputy Mayor advised members that he had had discussions with the organisers and had agreed to lend civic support as Mayor, should he be elected. It was also suggested that the project be referred to the Youth Council to gain its support.


1.  that the Town Council fully support the Shine Festival town clean up project and offer practical support where possible.

2.  that the Council identify specific areas in the Town which could benefit from a clean up.

3.  that Churches Together provide an article advertising the event, to be published in the next edition of ‘About Town’.


i. / Illegal Parking outside Brake Brothers, Dunmow Road
No response had been received from Inspector Piper and it was therefore suggested that Sgt Chris Hunt be contacted to request that enforcement action be taken against those motorists parking illegally.
ii / Jackson Square Car Park
Members expressed their disappointment that the Committee was not being consulted with regard to the proposed alterations to the exiting arrangement from the car park. It was requested that this matter be referred to the Town Council, with suggestions that District Council officers be requested to attend a future Community Voice meeting to explain the action being taken with regard to the alterations. It was also requested that information be sought from the Town Centre Manager regarding the Partnership’s position with regard to the Car Park alterations.
iii / Local Air Quality Assessment
Members had been circulated with a copy of a letter from Nicholas Egerton, Environmental Health Officer, East Herts Council in which he stated that where air quality objectives had been exceeded due to local traffic, Local Authorities had been advised to incorporate action into the Local Transport Plan. Mr Egerton also confirmed that he did not believe that tree planting in the area would have any noticeable air quality benefits since the ability of a tree to act as a pollution sink was limited to the growing phase of the tree and was also species dependant. Cllr Taylor confirmed that the Highway Joint Member Panel was currently investigating a number of possibilities relating to the reduction of the volume of traffic at Hockerill Junction in order to improve air quality. Cllr Woodward advised members that he had had further discussions with Mr Egerton and was awaiting further feedback, which he would report to the Committee.


1. British Waterways Design Study (Cllr Woodward)

(To note that this document will be forwarded when completed)

2. Responses referred by the Town Plan Working Party (Cllr Woodward)


Signage at Birchanger Roundabout

Following a major traffic incident on the M11 last Saturday which led to the closure of the motorway, traffic had been forced to divert onto the bypass at Bishop’s Stortford. However, misleading advertising signage at the Birchanger Roundabout which stated ‘Diversion’ and underneath ‘To Tanners Wharf’, (a new housing development) had led to unnecessary traffic being diverted into the Town. Members requested that a request be forwarded to Essex Highways asking that the misleading sign be removed.

Litter Problem

A severe litter problem was reported at the land adjacent to Waitrose at the Causeway and at the Skate Park. The Town Council staff was requested to carry out a clean up in the areas.

Meeting closed at 8.50pm