Permanent/Home address:

Road 3 km 363,5 / Paysandú 60000, Uruguay, South America

Postal address: P.O. Box 57064, Paysandú, 60000

Phone at home 0059847202241

Cel phone 0059899748523



Date of Birth: September 10th 1952 Marital Status: married, 3 children

Citizenship: Uruguayan and Italian


1996 Wageningen Agricultural University. Degree of Doctor in Agriculture. Thesis: “Soil management for improved soil physical aspects related to erosion in Uruguay”. This thesis was performed in Uruguay, during a period of three years, sponsored by the WAU. During that time I spent 18 months (split in two periods) in Wageningen. Several groups of Dutch students participated as well, and worked out their own graduation thesis. The promotion was performed on the 13th of November in the Aula of the University in Wageningen.

1983 Wageningen Agricultural University, The Netherlands. Master of Science degree in Soil Science and Water Management. Major subject: Land Evaluation. Minor: Soil Fertility. Obtained “With Distinction”.

1976 University of the Republic of Uruguay. Bachelor in Agricultural Engineering. Faculty of Agronomy. Average 9 in 12.

1990 Proficiency in English


2006 onwards. Soils and Forestry Freelance Consultant. English Teacher, Freelance. Freelance work providing translation of scientific articles to Uruguayan scientists and students involved in projects for English speaking countries.

1998-2006. Chief of Research and Development in Colonvade S.A. This is a private Forestry Company (branch of Weyerhaeuser) operating in Uruguay since 1996.

·  Design of Research in several Forestry subjects (weed control, plantations nutrition, pruning and thinning, wood quality).

·  Definition of priorities among the several Research Plans of the Company taking into account the correct use of the Natural Resources, mainly soils and water, and with a focus in biodiversity conservation, both in vegetation and in fauna.

·  Installation of trials, gathering of information.

·  Coordination with local Research Institutions (INIA, Faculty of Agronomy) to cooperate on a national scale.

·  Coordination with the North Carolina State University and with the Faculty of Agronomy in Montevideo to carry out a watershed study with the objective of comparing the evolution in time of water and soils quality in two small watersheds in the area of Tacuarembó. One of them kept with grass with an extensive cattle breeding system and the other one turned into a pine plantation.

·  Coordination with Forest Division of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries to cooperate on a national scale regarding Forest Health issues.

·  Coordination with other companies in activities of mutual interest. Forest Health has been a priority, with actions to import natural enemies of pines plagues going on.

·  Member of a Forest Health Commission of the Forestry Farmers Association. With an ongoing project shared by INIA, Forestry Division of the Ministry and Agriculture Sanitary Division of the Ministry. It is thought to end up with a complete list of existing pests and diseases in pines and eucalyptus in the country and with a design for a continuous monitoring mainly of borders.

·  Co-supervision of students´ thesis of BSc degree oriented by the Forestry Department of the Faculty of Agronomy

·  Development of monitoring methodologies for several plagues and diseases in forest plantations of the company.

1995-1998. Freelance Consultant. Soil survey, Land Evaluation and management to minimize effects of soil erosion.

·  Soils survey of several private lands mainly in Paysandú.

·  Assessment of site accessibilities for forestry harvests for private companies. Evaluation of effects in physical properties of the soils by using mechanical harvesters.

·  Teaching Soils in the private Catholic University of Uruguay.

1979-1995. Officer of the Soils Division of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries in Uruguay.

·  Involved in Soils survey scale 1:20.000 of some areas in the country. With the objective of providing a data base of soil characteristics and qualities to be of general use both for broad base and for field size projects.

·  Involved in evaluation and filling up of projects to get funds for development of the Division and its relationship with local farmers.

·  Installation of a soils laboratory with funds provided by IFS (International Foundation for Science) as a grant for my Doctor´s degree. Mounted with pieces of equipment to generate data about physical and biological properties like water holding capacity, structural stability and microbiological respiratory activity. These soil characteristics are involved in the process of erosion and in the assessment of Land Utilization Types.

·  Supervision of four Dutch students coming to Uruguay for working in their thesis for MSc degree in subjects related to our soils studies. Under the general guidelines of the Wageningen Agricultural University.


1984- Technical Bulletin (Soils Division of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries). Number 7, Part A and Part B. Soil management related to the Land Quality Workability.

1986- "Evaluación de tierras. Clasificación de suelos en Uruguay según su aptitud de uso para fines específicos". (Land Evaluation with respect to specific Land Utilization Types. Uruguayan soil classification). Together with Sganga C. and Szogi A.

1986- Poster presentation in the Latin American Congress in Cuba. Subject: Land Evaluation in Uruguay.

1988- Publication in the Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Science 36: 91-103. "The use of the wet workability limit to predict the land quality workability for some Uruguayan soils". Together with W. Hoogmoed and R. Miedema.

1991- Assistance in Nigeria (IITA) to the ISTRO Conference, as a member of the board of ISTRO (International Soil Tillage Research Organization).

1997- Invited to the 14th Conference of ISTRO in July in Poland, as member of the staff of ISTRO. Poster contribution together with W Hoogmoed of the WAU included in the Proceedings of the conference.

2003- Presentation in the Symposia about Cinara spp in pine trees in Brazil. “Muestreo secuencial de Cinara atlantica en plantaciones de Pinus taeda en rodales del departamento de Paysandu, Uruguay (Estudio preliminar)”. Together with M. Cadenazzi, C. Perez and A. Ribeiro.

2004- IUFRO Conference in Aveiro, Portugal. Poster presentation. Influence of several pruning and thinning regimes on the growth rate of Eucalyptus grandis in a region in Uruguay.


1996 - The IFS / King Baudouin (Sweden) Award given to research of exceptional merit (Doctor´s thesis)


Spanish (Mother Tongue), English (fluent), Portuguese (some), Italian (some), French (reading comprehension).


Mr Sana Jatta

Country Programme Manager of IFAD

Asia & Pacific Division

Programme Management Department

Via del Serafico, 107

00142 Rome, Italy

Phone +39 0654592446


Mr. Willem Hoogmoed

Professor in the Tillage Department

Wageningen Agricultural University

Technotron, Bornsesteeg 59, 6708 PDWageningen, The Netherlands
Correspondence: Postbus 17, 6700 AA , The Netherlands
+31 317 482980 , fax + 31 317 484819


cv – Ana Terzaghi