Probability and Statistics

1. Summation Notation

Sigma means “sum”


2. Measures of Central Tendency

a) Mean - average

b) Median – middle number when put in order

c) Mode – the number that occurs most often

d) Range – difference between highest and lowest

3. Standard Deviation

how spread the numerical data is from the mean.

S(x) = sample standard deviation

= population standard deviation

Normal Distribution


Permutations – an arrangement of objects in a specific order.

In general, the number of permutations of n things, taken n at a time, with r of these things identical repeated is given by

** Combinations – are selections for which ORDER DOES NOT MATTER ***

The combination of “n things taken r at a time” is denoted by :

1. A Bernoulli Experiment has only two outcomes (success or failure)

Probability = nCr prqn-r

Where n = number of trials

r = the number of successes

p = the probability of a success

q = (1 – p) = the probability of a failure

2. At least r successes in n trials:

add together for r, r + 1, r + …, n

3. At most r successes in n trials:

add together for 0, 1, …, r

Binomial Expansion

1. Use the combination formula

(x + y)n = nC0xny0 + nC1xn-1y1 + nC2xn-2y2 + …. + nCnx0yn

2. Use Pascal’s Triangle


1 1

1 2 1

1 3 3 1

1 4 6 4 1 etc.

3. Using Pascal’s Triangle with the binomial expansion

(x + y)0 1

(x + y)1 1x + 1y

(x + y)2 1x2 + 2xy + 1y2

(x + y)3 1x3 + 3x2y + 3xy2 + 1y3

(x + y)4 1x4 + 4x3y + 6x2y2 +4xy3 + 1y4


Regressions and Curve Fitting

1. Enter the data into lists (L1, L2)

[STAT EDIT 1:Edit]

2. Look at the scatter plot

[STAT PLOT, On Xlist L1, Ylist L2]

3. Fit a curve to the data. Choose from:

[STAT, arrow over to CALC]

4: LinReg(ax + b) Linear

5: QuadReg Quadratic

9: LnReg Logarithmic

0: ExpReg Exponential

A: PwrReg Power

4. Type “L1, L2, Y1” after the regression name.

5. To see the Correlation Coefficient (the r value) turn the Diagnostics on, by going to the catalog and choosing DiagnosticsON.


Area of a Trapezoid

A = ½h(b1 + b2)

Area of a Circle

A = πr2

Circumference of a circle

2πr or πd

Volume of a right circular cylinder

V = πr2h

Volume of a right circular cone

V =

Parallel lines Perpendicular lines

Equal slopes Negative and reciprocal slopes


Point – Slope form of a line:

1. Distance formula:

- used to find length

2. Slope:

-used to show lines are parallel (same slope)

- used to show lines are perpendicular

(negative reciprocal slopes)

3. Midpoint:

- used to show that diagonals bisect each other


Sum of a Finite Arithmetic Series

Sum of a Finite Geometric Series

Completing the square:

1. All variable on one side

All constants on the other

2. Get x2 term to be 1x2

3. Complete square ( )2 = number

4. Take of each side

5. Left side = +

Left side = -

6. Solve

Example: Solve: 2x2 - 4x - 14 = 0

[Divide by 2] x2 - 2x - 7 = 0

[Variables on left] x2 - 2x = 7

[complete square] x2 - 2x + 1 = 7 + 1

[square form] (x - 1)2 = 8

[square root both sides]

[solve] x - 1 =

[simplify] x = (ans)


General form: and

1. Remember . . . Center(0, 0) and radius is 3 center (3, -2) and radius is 4

Standard Form:

2. Given:
Find the center and radius.

Center (2, -3) and radius is 3

3. Find the equation of a circle whose endpoints of the diameter are (1, -3) and (7, 5).

[find center]

[find radius: distance from center to one point]

Equation of circle: (x-4)2 + (y-1)2 = 25 (ans)


Factoring Polynomials

1. Greatest Common Factor

ax + bx = x(a+b)

2. Difference of two perfect squares

a2 – b2 = (a+b)(a-b)

or 9x2 -25 = (3x-5)(3x+5)

3. Factor completely

-means you will need to factor more than once

x3+9x2+14x = x(x2 +9x +14)

= x(x+7)(x+2)

4. Trial and Error

2x2 – x – 6 = (2x + 3)(x – 2)

Multiplying/ Dividing Rational Expressions

1. If dividing, take reciprocal of 2nd fraction and change to multiplication

2. Factor completely

3. Cross cancel

4. Multiply across

–2 (answer)

Adding/ Subtracting Rational Expressions

1. Find the least common denominator (give missing part to top AND bottom of each fraction)

2. Add or subtract numerators, (keep the denominator!)

3. Simplify (if necessary)



Simplifying Complex Fractions

1. Find the common denominator

2. Multiply each part by the common denominator

3. Simplify

Example: 3–x (answer)

Solving Fractional Equations

1. Find the common denominator

2. Multiply each part by the common denominator – this should eliminate all fractions

3. Solve the new equation

4. Check


2y+1 – 15 = y – 6 2y – 14 = y – 6

y = 8 (answer)

Number Systems:

1.  Natural Numbers: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ..}

2.  Whole Numbers: {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ..}

3.  Integers: {…-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3…}

4. Rational Numbers: have the form where a and b are integers. (These can be fractions, repeating decimals, or terminating decimals)

5. Irrational Numbers – non-repeating, non-terminating decimals

6.  Real Numbers: made up of the rationals and irrationals.

7.  Pure Imaginary Numbers: in the form bi

8.  Complex Numbers: have the form a + bi.

Absolute Value Equations


x+a = b and -x – a = b

Solve both and check!!!

Absolute Value Inequalities

x + a < b and -x – a < b

Solve both, put on a number line and test!


1. k is the index, a is the radicand

2. Table of Perfect Numbers

Perfect 2 / Perfect3
1 / 1 / 1
2 / 4 / 8
3 / 9 / 27
4 / 16 / 64
5 / 25 / 125
… / … / …

3. Product Law :

4. Quotient Law:

Radical Equations

1. To solve, isolate the radical terms, raise both sides to the inverse power, solve for x, and check for extraneous roots.


Complex Numbers

1.  Have the form a + bi, where i is the imaginary unit and a and b are real numbers.


3.  “Cycle of 4” i0 = 1

i3 = -i i1 = i

i2 = -1

**remainder of exponent divide by 4

4. Types:

a) a + bi imaginary number

b) bi pure imaginary number

c) a + 0i real number

5. Properties:

a) The conjugate of a + bi = a – bi

b) The additive inverse of a + bi = -a – bi

c) The multiplicative inverse of a + bi =

d) The additive identity of a + bi = 0 + 0i

e) The multiplicative identity of a + bi = 1 + 0i

Quadratic Equation

1.  To find the roots of a quadratic equation, factor or use the quadratic formula.

2.  The Discriminant is b2 – 4ac

3.  The Nature of the Roots

Discriminat Type of Roots

Negative b2-4ac < 0 imaginary

Zero b2-4ac = 0 real rational, =

Positive, Perfect Square b2-4ac>0 Real, rational

Positive, Not a perfect square b2-4ac >0 Real irrational

4. Sum of the Roots: {r1,r2} of ax2 + bx + c = 0

5. Product of the Roots: {r1,r2} of ax2 + bx + c = 0


1. Line Reflections:

rx-axis(x,y) = (x,-y)

ry-axis(x,y) = (-x,y)

ry=x(x,y) = (y,x)

ry = -x(x,y) = (-y,-x)

rorigin(x,y) = (-x,-y)

2. Point Reflection through the Origin is the same as rotation.

3. Rotations

R90(x,y) = (-y,x) = R-270

R180(x,y) = (-x,-y) = R-180

R270(x,y) = (y,-x) = R-90

4. Translations

T(a,b) (x,y) = (x + a, y + b)

5. Dilations

Dk(x,y) = (kx, ky)

When 0 < k< 1, shape shrinks

When k > 1, shape enlarges

6. Glide Reflections – a composition of a line

reflection and a translation parallel to the

line of reflection.

7. Definitions:

Composition – two or more transformations

Isometry – transformation that preserves distance (line reflection, rotation, point reflection, and translation)

Direct Isometry – preserves orientation, (translation, rotation, point reflection)

Opposite Isometry – reverses orientation (line reflection, glide reflection)

Relations and Functions

1.  A relation is any set of ordered pairs.

2.  A function is a relation in which every element in the domain corresponds to only one element in the range. (Vertical line test to see if we have a function)

3.  The domain is the set of first elements (x-value)

4.  The range is the set of second elements (Y-values)

Special Relations and Functions

1. Circle ax2 + ay2 = c

two squared terms

same coefficient and sign

2. Ellipse ax2 + by2 = c

two squared terms

different coefficient

same sign

3. Hyperbola

Case 1: ax2 -by2 = c

Two squared terms

Different signs

Case 2: xy = c

Aka. Inverse Variation

5. Vertical Parabola y = ax2 + bx + c

axis of symmetry:

when a > 0

when a < 0

6. Horizontal Parabola: x =ay2 + by + c

when a > 0

axis of symmetry y =

when a < 0


1. Direct Variation y = xc ( Graph is a straight line)

2. Inverse Variation xy = c (Graph is a hyperbola)

Other Functions

1. Composition of Functions

**Performed right to left

2. Inverse Function f-1 (x)

Rule: Switch the x and y and solve for y. This is a reflection over the line y = x.

Scientific Notation

1.  38.7 = 3.87 x 101

2.  .0387 = 3.87 x 10-2

Exponent Laws

1. (xa)(xb) = xa+b

2. xab+c = (xab) (xc)


4. (xa)b = xab

5. (xyz)a = xayaza or (xbyc)a = xbayca

6. =

7. x0 = 1, (x0)

8. x-a = or = xa

9. =

10. =

11. (xy)m = xmym

12. xy-1 =


14. (xy)-1 =

15. x-1 + y-1 =

Exponential Functions

1. y = ax

2. y =

Solving Equations with Fractional Exponents

1. Isolate the variable with the fractional exponent

2. Raise both sides to the reciprocal exponent

3. Check.



1. y = logbxx=by

2. Log Laws:

Product: logb(AB) = logbA + logbB

Quotient logb= logbA - logbB

Power logb = clogbA

Caution: There are no laws for addition or subtraction,

(ex: logb(A + B) can’t be performed! but logbA + logbB = lobb AB)

3. Solve for x: log2x + log2(x-2) = 3

log2 x(x-2) = 3 [condense]

23 = x(x-2) [exponential form]

8 = x2 - 2x [solve]

0 = x2 - 2x - 8

0 = (x-4)(x+2)

x = 4 and x = -2(reject, can’t have negative logs)

ans: x = 4

4. Solve for x: log (x+3) - log x = log 4


4x = x+3 [cross multiply]

3x = 3 [solve]

ans: x = 1

example: y = log2 x

Exponential functions and logarithms are inverses

Ex: If y = 2x then f-1 is x = 2y and in log form y = log2 x

Since they are inverses they are ry=x

Solving Exponential Equations Using Logs

1. Isolate the base raided to the variable.

2. Take the common log of both sides


Change of Base for Logs

Exponent Phrases you Should know!

1. A logarithm IS an exponent.

2. Fractional exponents represent ROOTS.


3. Negative exponents represent FRACTIONAL







1. Given:

2. Standard Position Angle – The initial ray is on the positive x-axis with the vertex at the origin and the terminal ray anywhere on the Cartesian graph.

3. Positive Angles open counter-clockwise: negative angles open clockwise.

4. Co-terminal Angles are angles that have the same terminal rays

Ex: co-terminal

5. Trig ratios of co-terminal angles are equal.

Ex: tan = tan ()

Special Right Triangles

1. The Right Triangle

Leg opposite = half the hypotenuse

Leg opposite = half the hypotenuse times

2. The Right Triangle

Leg = half the hypotenuse times

Hypotenuse = leg times

Trig Reference Table

1. Table of Positive Trig Functions

2. Quotient Identities

3. Reciprocal Identities

4. Pythagorean Identities

5. Sum of Two Angles 6. Difference of Two Angles

sin(A + B) = sinA cosB + cosA sinB sin(A – B) = sinA cosB – cosA sinB

cos(A + B) = cosA cosB – sinA sinB cos(A – B) = cosA cosB + sinA sinB

tan(A + B) = tan(A - B) =

7. Double angles

8. Half angles



The Unit Circle

Inverse Trig

Arcsin means angle whose sine is

Ex] x = arc cos cos x =