Creative Curriculum

Staggered Entry Day(s)

Large Group

Many songs may be found on the Days 1-12 CD

Gathering Transition: ______

●Briefly review rules acknowledging those who are following the rules.

●Song: Sing “Hello Everybody” by Peter Allard.

●Poem: Read Humpty Dumpty using the poster (Recite first time with no poster, then a second time with the poster displayed. Talk about the illustration.)

●Literacy Skill: Hold up a child’s name card and encourage that child to stand. Sing “We’re so Glad you’re Here” (tune of The Farmer in the Dell) Repeat for other children.

We’re so glad you’re here,

We’re so glad you’re here,

We’re so glad that (child’s name) is here,

We’re so glad you’re here!

●Teach rules for group time. (use RECAP pictures)

●Teach hand washing procedures. (revisit this in centers with each child individually)

●Teach a simple clean-up signal. (Examples: ringing a bell, clapping hands, special song, lights off/hands up/listening ears)

Transition to Centers: Use name cards of students. You can make it a game or use a song such as “Where Oh Where Is ______?”

Read Aloud

Gathering Transition: ______

●Review rules for group time.

●Do a 1st read with a beginning of school book. Make your book selection from books you have available. Preview the book for vocabulary selection.

Book Title: ______

Vocabulary selected: ______



Dismissal Transition: ______

Small Group(to be included with Choice Time)


  1. Class will be divided into predetermined groups for this day and called during Choice Time

Teacher- Puzzles


2. Teachers calls small groups of students while Co-Teacher circulates

Things to think about: How many puzzles are children allowed to work with at one time? What will be the procedure for choosing a different puzzle during small group time? Can they ask a friend for help? What happens if the puzzle is too difficult? Can they put the pieces on the tray and return it to the rack without completing the puzzle?

Day 1 (with all students)

Please refer to RECAP manual for lesson plans to use during RECAP time.

NOTE: Repeat Lesson 1

Large Group

Gathering Transition: ______

●Briefly review the rules, focusing on behaviors you want to see.

●Song: Sing “Hello Everybody” by Peter Allard (on CD) using 4-5 student names.

●Poem: Read “Humpty Dumpty” displaying poster. Emphasize rhyming words as you read.

●Literacy Skill (familiarity with names): Sing “We’re So Glad You’re Here”.

●Literacy Skill (listening):Explain to students that when they listen carefully they can hear many different sounds. Practice. Discuss loud sounds and soft sounds using clapping. Have children clap loudly, then softly. Have them discuss loud and soft sounds they are familiar with in their environment. Ask them to close their eyes. Then you make a loud sound such as a stomp. Children identify the sound. Repeat with a soft sound. Continue as interest allows. You may want to invite children to say “Humpty Dumpty” loudly and then softly.

●Review rules for group time and hand washing

●Teach and demonstrate how to use markers. Bring markers, paper and marker container to group setting and model process for using markers. Include specific instructions on ensuring the marker caps are closed and how to return markers to the shelf.

●Review rules for centers and clean up signal.

Transition to Centers: Use name cards to transition to centers using same activity from staggered entry day. (Familiarity is comforting to students.)

Read Aloud

●Briefly review rules for group time. Comment positively when you see a desired behavior.

●“ 2nd read” of beginning of school book. Ask the question, “What happened next?” to help children recall the story line.

Book Title: ______

Vocabulary selected: ______



Dismissal Transition: ______

Small Group(to be included with Choice Time)

Activity: Working with Puzzles

Day 2

Please refer to RECAP manual for lesson plans to use during RECAP time.

Large Group

Gathering Transition: Sing “We’re so glad you’re here” 4-5 children only.

●Briefly review the rules focusing on behaviors you want to see.

●Song: Introduce “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” by showing poster. Sing with no music first, then with music if you choose.

●Poem: Read “Jack and Jill” (1st with no poster, 2nd time with poster); review “Humpty Dumpty”.

●Literacy Skill ( name recognition: “We’re So Glad You’re Here” 3-4 more students

●Literacy Skill (listening): Ask children to listen for a loud sound (stomp foot). Ask children to identify sound. Have children use a complete sentence to give answer. Model for children “I heard a loud ______.” Now ask children to listen for a soft sound (tap your foot lightly). Ask for a volunteer to identify the sound. Encourage use of complete sentences using a model. Continue making a variety of sounds using: snapping fingers, clapping hands, slapping knees, and tapping toes.

●Briefly review group time rules.

●Introduce 4 diverse baby dolls and doll clothes. Bring dolls and clothes to group area and demonstrate ways to hold, dress, and play with the doll. Be specific about putting dolls away in designated, labeled place.

●Review center rules addressing any specific behaviors you may have seen. Acknowledge appropriate behaviors you have seen.

Transition to Centers: ______

Read Aloud : All I Am by Eileen Poe –Big Book-1st read

Gathering Transition: ______

Suggested Introduction: “Today we are going to read a book named All I Am by Eileen Poe. This book is about a little boy who does many fun and exciting things. Let’s read to find out some of the things he does.”

Vocabulary: family, neighbor, thinker, artist, piano, daydreamer


Things to think about: During the read, make reference to the topics of the discussion questions. Draw attention to the pet and talk about what the pet’s name might be. Point out the dog’s size in relation to the boy’s size.

GKQ: What did the little boy have as a pet?

HLTQ: What would you like to have as a pet?

Things to think about: During the read, make reference to his parents as they show up in the illustrations. Talk about how he spends time with his parents, his friends, and also by himself.

GKQ: What did he help his parents do?

HLTQ: What do you help your parents do?

Dismissal Transition: ______

Small Group(to be included with Choice Time)

Activity: Drawing

Day 3

Please refer to RECAP manual for lesson plans to use during RECAP time.

Large Group

Gathering Transition: “We’re so Glad you’re Here” (choose 4-5 names)

●Briefly review rules focusing on specific behaviors you want to reinforce.

●Literacy Skill: (listening) Play a sound from sound CD and ask a child to identify it (or where they may have heard the sound) using a complete sentence. Repeat using several different sounds.

●Predictable Book: Read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.

●Literacy Skill(vocabulary and sentence structure): Introduce “Where is Thumbkin?” Encourage the children to sing and do the motions.

●Review hand washing procedures.

●Have student(s) model proper hand washing.

●Bring three sizes of containers and counting bears to group setting. Demonstrate sorting bears by size. Use a small, medium, and large container to represent the 3 sizes of bears.

●Introduce the small signs and pretend people for block center. Bring the containers for signs, people, and vehicles to the group to demonstrate sorting.

●Review rules for centers especially those rules that seem difficult for the class.

Transition to Centers: ______

Read Aloud: All I Am by Eileen Poe - 2nd read

Gathering Transition: ______

Introduction: “Today we are going to read All I Am again. I know you all remember some things the little boy did in the story. I want you to help me tell the story today.”

Vocabulary: (mention vocabulary from 1st read and introduce these word) sidewalk, oven, paint smock, gifts


Things to think about: During the read, draw attention to the cake and gifts, mentioning that this must be a birthday party for the grandfather. Point out the location around the table.

GKQ: Who had a birthday?

HLTQ: This family has gifts for the grandfather. What do you think is in one of the packages?

Things to think about: During the “read”, talk about the friends and how they have friends at school. Talk about the outside toys you have seen the children use and compare them to the wagon in the book.

GKQ: What were the little boy and his friends doing together outside?

HLTQ: Where do you think they were going? What will they play next?

Dismissal Transition: ______

Small Group(to be included with Choice Time)

Activity: Book Browsing in Book Area

Day 4

Please refer to RECAP manual for lesson plans to use during RECAP time.

Large Group

Gathering Transition: “Where is Thumbkin?” sing and do motions

●Song: Sing “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”

●Poem: “Little Miss Muffet” (1st time: recite with no poster, 2nd time: add poster) Discuss illustration briefly.

●Song: Sing “Hokey Pokey”. Sing slowly at first and model to help children understand expectations. Use very few body parts this time (i.e. arm, leg, head).

●Literacy Skill (listening to words for meaning): Display “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” and “Humpty Dumpty” poster on an easel or chart stand. (Cover the text with construction paper ahead of time.) Guide children to look at the pictures on the two posters. Tell them you are going to read a poem and you want them to think about which picture illustrates the text you are reading. After reading the poem, have them decide which illustration goes with the poem you have read. Lead a discussion as to why they made a particular choice. You could also talk about why the other illustration would not fit the text.

●Review hand washing procedures.

●Introduce magnifying glasses and how to observe objects using this tool. You can use non-fiction books to show how the magnifying glasses work. Introduce a collection of objects that can be observed using the magnifying glasses.

●Review rules for centers. Acknowledge the appropriate behaviors that have been demonstrated.

Transition to Centers: ______

Read Aloud: My Friends by Taro Gomi -1st read

Gathering Transition: ______

Introduction: “Today we are going to read a book called My Friends. In this story, a little girl learns new things from many different friends. Let’s read and find out more about what she learns. I wonder who her friends are…”

Vocabulary: (Use the illustrations to create a deeper meaning for the story. Important vocabulary can be learned from illustrations.) meadow, follow, branch, march, aroma, crouching, explore, earth, roof, desk, study,


Things to think about: During the read, point out how the cat is walking and the little girl seems to be following him.

GKQ: Who is the little girl following?

HLTQ: Where do you think the cat is going?

Things to think about: Point out the rabbit and the girl (in the corner of the page)—tell them it looks like the edge of the field. Talk about how their bodies look small.

GKQ: Where are the rabbit and the little girl hiding?

HLTQ: Why do you think they are hiding?

Dismissal Transition: ______

Small Group(to be included with Choice Time)

Activity: In the Apple Tree (TSG Activity)

Day 5

Please refer to RECAP manual for lesson plans to use during RECAP time.

Large Group

Gathering Transition: ______

●Briefly review group time rules and focus behaviors you want to continue.

●Song: Sing “Hokey Pokey” then introduce “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” (on CD)

●Predictable Book: Read Chicka Chicka Boom Boomand encourage children to chime in.

●Literacy Skill(name recognition): Sing “Where is Thumbkin?” replacing finger names with the students’ names using name cards. Continue as long as interest allows. If you do not finish all names at SWPL, involve the rest of the class later in the day during another transition time.

●Review hand washing procedures.

●Using a small tub of water, demonstrate using spoons and cups to scoop and pour. Discuss wearing a smock to keep clothes dry and hand washing before and after water play. Discuss your procedure for cleaning up spills.

●Review rules for centers. Acknowledge the appropriate behaviors that have been demonstrated.

Transition to Centers: ______

Read Aloud: My Friends by Taro Gomi - 2nd read

Gathering Transition: ______

Suggested Introduction: “Today, we are going to read the book, My Friends again. In this story the little girl learned so many wonderful things from her friends. I want you to help me tell the story today. Let’s see if we remember what happened.”

Vocabulary: (Revisit vocabulary from 1st read and introduce a few new words.) nectar, tongue, aroma, nocturnal, crescent moon, shooting stars, planet


Things to think about: During the read, mention the butterfly using his tongue to drink the nectar. You may want to share that butterflies smell with their antennae. Point out how the girl smells the aroma from the flowers.

GKQ: How did the butterfly drink the nectar?

HLTQ: I wonder if the little girl knows the butterfly is close to her. What do you think? What would happen if she tried to catch the butterfly?

Things to think about: During the read point out how the owl is wide awake at night. Point out some of the things in the sky.

GKQ: What could the owl and the little girl see from the tree branch?

HLTQ: Have you ever climbed a tree? Tell us about it. Would you like to climb a tree? Why or why not?

Dismissal Transition: ______

Small Group(to be included with Choice Time)

Activity: Playdough with cutters

Day 6

Please refer to RECAP manual for lesson plans to use during RECAP time.

Large Group

Gathering Transition: ______

●Briefly review rules focusing on specific behaviors you want to continue.

●Songs: Introduce the “ABC Song” with claps. You may want a visual aid to remind students to clap. You can use a chart to go with the song (lyrics attached).

●Songs: Sing “Hokey Pokey”

●Poems: Read “Jack and Jill” with poster and “Little Miss Muffet” with poster.

●Literacy Skill(listening and chiming in): Choose several of the poems introduced to the children. Tell them you are going to read some lines from a few poems and you want them to help say the word you leave out. (Little Miss Muffet, sat on a ______.) Continue using at least one line from each poem you have read to be sure you hit each child’s favorite poem.

●Review hand washing procedures.

●Demonstrate using a tape player and two books on tape. Be sure you have labeled play and stop with red and green stickers.

●Review rules for centers. Acknowledge the appropriate behaviors that have been demonstrated.

Transition to Centers: ______

Read Aloud: All I Am—by Eileen Poe - 3rd read

Gathering Transition: ______

Suggested Introduction: “Today, we are going to read one of the books we have read before. We know this book very well so I want you to help me read it. I think you might remember the title. [show book, then read the title] Today we are going to read together. You can help me read the words that you remember. Good readers use the pictures for clues.”

Vocabulary: (mention vocabulary from 1st and 2nd reads and introduce these words) museum, fossil, stars,


Things to think about: During the read, draw attention to the adult at the museum. Talk about the picture. It looks like a class has gone on a field trip to the museum to learn about dinosaurs.

GKQ: What did the children see on their field trip to the museum?

HLTQ: Where are some places you like to visit?

Things to think about: During the read, talk about how the boy is looking at the sky and wondering. Tell the children what you do when you wonder about things.

GKQ: What was the little boy wondering about?

HLTQ: What are some things you wonder about?

Dismissal Transition: ______

Small Group(to be included with Choice Time)

Activity: Using scissors and glue

Day 7

Please refer to RECAP manual for lesson plans to use during RECAP time.

Large Group

Gathering Transition: ______

●Briefly review group time rules.

●Song: Review loud and soft sound concepts briefly. Sing “Boom Chicka Boom” from CD.