Using the Barracuda to Reduce Spam

This document will give you details on how to use the Musco Barracuda Spam and Virus Firewall to reduce spam in your FirstClass mailbox.


To logon to the Barracuda, enter You will be presented with the screen below.

  1. Change the language of the display here.
  2. Enter your email address in the Username field.
  3. Enter your Barracuda password in the Password field.
  4. After entering your Username and Password click the Login button
  5. If you do not know your Barracuda password, click the Create New Password button.

Quarantine Inbox

The Quarantine Inbox is a location on the Barracuda that holds suspicious email that meets the scoring criteria defined as “Quarantine”.

  1. This shows the name of the Quarantine Inbox you are reviewing.
  2. Click the Log Off link to Logout of the Barracuda.
  3. You can change the language of the display here.
  4. You can search email in the Quarantine by choosing the Filter Field, entering the text, and click the Search button
  5. You can select multiple email to perform an action by checking these boxes
  6. The action to perform on checked email is performed here. The actions include Deliver email to FirstClass, classify email as Spam, classify email as Not Spam, or Delete from Quarantine.
  7. You can also perform other actions here. The Deliver link will deliver the email, Whitelist will add the From address to the Whitelist, Delete will delete the email from Quarantine.


The Whitelist/Blacklist is used to allow or block specific email addresses or domains.

  1. Enter the email address you wish to Allow or Block in this area
  2. Click the Add button to add to the Whitelist or Blacklist
  3. Click on the Trash can button next the email address you wish to delete
  4. To add multiple email addresses, click on the Bulk Edit button and add large volumes of email addresses. Enter one email address per line. You can also enter a domain name to block all email from an organization. Click the Save Changesbutton when complete. See example below.

Quarantine Settings

Quarantine Settings are used enable or disable the quarantine and to send you notifications about quarantined email. The notification email will inform you the contents of your quarantine.

  1. To disable the Quarantine choose No. If you disable the Quarantine, all suspicious spam will have a tag placed in the subject line of the email.
  2. You can set the interval for the Notification email. The choices are Daily, Weekly, or Never.
  3. You can also send the Notification email to an alternate email. Enter it here. Make sure you click the Save Changes button if any changes are made.
  4. The language of the display can be changed here.

Spam Scoring

This allows you to configure the aggressiveness of the Barracuda for your email. The Barracuda scores every email between 0 and 10. Zero indicates the email is not spam and ten indicates the email is spam.

  1. To disable Spam Scoring, change this value to No and click the Save Changes button.
  2. To change from using the System Defaults to User Defined values change to No and click the Save Changes button. The image below shows how users can change the values for each category. You can reduce the value of each category to be more aggressive on spam or increase the values of each category to be less aggressive. Again, press the Save Changes button to save the settings.

To revert back to System Default values, change the setting back to Yes and click the Save Changes button. The image below shows that

  1. The categories for email are Tag, Quarantine, and Block.
  2. The values for these categories are displayed here.


You can set the password for your Barracuda logon.

  1. Enter your current password and then enter your new password twice
  2. Click the Save Password button to save

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