I. Election of Members

A. Members of the sophomore of junior class who have a cumulative weighted grade point average of 93% or higher shall be eligible candidates for membership in the Lower Dauphin High School National Honor Society.

B. The list of eligible candidates shall be sent to the faculty for their consideration.

1. The faculty will judge the students on the basis of their character and leadership. They will either recommend or not recommend a student in these two categories

2. Faculty members checking the “not recommended” column will be asked to justify their response in the comment column or their objection will be invalidated.

C. Activity sheets will be distributed to eligible candidates.

1. The point value for activities will be established by the Faculty Council.

2. Points must be earned in at least three categories.

D. The Faculty Council will review information of all eligible students and elect the students to the society based on their scholastic as well as their service, character and leadership records.

E. Students who are not elected to membership may request a review of their records.

1. The request must be made to the advisor or principal.

2. The review will be made by the Faculty Council to determine if a procedural error was made.

3. Additional information may be solicited from the faculty by the Faculty Council.

4. All records are considered confidential.

F. Election to membership will occur in March for sophomores and juniors.

II. Induction Ceremony

A. Induction will be held in the month of March.

B. Induction will include present members and faculty.

C. Induction will be open to the public-friends and relatives are welcome to attend.

III. Service Projects

A. All members will participate in at least two Chapter Project per year to be determined by the membership and/or approved by the advisor.

B. Each member must participate in community service projects each year. Projects must include at least 40 hours of work per year.

IV. Review of Membership

A. Upon notification by the school counselor, the advisor will notify any student who fails to maintain the scholastic average that he/she is on probation for the current marking period.

B. Students who fail to improve their scholastic average at the end of the probationary period will have their records reviewed by the Faculty Council for possible dismissal.

C. Any dismissal action will be by the majority vote of the Faculty Council, and the dismissed student will be notified by mail.

D. Any violations of the National Honor Society Code of Conduct will be reviewed by the Faculty Council for possible disciplinary action including dismissal.

E. Upon written notice of dismissal, the member must return the card and the certificate.

F. Once a student has been dismissed from the National Honor Society, he/she is no longer eligible to be a member.

G. Failure to accumulate at least 40 hours of community service per year is grounds for probation and possible dismissal.

H. Meetings are held once a month and are mandatory. Unexcused absences from meetings may be grounds for probation.