1980s Museum


‍During the 1980s technology triumphed and partnered with popular music. Music was a multi-billion dollar industry and popular music influenced everything. The 1980s brought about the compact disc and CD player which caused a resurgence in the music market (before this people owned 8-tracks and record players). Other technologies included the “walkman” which offered ability for people to take music with them where ever they went! Thus, people had more freedom and developed personal relationships with their music. Last, but not least, 1981 was the birth of MTV. Now, people had a television station where they could watch music videos 24/7. Popular music was directed by video and the visual truly influence an artist’s success. This project will allow you to explore everything about 1980s music.

Some questions that you will be exploring include:

·  What were the major rock music genres of the 1980s?

·  Who were the major artists to break in the 1980s?

·  How did MTV influence the music of this decade?

The Task
A multimillion dollar investor has decided to add a major exhibit to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum on her favorite decade (the decade of her birth J ) 1980s. She is looking for a creative, skilled and knowledgeable team to invest in to create her dream exhibit.
Your objective is to research the music and historical context of the 1980s and then complete one of the following project choices in your small groups.

·  Your team will be pitching your idea for an exhibit to this investor in the hopes that you will be hired for the job. Each team needs to turn in the following:

·  1. The information sheets for each team member in step 1 below.

·  2. The exhibit worksheet (1 for the team) in step 2 below. This is your planning sheet. This sheet will help you decide the concept for your exhibit. There are some suggested angles you can take, it’s up to you to be creative and sell your concept!

·  3. This sheets will become part of your project/ presentation portfolio.

Prepare portfolio/paper that includes

Title Page with- Name(s), Date, Exhibit title/ name, followed by the sheets mentioned in 1 & 2 above. Then include a written description/ explanation of your exhibit, the mood of the exhibit you are looking to create (your selection from the planning sheet in part 2 ) and why you chose it. Also, please include the historical importance of your exhibit.

·  3. Presentation TUESDAY! You and your team will pitch your idea to the investor on Tuesday January 12th. You want to look “professional” and be ready with your group to sell your concept. During your presentation you will

1.  Explain some of the history you researched. Tell me 3-4 facts or things you researched that stood out to your team the most and become the motivation for your exhibit concept.

2.  You will create a digital brochure of what visitors of the museum will see/ receive when they arrive. This brochure should highlight the main features of your 1980s Rock and Roll Exhibit at RHFM. This will be a sample visitor's brochure and should be a guide and offer an overview of each aspect of the exhibit. Since the investor wants this to be an educational experience for all that come please include thoughtful questions about each part of your exhibit that a teacher could have their student answer if they bring them on a field trip there. There are a few brochure makers online you can try using. You may also use Prezi if you feel more comfortable. Some suggested pages to try:





The Process
The process will include 3 steps. Step 1 will require you to choose specific group roles and then complete individual coursework based on your group roles. Step 2 and Step 3 will be completed with your small groups. You will need to work together as a small group in order to successfully complete the task.
Step 1
Choose your individual group roles below. You will be responsible for completing the specific worksheet connected to your group role.
The Rock Historian - You know everything about 1980s music and think that the 80s was one of the best decades for variety of music and diversity of musicians. You have written books about rock history and also lecture all over the country about different elements of music history. Thus, you need to bring in all the information you know about rock music in the 1980s.
Everything Important About the 1980s.doc
1980s MTV VJ - You were there in the beginning to bring Music Television into everyone's homes 24/7. You were a trendsetting and fashion forward. You got to meet all the music artists of the 80s when they came into the studios and you have lots of great stories to tell. You will bring in your history of MTV and all of the great musicians that first came into the studios.
MTV Worksheet.docx
Museum Educator - You have experience both in education and in designing museum exhibits. You want to make sure that this exhibit is informative and fun for music enthusiasts alike. You need to bring your educational and museum ideas to help catalogue all of the exciting information of this decade.
Museum Educator Worksheet.docx
Music and Entertainment Reporter - In the 1980s you wrote for a music publication about bands emerging this decade. You have attended many concerts and had the opportunity to interview many music stars of the 80s. Now you are a freelance reporter and contribute much of what you know to television networks like VH1. You will comb through your archives of rock music (MTV, New York Times, VH1, Billboard, etc.) to bring all the major events that 1980s music shaped.
Rock and Entertainment Journalist.docx
1980s Rap & Hip Hop Artist - Although your career was amazingly successful in the early 80s, your popularity seemed to escape you by the end of the decade. You remain on the inner circle of rap and hip hop music today as a producer. You are keenly aware of the music hip hop and rap brought to the forefront and want to make sure that people know the influences that 1980s rap and hip hop has on music today. You need to bring in all the information about the grandfathers of rap and hip hop and discuss the major influences the history of rap has on music today.
Rap Music Worksheet.docx
After you have completed your individual task, you will complete Step 2.

Step 2
After doing background research and having a better understanding of the music of the 1980s, you will need to collaborate with your group members and share your findings. As a group, you will discuss some of the major elements of the 1980s you want to include in the RHFM exhibit. Together in your small groups complete the RHFM exhibit Worksheet.RHFM Exhibit Worksheet.docx This worksheet will help to brainstorm your ideas for the exhibit and collaborate on the information you have gathered to complete the task.
Step 3
Now that your small group has each contributed their ideas to designing the RHFM exhibit, you will synthesize all the new information you gathered in Step 1 and Step 2 to help you create the final group project ( The portfolio and presentation) .
Be sure to check with the Evaluation Rubric to make sure all components have been included.


Really? (0-2) / Fair (3-4) / Nice Work (5-7) / Super Wow!! (8-10)
Final Product & Content / Project is unorganized and shows little effort. Project contains inaccuracies. / Project offers some good ideas but limited information. / Project shows thoughtful ideas and information is accurate. / Project is thorough and completely accurate. Project goes above and beyond what was expected.
Creativity / Project lacks originality and planning. / Project reflects minimal degree of planning and or originality. / Project reflects high level of group thought and originality. / Project is extremely unique, creative, and reflects deep knowledge of subject.
Individual Contribution / Student contributed little to project. Often off task and unproductive in class. / Student contributed minimum work to group project. Sometimes off task needed reminder about individual responsibility. / Student shared some ideas and contributed materials, but could have been more supportive of the group effort in creating project. / Student shared many ideas, created materials, and made excellent contributions to the project.
Group Work / Poor group cooperation between individuals. Teacher intervention needed daily. / Students worked individually rather than as a team. Some teacher intervention needed. / Tasks shared fairly by most members. Some students dominated and lead the rest of the team project. / Group worked in a cooperative, fair, and enthusiastic manner.

Total: ______(40 points possible)

CATEGORY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Required Elements / The presentation includes all required elements as well as additional information. / All required elements are included on the presentation / All but 1 of the required elements are included in the presentation however somewhere not completed / Several required elements were missing or unclear
Knowledge Gained / Student can accurately answer all questions related to facts in the presentation / Student can accurately answer most questions related to facts in the presentation / Student can accurately answer about 70% of questions related to facts in the presentation / Student appears to have insufficient knowledge about the facts of the presentation
Attractiveness / The presentation is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness. ( professional) / The presentation is attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness. / The presentation is acceptably attractive though it may be a bit messy with several typos. / The presentation is distractingly messy or very poorly designed and typos.
Mechanics / Capitalization and punctuation are correct throughout the poster. / There is 1 error in capitalization or punctuation. / There are 2 errors in capitalization or punctuation. / There are more than 2 errors in capitalization or punctuation.