Professional Development 01/26/12

Committee Meeting 12:30 p.m.


Meeting called by: Irma Ramos /Pat James
Facilitator: Irma Ramos /Pat James Note taker: Kass Munoz

Timekeeper: Kass Munoz

Attendees: Administrators: Pat James, Ketmani Kouanchao, Laurie McLaughlin, Irma Ramos Faculty: David King Classified: Jared Davis, Karla Garcia, Kass Munoz, Faith Nobles,
Martha Crawford

Please read: N/A

Please bring: Agenda


Agenda item: Committee Name Change/Charge Presenter: Irma Ramos

Discussion: College Council approved change to the committee name.

Conclusions: The committee name will be Professional Development Committee.

Action items Person responsible Deadline


Agenda item: Approve Committee Charge Presenter: Irma Ramos

Discussion: Finalize the committee charge. The following changes were made to the charge.
Include associate faculty to membership


1)  To advocate for and coordinate for the critical professional development needs of faculty, associate faculty classified, and management employees.

2)  To produce the district professional development yearly plan. This includes the faculty Flex calendar, classified staff development calendar, and the management professional development calendar.

3)  To uncover, explore and research through survey and various other tools, staff development needs within all constituents at MSJC: faculty, associate faculty, classified, and management.


Action items Person responsible Deadline


Agenda item: Define/Approve Mission Statement Presenter: Irma Ramos

Discussion: Suggestions were made and the following changes were made to the mission statement.

Conclusions: Professional Development Committee

Proposed Mission Statement

The mission of the professional development committee is to serve coordinate, plan, and support activities and events that enhance performance through personal and professional growth and social interaction among all Mt. San Jacinto College employees. The committee functions as a shared governance committee is to coordinate current professional development activities across departments and divisions college wide and identify additional professional development needs and opportunities. Through collegial planning and implementation the committee strives to continually review, improve and sustain professional development at Mt San Jacinto College.

Action items Person responsible Deadline



Agenda item: Co-Chairs Presenter: Irma Ramos


Conclusions: The Professional Development Committee Co-Chairs will be:
Faculty: David King and/or Annie Schaadt
Managers: Irma Ramos
Classified: Faith Nobles

Action items Person responsible Deadline


Agenda item: Define Goals Presenter: Irma Ramos

Discussion: Committee goals were submitted as an attachment

Conclusions: The committee website will be developed and should be up by next meeting date. A survey to determine faculty and staff professional development interests will be created by April and should be ready for distribution by May.

Action items Person responsible Deadline

üWebsite development Pat James/Faith Nobles next mtg üSurvey for faculty and staff

Agenda item: Next Steps Presenter: Irma Ramos

Discussion: Establish an ongoing monthly meeting and type of meeting.

Conclusions: The committee will meet the Third Thursday of every month via CCCConfer.

Action items Person responsible Deadline


Motion to approve all changes made by Pat James second Laurie McLaughlin

Next meeting scheduled for Thursday, February 15, 2012 from 12:30 to 2 p.m.
