Phone 755-0125 ext. 2210 MR.BODAS Room 29

Date / AP Environmental Science Spring 2015 Calendar
Mr. Bodas
(858)755-0125 x2210 / Homework
1/28 / Start of Second Semester
Intro to Ch. 15 Geologic Forces & Mineral Resources
Virtual Earthquake activity
Video clip: Earth revealed “earthquake” or “Ring of fire” / Begin Reading and outlining Ch 15
Thinking critically #2&4
1/30 / Ch. 15 Mining and mineral resources, environmental impacts of mineral resources
Mining techniques on line video clips (education portal)
Cookie Mining Lab
Mining Practices Discussion->surface, subsurface, pit, strip mines, acid mine drainage
Video: Rock Cycle
Rock classification labà igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic rocks
Review questions Ch. 15 / Finish reading and outlining Ch 15
Read supplement 19 pg. S54 in back of text.
Thinking critically # 1
Project Q #2
2/3 / Finish rock classification lab as needed
Video: Ring of Fire
·  Ch. 15 vocab review activity
Environmental Impacts of mining ( heavy metal contamination, acid drainage, mining reclamation and remediation)
Video Clip: California’s natural mineral resources / Read Supplement #11 in back of text pgs43-s45 and outline it!
Your Cookie Mining Labs are due.
2/5 / Test Chapter 15 Mining and mineral resources
Intro. To non-renewable resources
Video: End of Suburbia & Collapse of the American Dream
Eco Column Announcements/ EcoColumn Lab write up guidelines / Chapter 15 Outline, and Virtual Earthquake activity should all be completed and ready to hand in.
2/9 / Chapter 16 àNon-renewable energy resources
Cartoon Guide to EnvironàChapter 10
·  Environmental Science: “Soft Energy Paths” pg. 119
Discussionà Coal, Oil, Natural Gas resources and extraction techniques
·  (Review Q’s 17.1-17.4)
Handoutà Molar CO2 emissions form fossil fuel (handout pg167-170) or CO2 emissions graphing activity / Begin reading Ch. 16
Thinking critically #1-4
Work on Ch. 16 outline
2/11 / Nuclear Power & Nuclear waste-Fission and Fusion energy production
·  E2 what is coal/nuclear power
Review Q’s 16
Nuclear power articles/questions/position response / Finish reading and outlining Ch. 16
Thinking critically #5-8
Molar CO2 emissions form fossil fuel (handout pg167-170). due
2/13& 2/16 / Chapter 17àRenewable energy resources
Energy Calculations Intro worksheet, common units, dimensional analysis
Molnar Solar absorption Lab pg. 175-178 (Handout)
Review questions ch. 17
Photovoltaic cells energy production article / Begin Reading and outlining ch. 17 Energy calculation practice sheet
Thinking critically #1-3
2/19 / Renewable energy sources discussionàhydroelectric, wind, biomass energy, etc.
Energy Use Inventories (using your bills and virtual energy inventory)
Biodiesel article Bring a copy of gas and electric bill!!!
Video: NOVA “Who killed the electric car” / Work on Ch. 17 outline
Thinking critically #4-8
Bring a copy of gas and electric bill!!!
2/23 / Hydrogen Fuel Cell technology & demo
Review questions Ch. 17
Discussion hydrogen production, geothermal energy, decentralization of power supplies and living “off” the power grid
Video: Hydrogen Fuel cells or Solar Energy “Saved by the Sun”
Miller Lab Energy Conservation pg. 93-98 (Handout) / Finish Ch. 17 outline
Home energy saver virtual activity:
2/25 / Test Ch. 16 & 17 Non-renewable and renewable energy resouces
Intro. To Chapter 18 Toxicology, risk assessment, infectious diseases
Toxicology intro. Activity
·  Toxics in your house scavenger hunt / Finish and turn in energy conservation lab from last class as necessary.
Bring all your outlines and text question to turn in.
Study for test!!!!
2/27 / Video: NOVA: “Meningitis: Killer Disease on Campus”or DVD clipà Rx for survival
Ch. 18 Risk assessment and management, toxicology
LD50 Graphing activity and questions
Begin infectious disease mini-project in computer lab (handout)
Discussionà dose response curves, biological pathogens, antibiotic resistance, risk / Read and outline Ch. 18
Thinking critically #1-5
Read and outlineà supplement 22 &23 pg. s65-s67 in back of text
Progress reports / Review Questions 18

LD 50 Lab & Toxicology àCalifornia Black worms

Environmental Science Article: “ Environmental Carcinogen and Hormone Mimics”
Discussionà dose response curves, biological pathogens, antibiotic resistance, risk assessment / Case studiesà TB, malaria, HIV
(Take home particulate pollution sampling dish) / Finish reading and outline Ch. 18
Thinking critically #7&8
Turn in infectious disease mini-project
3/5 / Test Ch 18 Risk assessment, toxicology,
Airborne particulate pollution lab / Turn in Ch. 18 materials- text questions, outlines, etc.
Bring back particulate pollution samples
3/9 / Ch. 19 Air Pollution (Review Q’s)
Cartoon Guide to Environment; Chapter 13's%20ch.%2013%20air%20pollution.doc
Discussion/notes Atmospheric structure and composition, outdoor air pollution, chemistry of photochemical smog (COx, NOx, VOC’s) / Begin reading and outlining Ch. 19. list
Thinking critically #1-4
Late Start / Discussion indoor air pollutants and physiological effects, reducing indoor pollutants
Radon Fact Sheet
Acid deposition/Acid precipitation causes and chemistry
Acid deposition lab (AP) / Continue Reading and outlining Ch. 19
Thinking critically #5-7
3/13 / Ch. 20àEarth’s climate history/Greenhouse effect/ greenhouse gases discus
Review questions 20
Molnar Global warming internet activity pg. 10 (handout)
Video Clip: “NOVA: Global Warming “What’s Up With the Weather” or Global Warming “ The Science and the Signs” / Begin reading and outlining Ch. 20 “Climate Change”
Thinking Critically #1-4
Finish acid precipitation lab as needed
CAHSSE / Discussionà global warming, rising sea levels?, greenhouse gas emission reduction ,etc.

Tropospheric Ozone Lab

Review chemical reactions regarding stratospheric ozone, protection of ozone, ozone depletion and cancer incidence correlation
DVD Strange Days on Planer Earth “The One Degree Factor” / Continue reading and outlining Ch. 20
Thinking critically #5-8
Read article Environmental Science: “Supporting ozone diplomacy”
3/19 / Test Chapters 19 & 20 Air Pollution & Global atmospheric changes
Water Pollution Video “We all Live Downstream” or Strange Days on Planet Earth “ Troubled Waters” / Study for Test Chapters 19 & 20 Hand in homework questions / outlinesTurn in ozone lab
3/23 / Grade FRQ essay questions Ch. 19&20
Ch. 21 Water Pollution Discussion types and sources of water pollution
Water quality criteria Ground water contamination simulation Lab “Fruitvale” / Begin Reading and outlining ch. 21 “Water Poollution”
Thinking critically #1-4
3/25 / Ch. 21 Review Questions
Discussion / notes ocean pollution and pollution reduction, sewage treatment systems and Storm drain runoff
Drinking Water quality analysis lab (bring a tap or bottled water sample)
(Bring a drinking water sample one per group of 4 or 5 people)
San Diego & California water quality issues
Ø  / Finish reading and outlining ch. 21.
Thinking critically #5
Project Q # 1 &3 (use internet to research & Max of one page for #3)
(Bring a drinking water sample one per group of 4 or 5 people)
3/27 / Video: Recycling “Time and Time Again” / Article:à buying recycled product
Review Questions 21
Solid waste inventory Labà How much trash do we make?
Discussionà 3 R’s reduce, reuse, recycling, waste management
VideoàWorld of Chemistry #26 “Waste management”
“YoreTown’s New Landfill” site evaluation activity / Read and outline Ch. 22
Thinking Critically #1
{Research local recycling programsà answer project Q#2 (1 page max)}
Turn in drinking water lab!
3/31 / Waste Management & hazardous waste / Case Studies dioxin, mercury, lead
Bioremediation and Phytoremediation
Molar Investigation #31 “Tires in the environment” (handout)
Miller solid Waste Prevention & Management Activity (handout) / Finish reading and outlining Ch. 22 solid waste management
Thinking Critically #6 & #7 Project Q #5
End of Quarter / Test ch 21 & 22 Water Pollution & Solid Waste management & hazardous waste
Intro. to Ch. 23 “Sustainable Cities”à urbanization, sprawl, urban planning
·  “Smart Growth” Internet Activity
·  Assign Driving Survey & Transportations Roa 28.1 & 28.2 (handout) pg. 275
EcoColumn Due Date Announcement / Bring all your questions and outlines to turn in from Ch. 21 & 22
Spring Break 4/4-4/12 / Spring Break
Ø  Work on Driving Survey & Transportations Roa 28.1 & 28.2 (handout) pg. 275 / Work on transportation survey
Post Spring Break / Ch. 23 Discussionà Transportation and mass transit
·  Design a mass transit upgrade for San Diego
·  Review questions 23
Ø  Design e2 video & questions
AP EXAM Review & Practice test s and practice FRQ’s / Begin reading and outlining Ch. 23
Thinking critically
Finish driving transportation survey
4/15 / “A convenient truth” Curibata Brasil case study
Driving Transportation Survey Results due!!!!
Enviro. Science Articleà Towards Sustainable Development” (340-349)
Sustainable cities, urban redevelopment, smart gowth vs. urban sprawl
·  AP EXAM Review & Practice test s and practice FRQ’s / Finish reading and outlining ch. 23 Sustainable cities & smart growth
Driving Transportation Survey Results due!!!!
4/17 / Intro. to Ch. 24 Economics and Environment
Video:à Endangered Planet “The High Cost of Environmental Growth”
Review questions Ch 24
Steady State Economic Article and questions
·  AP EXAM Practice Questions / Begin reading and outlining ch. 24 Environmental economics
Thinking Critically #1-3
TESTING / Ch. 24 Economics an d environmentà full cost pricing & external costs
Environmental taxes and fees / Pollution permit trading / Sustainable economies
Enviro. Science Article ”Our Lady Fatima: Why political questions are not all economic”
Optimization / Cost benefit analysis/ Economists views of pollution control
Make sure to do your best on the STAR exams, as it figures into TPHS’s API score, which colleges consider in terms of academic achievement, and college acceptance. STAR scores also influence school funding! Leave a good legacy!!!!!! / Finish Reading and Outlining Ch. 24
·  Thinking Critically #4&5
Project question #2 Environmentally sustainable business flyer, brochure [Design and develop one]

Steady State economics article

Ch. 25 Environmental Politics and Environmental Law
Environmental legislation & Environmental Policy
Videoà Race to Save the Planet “ It Needs Political Decisions”
Environmental Impact Reports
Review Questions 25

·  AP EXAM Review & Practice tests and practice FRQ’s

·  Begin Environmental Legislation project / Begin Reading and outlining Ch. 25 Politics, environment, environmental legislation
Thinking Critically #2&3
Project Q #2
Turn in eco-friendly business brochures
4/27 /

·  Environmental Legislation Project

·  AP EXAM Review & Practice test s and practice FRQ’s

/ Finish reading and outlining Ch. 25
4/29 /

Test Ch. 23, 24,25 Sustainable cities and growth, Environmental economics, and Politics and the environment (Environmental Legislation)

·  AP EXAM Review

·  Practice tests and practice FRQ’s

·  Strategies and scoring of the exam / Doing problems without calculators. / Turn in packet materials for Ch. 23, 24, 25
Study for test Ch. 23,24,25
5/1 /

·  AP EXAM Review

·  Practice tests and practice FRQ’s

·  Strategies and scoring of the exam
***Eco Column Time / Work on practice FRQ’s and practice tests
day / APES AP EXAM Good Luck and Do Your Best!!! (8:00 am) / Get a good night’s sleep!
5/5 / APES AP EXAM Reflections
Videoà Monumental: “David Bower’s Fight For Wild America” or
National Geographic “Human Footprint”
Video Reflection essay
***Eco Column Time
Field Studies Permission slip forms and discussion of alternative assignments!!! / AP Exam recovery, eat well, go to sleep, and congratulate yourself for a job well done!!!
5/7 / Ch. 26 Environmental Ethics
Video Environmental Ethics and personal case studies (take notes)
Video Reflection Essay (choose three individuals from the video and write an essay addressing their personal sacrifice, motivation, environmental views, etc.)
·  “Walkerville” ethics activity
·  Black day in Bhopal/Environmental decision making / Read chapter 26
Thinking critically questions # 2, 4, 5
5/11 / Aritcleà Environmental Science ”In a time of crisis”
Inconvenient Truth DVD clip-->Ethics analysis of Global Environmental Issues
Ethical dilemma and the environment activity (Ethics card situation analysis)
Make sure you have all your permission slip forms signed / Aritcle Enviro. Science Ambssadors from another time”
1 page summary
Progress reports / Introduction to Chaparral Study (Data collection, group and individual responsibilities, group hypotheses formation, statistical significance, experimental design)Read over chaparral and coastal sage scrub community info
Plant Samples and Identification (out in the local canyon, dress appropriately)
Chaparral and coastal sage scrub community info.
Make sure you have all your permission slip forms signed
***Eco Column Group Time / Turn in ch 26 packet (the outline for 26 is EC)
5/15 / Time to finish Chaparral plant ID’s
·  Complete plant sketches
·  Finish mounting samples
·  Plant identification
·  Plant adaptations
***Eco Column Group time / TURN IN YOUR TEXTBOOKS See online PDF if you do not have the handout!!!!
Late Start / ·  Eco Column Group lab write up Due …submit through
Insects of the coastal sage scrub and chaparral field activity here at TPHS in the local canyon. Be prepared to be outside, and wear shoes!!!!
·  Collection, identification, adaptations, fundamental niche, relation of insects to plant and animal diversity in local ecological systems / Chaparral field studies in class work.
EcoColumn Due date…submit through
5/21 / Chaparral study/ field work Location TBA (Likely area on west side of I-5 near Mango Drive or potentially in Encinitas) If you do not show up for this you qualify for the alternative assignment research paper!!
Make sure I have all your permission slips, and insurance forms, otherwise, you cannot attend the field study, and will be assigned a research paper in lieu of participating in inter tidal field studies. / Make sure you have all your permission slip forms signed (see APES website for forms)
5/25 is a holiday / Work on chaparral field study in class with your group members / Work on chaparral field study in class with your group members
5/28 / Chaparral field study due (no late papers!!!!)
Begin Intertidal Diversity Lab (in class)
•Review characteristics and major phylogenetic traits of common tide pool organisms in California. / Hand in chaparral plant field study
6/1 / Finish Intertidal Diversity Lab (in class)