Oregon English Language Arts (ELA) Teacher Update #9


Please forward this issue of the English Teacher Update to interested colleagues!

Teachers may sign up for this monthly e-newsletter and other content teacher newsletters at

Previous issues are located at

1.A Newsletter for K-12 English Teachers

2.Additional ODE Listservs to Keep You Updated

3.Come Visit the New and Improved REAL!

4.ODE Adjusts Scoring Process for State Writing Assessment

5.Please Join us at the Oregon Diploma Summit March 17

6.Register Now for the OCTE Spring Conference in Ashland April 17

7.Workshop Leaders Needed for the Oregon Writing Festival May 2

8.Invite Your Students, Grades 4-12, to the Oregon Writing Festival May 2

9.C Whitcomb Scholarship: AttentionHigh School Writing Teachers and Students

10.International Travel Grants for Secondary Teachers – Deadline April 27

11.Opportunity for Aspiring Film Makers – Deadline May 1

12.Oregon’s First People: Spring Workshop for Educators April 4

13.Website Launched to Support Oregon’s New Teachers

14.Oregon 150 Youth Legacy Symposium – Project 2059: The Future is Ours to Create Sign Up Online!

15.The National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Announces the Spring 2009 Web Seminar Series

16.Announcing NCTEs National Day on Writing – October 20, 2009

17.Join the Oregon Council of Teachers of English (OCTE)

18.Join the OregonReading Association (ORA)

19.How to Submit Articles

20.ODE Resources

1.A Newsletter for K-12 English Teachers

Welcome to the Oregon English Teacher Update! The purpose of this e-newsletter is to provideup-to-date information about topics of interest to K-12 English language arts teachers. Do you find it useful? If so, please share with colleagues. They may sign up at or they can e-mail me at ; I’d be happy to sign them up! View all Oregon English Teacher Update issues at

What topicsshould we cover in future issues?E-mail your ideas to . Thank you!

2.Additional ODE Listservs to Keep You Updated

Stay connected and informed with the Superintendent's Weekly Update and Monthly Pipeline. Check out Update (link to ) and Superintendent’s Pipeline (link to ) online or email to be added to the distribution lists.

3.Come Visit the New and Improved REAL!

The latest version of the REAL (Resources for Educational Achievement and Leadership) website is now online. A new and more flexible Standards by Design (formerly Searchable Standards) enables you to customize a standards document in multiple ways to meet your specific needs. Download the standards for one or more subjects for an entire grade, or select several grades within each subject to create a version of the standards (electronic or printable) that works for you! In response to feedback from the field, these latest enhancements to REAL add value for educators, parents, and others:

Select a Printable Booklet or an Excel Spreadsheet

The REAL update merges Searchable Standards with Standards by Design. The primary function of the Searchable Standards was to allow teachers or districts to export an electronic version of the standards for use in classroom lesson planning or in curriculum planning. Introduced in 2007, Standards by Design was developed to provide printable “booklets” of the standards that the user could customize by grade and or subject. In the updated version of REAL, Standards by Design serves both these functions, offering the user a choice of a printable PDF booklet, or an Excel document.

Choose Standards for Multiple Subjects and Grades

While Searchable Standards allowed only one subject to be searched or exported at a time, Standards by Design allows multiple subjects and grades to be selected. For exports that include more than one subject, a sheet is created within Excel for each subject, making cutting and pasting faster and easier.

Access Your Oregon Standards Newspaper Online

Standards by Design can also serve as a replacement for the Oregon Standards Newspaper (OSN), now available only online. Using Standards by Design, educators and others will still be able to obtain printed copies of the standards, but now they can generate versions customized to meet their specific needs—all in a matter of seconds!

Make Customized Copies of the New Math and Science Standards

You’ll find newly adopted standards and the newest resources in Standards by Design:

  • The 2007 Mathematics K-8 standards (and the 2009 Mathematics high school standards later this year)
  • The 2009 Science standards (coming soon!)
  • Additional standards and assessment information for parents.

Find Sample Lessons Matched at the Standard Level

Remember to check the sample lessons, assessment items, content background information, and other materials designed to promote standards-based teaching and learning that are available in REAL, Teaching and Learning Resources The items are matched at the standard level in mathematics (2002 version), reading, writing and literature as well as science (2001 version).


The look of REAL may have changed, but the goal remains the same—providing comprehensive information, tools, and resources regarding Oregon’s content standards to assist members of Oregon’s educational community in providing a quality standards-based education for every student. Any questions can be directed to Sarah Martin, Education Specialist, at (503) 947-5668 or .

4.ODE Adjusts Scoring Process for State Writing Assessment

In response to the recent economic crisis and budgetary shortfalls, the Oregon Department of Education is temporarily suspending the double scoring system for the State Writing Assessments at Grades 4 and 7 for papers that clearly meet or clearly do not meet the writing standard.

Based on prior experience with the rating system where individual trait scores from two raters agree 95% of the time, we feel that the single ratings will provide an accurate portrayal of student writing and will help inform instruction. However, because this change will affect the comparability of the scores to previous year’s assessments, Grade 4 and 7 writing scores will continue to be excluded from accountability reports (e.g. School Report Card and AYP determinations). Districts will still be able to access their scores and use the data to inform instructional decisions. The complete Memorandum can be found at:

5.Please join us at the Oregon Diploma Summit—March 17
With the new Oregon Diploma requirements we have a defined vision for student achievement; one that recognizes all students’ fundamental right to graduate ready for life. The vision for the Summit is to build on current efforts to implement Oregon’s new graduation requirements. The Summit will bring together key leaders and stakeholders from multiple sectors to collaborate on action plans that support and strengthen implementation of the diploma requirements. The emphasis is on supporting all students to succeed in achieving their goals and to be ready to transition to college and work. The Summit will help to build a foundation of support for our students. Strategies and solutions will be highlighted to address the needs of students who may need extra help or may be at risk for dropping out of school.

When: Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Where:SalemConvention Center, Willamette Room, 200 Commercial Street SE

Time: 10:00am - 4:00pm, registration starts at 9:00am


Registration has been extended through March 10th. To register for the Summit, please fill out the registration formavailable on the ODE website and email the form to Shelby Campos. For questions, call 503-947-5801.

6.Register Now for the OCTE Spring Conference in Ashland—April 17

Register now to attend the Oregon Council of Teachers of English (OCTE) Spring Conference at AshlandMiddle School on Friday and Saturday, April 17 and 18, 2009. Hear about what is happening in English instruction in classrooms throughout Oregon. Renew your energy as you gather practical ideas, assignments, and strategies from other teachers of English. Experience the magic of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival.

Visit the OCTE Website at www.octe.orgfor pre-registration forms and more specific information coming soon.

7.Workshop Leaders Needed for the Oregon Writing Festival May 2

The Oregon Council of Teachers of English (OCTE) is looking for Workshop Leaders for the 25th annual Oregon Writing Festival (OWF) at PortlandStateUniversity on Saturday, 2 May 2009. If you're available and interested, please complete the form available on the OCTE website at

The Writing Festival is a day of writing and collaboration for 4 - 12 graders from around the state of Oregon. This year over 800 students will attend with approximately 40 teachers leading workshops. Keynote speakers open the day (Craig Leslie, Eric Kimmel, and Susan Fletcher). Students attend individual writing workshops in the morning and afternoon.

A Workshop Leader prepares a writing activity for a group of 15-20 students, the students write for 30 - 35 minutes, and then they share their work (total session time: 1 hour). Workshop Leaders teach two one-hour workshops [often spaced between morning and afternoon] to two different groups of students at one of these grade levels: 4 - 5, 6 - 8, or 9 - 12. Workshop Leaders receive a $50 stipend, breakfast and lunch, and the much-coveted 2009 Oregon Writing Festival coffee mug!

Contact OCTE Board Member Jay Rishel at or 503.673.7666 with questions.

8.Invite Your Students, Grades 4-12, to the Oregon Writing Festival May 2!

The 25th Annual Oregon Writing Festival sponsored by the Oregon Council of Teachers of English (OCTE) will be held Saturday, May 2, 2009, at PortlandStateUniversity. The Writing Festival is a day of writing and collaboration for 4 - 12 graders from around the state. This year over 800 students will attend with approximately 40 teachers leading workshops. Keynote speakers open the day. Students attend individual writing workshops in the morning and afternoon.

Keynote speakers will beEric A. Kimmel, author of award-winning children’s and young adult books including Hershel & the Hanukkah Goblins, Anansi and the Moss-Covered Rock, The Two Mountains: An Aztec Legend, Cactus Soup, The Three Cabritos, and A Picture for Marc; Susan Fletcher, author of young adult novels including Alphabet of Dreams, OCTE's 2006 Oregon Spirit Book Award winner, the Dragon Chronicles Trilogy, Shadow Spinner, and Dadblammed, Union Army Cow; and Craig Lesley, author of Winterkill,The Sky Fisherman, Burning Fence: A Western Memoir of Fatherhood, River Song, and Storm Riders.

Goals of the Oregon Writing Festival include:

  • Honoring outstanding student writers
  • Accenting writing as an art, craft and basic skill for Oregon students, grades 4 to 12
  • Recognizing writing teachers for high level student achievement in writing
  • Encouraging effective classroom practices and home support to improve writing
  • Increasing the interest and involvement of students and teachers in writing
  • Promoting writing activities and festivals in local districts and communities
  • Connecting student writers with Oregon authors and other student writers

For information about the Oregon Writing Festival, please contact Barbara Wiegele at , 503-723-6275 or Rick Hardt, Festival Chair, .

9.C Whitcomb Scholarship: AttentionHigh School Writing Teachers and Students

Would you like to win a day at the Willamette Writers Conference in August 2009? Apply now for a C. Whitcomb Conference Scholarship. Information is located at

Enter the C. Whitcomb Conference Scholarship Contest by nominating your best writing student(s). If your student wins, so do you. You'll both be awarded a day at the Willamette Writers Conference, August 7-9, 2009, at the Airport Sheraton in Portland, OR.


  • Entries must me submitted between March 1st and June 1st, 2009.
  • Winners will be notified by June 13th, and will have until July 1 to accept or decline the award. Alternates will receive any awards not claimed.
  • Instructors from accredited colleges who teach writing can nominate their best students by telling us why the student would benefit from the conference (150 words or less). The most compelling entries will be selected.
  • The name and contact information for both the teacher and the student must be included on the entry.
  • Submissions can be e-mailed, mailed or faxed.
  • Teachers can enter as many students as they like. However, they are limited to an award of one free day, even if several of their students win.
  • Ten scholarships are available.

The Willamette Writers Conference offers a wide variety of workshops from some of the best professionals in the business. Topics include writing techniques, marketing, the writing life, and other "how to’s." In addition, approximately 50 consultants - literary agents & editors, and film professionals- will be there to take pitches. A handful of people get their start with these consultants every year, and some go on to great success.

Note: The scholarship is for registration, which includes classes, daytime meals and snacks. Transportation, accommodation, pitch sessions and evening meals are on your own.

Willamette Writers

9045 SW Barbur Blvd Ste 5A

Portland, OR97219


Fax 503.452.0372

For more information:

10.International Travel Grants for Secondary Teachers—Deadline April 27

Under the Teaching Excellence and Achievement Program (TEA) the U.S. Department of State and IREX (the International Research & Exchanges Board) announce a competition for middle and high school teachers from the United States to participate in a two-week professional exchange program in Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan,Bangladesh, Cambodia, Colombia, El Salvador, Georgia, Ghana, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Nicaragua, Senegal, Tajikistan,Turkmenistan, and Ukraine.Eligible applicants must be:

Secondary-level (middle or high school), teaching professionals with five or more years of classroom experience in disciplines including English as a Foreign Language, English Language or Literature, and social sciences (including social studies, civics, and history),

U.S. citizens, and

Able to travel in spring 2010.

The program is fully funded and provides: Visa support, round-trip domestic airfare, lodging and meals to attend the TEA U.S. Conference, round-trip airfare from the U.S. to the assigned country, emergency medical evacuation plan, and lodging and a dailystipend in host country.

Application Deadline: April 27, 2009

Applications can be downloaded at: For more information, you may contact Anne MiIazzo at (202) 628-8188 ext 197 or . For more international travel grant opportunities,please check in May 2009.

11.Opportunity for Aspiring Film Makers—Deadline May 1
The Green Screen, Clackamas Film Festival is looking for student submissions as part of this year’s festival. The film festival will present a series of films and videos that focus on issues related to sustainability. Focusing on the triple bottom line of sustainability (the environment, economics, and social justice), entries will look at how issues in sustainability, the environment, ecologies, and economic and human relationships affect one another.

The top youth film maker (must be a middle or high school student) will receive a year’s tuition waiver to ClackamasCommunity College and a laptop computer. Students can enter videos in any of the following categories: Short Digital Short, Short Films, Feature-Length Narratives, and Feature-Length Documentaries.Click here for more details about submission guidelines. All videos must be submitted by May 1, 2009.

12.Oregon’s First People: Spring Workshop for Educators April 4

Attend this informative workshop sponsored by the Oregon Council of the Social Studies, Saturday, April4, 2009, Grand Ronde, 8:00 am to 3:00 pm.

As Oregon commemorates 150 years of statehood, educators have the opportunity together to learn more about Oregon’s First People: A Living, Modern Culture. The workshop, sponsored in part with a generous grant from the Spirit Mountain Foundation, has sessions for all educators, grades K-12. Sessions on history, cultural issues, plants, art, crafts, music, published authors Robert Miller and Stephen Beckham, a noted herbalist, a basket weaver, and artists are featured. Additionally, the national C-SPAN civics bus is going to arrive around 10:30 and will offer free tours for teachers about C-SPAN programming and educational materials; teachers will see the latest technology and receive free materials from C-SPAN.

Cost is $30.00, including lunch if paid before March 15; after that registration increases to $45.00 with no guarantee of lunch. Attendees will be awarded 6 PDUs. For further information and registration forms, go to

13.Website Launched to Support Oregon’s New Teachers

Educator mentoring is a large component of ensuring student success through quality education. The Beginning Teacher and Administrator Mentor Program was created in 2007 in an effort to provide new educators with the tools they need to help their students succeed in the classroom. To support this important initiative, the Chalkboard Project and The Oregon Department of Education, with support from the Boeing Company, launched MentoringEducators.org.

The site is designed to provide information about the mentor program to educators, legislators, and the general public. Its features are useful to a range of users. Everyone from an experienced educator mentor to an average Oregonian can find helpful information. The site includes:

An overview of Oregon's Mentor Program

Program participants and program locations

A calendar with times and details about mentoring classes

Mentoring models--what and how does mentoring work?

General educator resources, with an emphasis on Math and Science

National & local news

Research--why is mentoring important?

A forum for discussing Oregon's Mentor Program

The ultimate goal of both the website and the mentor program is to support an investment in quality educators. The website provides Oregonians important information that will help build their support for quality educators. If you have any questions or comments about MentoringEducators.org. please contact Matt Kinshella, Communications Associate, Chalkboard Project at 877-YOUR-K12.

Please visit and encourage your colleagues to do the same.