Thanksgiving Seen Through New Eyes

By Elaine Seiler

A holiday for giving thanks, a celebration of the harvest, an over-abundance of yummy food, the gathering of family and friends and the inevitable football on the television. These words have traditionally described Thanksgiving for me. I thought this a rich and full description of this American holiday – until recently! Now, it seems a rather narrow three-dimensional viewpoint.
As I expanded my awareness and looked at the Thanksgiving meal through ‘multi-dimensional' eyeglasses that provide an energetic perspective, I saw a very different picture. Everything, including the foods we eat, is made up of moving waves of energy, each of a faster or slower vibration, each easier or harder to digest depending on the speed of their frequency.
From that vantage point I still see a table laden with mouth-watering foods, but I now perceive the various vibrations which make each of the foods I am about to eat. They are oh-so-very-tempting, but together create much too rich a feast:
Turkey – delicious to eat, but dense and heavy to digest;
Sweet potato or yams – might appear to be a heavy starch, but they are actually of a much lighter frequency, much more digestible, in actuality a good foil for the dense turkey;
Cranberry – deep, dark, magenta, sober in color, light in frequency. It too is easier to digest than the turkey.
Let's not forget the bread stuffing with pecans or chestnuts, another food of a heavy and dense vibration. And we can't overlook that side table, overflowing with apple and pumpkin pies, cakes of all sorts, and whipped cream to top them off, each made up of its own range of frequencies.
My tummy yearns and groans simultaneously at the mere thought of what I am about to consume. Alone or one or two foods in combination would provide an ample meal, but together, the dishes create such a wide range of frequencies as to challenge even the strongest stomach.

These traditional Thanksgiving foods, so tempting to the palette, cause indigestion and sleepiness – not only because we tend to eat too much, but primarily because their rainbow of vibrations overwhelms the body and cannot be integrated. Rainbows are lovely to look at, but were never meant to be consumed, all at one sitting, and in large quantities.
I invite you to look at the foods on your Thanksgiving plate with new eyes. See not the foods you have traditionally loved, but rather the vibrations that comprise them. Attempt, if you are willing, to sense/feel the frequencies of each as you are about to consume it.

Also be aware of the energies all around you, in the house, in the room, at the table. The energies of all the people present contribute to the vibrations and feelings present. Are they harmonious? Are the expectations of those present resonant, creating a consensus reality of joy and happiness, or are there different expectations, different beliefs about how things should unfold, creating a subtle undercurrent of energetic disharmony? If you tune in at this level, you may learn a lot about the environment of this holiday meal and why you feel as you do – great or miserable.

Oh, yes, eat it and enjoy. I will be the last one to suggest you forgo such a feast, but I suggest your new vision of the frequencies of those foods may give you some new insights into the effect of the choices you make as you fill your plate.

About the Author:

Author and energetics expert Elaine Seiler (SAY Sigh-ler) is at the forefront of explaining humanity's "energetic evolution" and how we can cope and thrive in the face of rapid change. Elaine is a life and career coach, researcher, mother and grandmother. In 1992, after 20 years of work as a career consultant and life coach, she discovered energetics, the study and use of multi-dimensional energies and their interplay with life on earth. She is the author of Multi-Dimensional You: Exploring Energetic Evolution and Your Multi-Dimensional Workbook: Exercises for Energetic Awakening. Learn more at and Contact Elaine at .