Media Partner AgreeMent

The European Geothermal Congress 2013will take place from 3rd to 7th of June 2013 at Palazzo deiCongressi in Pisa, Italy. This conference is organised by the European Geothermal Energy Council (EGEC). Visit the event website

EGC 2013 Contact Information
Ms. Alexandra Latham
Communication Officer
RenewableEnergy House
Rue d'Arlon 63-67
B-1040 Brussels
Tel: +32 2 400 10 27 Fax:+32 2 400 10 39
Web: / Partner Contact Information
Company name
Contact person / Ms.Mrs.Mr.
Phone / Fax
Postal code / City

This Media Partner Agreement outlines the responsibilities of the European Geothermal Congress 2013 organiser and ______(the Partner) for promotion of the Conference.

Organisers Responsibilities

The organiser agrees to provide the benefits to the Partner as detailed below:

•Display of publications on a designated Media table

•One (1) complimentary pass to Conference

•Logo display and link on Conference materials with recognition as a Media Partner

Partner Responsibilities

The Partner agrees to provide the benefits to the organisers as detailed below:

  • Comprehensive reporting before and after the European Geothermal Congress 2013including print of the Conference banner and of a conference picture as well as mention of the official event website (
  • Banner advertisement for the Conference on Partner’s website
  • Listing of the Conference in the events section (e.g. events calendar) of the Partner’s website

Plus a min. of one advertisement possibilities among the following (please tick as appropriate):

One (1) e-blasts to Partner’s subscriber list promoting the Conference between Marchand May 2013.

One (1) inclusion in Partner’s newsletter to its subscribers between March and May 2012.

Printed advertisement: at least one (1) ¼ page printed in the Partner’s magazine, newsletter

No direct financial assistance is sought from the Partner.


The Organiser and the Partner acknowledge and agree to comply with all terms and conditions contained in this Media Partner Agreement.

For the organiser:
Alexandra Latham
Communication Officer
Stamp: / For the Partner:
Name and function of the authorised individual:
Stamp & signature

EuropeanGeothermalEnergy Council

63-65, Rue d’Arlon - B-1040 BRUXELLES - BELGIQUE

Tél : 32.2.400.10.24 Fax : 32.2.400.10.10