Juvenile Firesetter Prevention Advisory Council

General Meeting

Wednesday, November 4, 2009



New Jersey Division of Fire Safety: Telephone (609) 324-3684Fax (609) 324-8493

Minutes of the Meeting


Tammy DeLucca, Joe Ehrhardt, Rachelle Farese, Paul Hartstein, Lisa Jones, Dan Kerr, Kathy O’Leary, Mike Reed, Tony Saltar, Heather Walling,

Division of Fire Safety Staff: Charlie Luxton

All attendees are reminded to sign in so that you will receive attendance credit as well as CEU credit if you add your DFS number.

I. Opening

Chairman Hartstein called the meeting to order at 10:12 A.M. with a salute to the flag.All members were welcomed tothe Juvenile Firesetter Prevention Advisory Council. Chairman Hartsteincontinued the meeting by having everyone in attendance introduce themselves.

II. Approval of Minutes

A motion was made to accept the minutes of the previous meeting as distributed. With no objections, the motion was voted on and approved

  1. Old Business
  1. Curriculum Sub-Committee:

Helge Nordtveitwas not at the meeting so there was no official report on the committee’s progress. There was a short discussion regarding posting the curriculum on the web with access only to those committee members who want it and still maintaining security.

  1. Novelty Lighters:

Chairman Hartstein reported that at the present time we do not know just what the plan is for the signing of the Novelty Lighter bill. He said that apparently the Governor has a problem with the bill in its present form. There was discussion on just what happens now since there will be a new person in the Governor’s office come January. Do we need to start over again with the bill? Chairman Hartstein said that he will contact Assemblyman Wiesnieski for more information.

  1. Smoke Detectors:

We are officially out of smoke detectors for the 2009 give away season. Charlie still has the secret 500 detectors that we keep on hand in case of emergency. Should anyone have a fire death that can be contributed to lack of detectors, please notify his office to make arrangement to get those detectors for the effected community.

v. 2009 Juvenile Firesetter Conference:

The Conference is scheduled for December 3rd and 4th, again at the MiddlesexCountyFireAcademy. The contract with KeanUniversitygives us the ability to spend the $10,000 in the budget earmarked for the conference. Those funds will cover the presenter’s fees, transportation and lodging. Food for conference attendees will be covered by the conference fee all those attending will pay to NJ Chapter of IAAI. Mike Reed and Charlie went over projected numbers and we think that any attendance over 60 to 65 people will be successful for us. In the projection, we used a $30.00 per head per day figure for meals. We have just gotten a quote of $27.95 per person from a new caterer so we should be in very good shape. There was a short discussion about a cocktail reception at the RenaissanceWoodbridge Hotel on Thursday evening after the conference. Those plans are no longer going to work. Joe Ehrhardt said that all the legislators he contacted to attend, were busy and unable to participate. There was a discussion on just how to proceed with something like a Legislative Reception.

One of the suggestions for conference programs that came from this organization was for Dr. Alan Feldberg to bring a student of his for a presentation. Joe Ehrhardt made this suggestion and we were able to make arrangements for this. Dr. Feldberg will be bringing two of his former students to the conference to discuss their experiences with firesetting. This should be a very interesting session. It is scheduled for Thursday afternoon, December 3rd. The conference brochure is available on our web site as well as and

  1. CamdenCounty Awareness Program:

Tammy DeLucca reported that the Awareness Program they ran in Camden worked very will. Funding for the noon meal came from the Camden County Fireman’s Association. They have a very good partnership with that association.

  1. State Fire Commission Meeting:

Chairman Hartstein reported that the Commission meeting in Wildwood was well attended despite the fact that the legislators did not attend. He felt that there was a lot of support voice for the Division of Fire Safety.

  1. State grants and/or funding:

Joe Ehrhardt updated us on a funding plan for Juvenile Firesetter Intervention programming. There is a draft being reviewed for possible wording for a bill to fund Juvenile Firesetting Intervention programs statewide.

Joe would like anyone who can, to forward to him anecdotal stories about kids and fire that can be included in attempting to gain support for legislation. This is very important. Please forward any information that you have to Joe at (732) 297-8991 ext. #6252 or email at .

IV. New Business

  1. National Association of State Fire Marshals Program:

Charlie announced that we have a partnership with NASFM to provide a “TTT” program for Juvenile Firesetter Interventionists and Public Education Specialists to be held at the BergenCountyFireAcademy on Wednesday, April 7, 2010. This program is for FEMA Region 2, which includes New Jersey, New York and the US Virgin Islands. We chose the BergenCountyFireAcademy since it is the closest venue to New YorkState that we can get for free. Fireproof Children from Rochester, NY will be the presenters. Bob Crandall and Fire Proof Children have been in New Jersey for our first conference and again several years ago for an “Interviewing Children” program at Middlesex. Registration will be on the NASFM web site, NASFM will charge a $20 fee to attend and that fee will be payable via credit card on the site. Frank McGarry, Senior Policy Manager for NASFM will speak at the conference to make the announcement about our partnership.NASFM will be able to provide lodging for anyone who will be traveling more than 100 miles to attend. More information will be available on the NASFM web site within a few weeks.

  1. Juvenile Firesetter Intervention Specialist 1 Program in A/C:

We are looking to hold a JFIS 1 program in Atlantic City at the request of the Atlantic City Fire Department sometime after the first of the year. Chief Tom Bell has requested this. Tom has replaced Charlie Freeman as the contact person for AtlanticCounty. Charlie will try to stop to see Tom after the Commission Meeting in Atlantic City next week. We would like to have Andy and Hagar provide the instruction for this program. We again have some FEMA funding for this. We will look to partner with IAAI again for funding for coffee and meals. More to follow.

  1. FEMA/NFA Programs:

DFS has been informed that there is a new procedure for arranging for instructors for FEMA programs. Kent Neiswender, DFS Training Supervisor is in the process of trying to work out just what needs to be done. The will also be additional fees attached to this method. Theoretically, this will be an easier system for each state to work with but we are afraid that this will be more costly for us to provide NFA programs..

  1. State Fire Commission Meeting:

The next scheduled State Fire Commission meeting will be in Atlantic City on Wednesday, November 18, 2009. The public is always welcomed at Commission Meetings.

V. CountyReports:

Atlantic – No information available

Bergen –86 to date

Burlington – 15 to date

Camden – 128 to date

Cape May – No one in attendance

Cumberland –8 to date

Essex – No information available

Gloucester/Salem – No information available

Hudson – No one in attendance

Mercer – No one in attendance

Middlesex – 33to date

Monmouth – No one in attendance

Morris –32 to date

Ocean – No one in attendance

Passaic –9 to date

Somerset –27 to date

Sussex – No one in attendance

Union – No one in attendance

Warren – No one in attendance

VI. Schedule of Next Meeting:

The next meeting of the Juvenile Firesetter Prevention Advisory Council will be 10 AM on Wednesday, January 13,2010at the MiddlesexCountyFireAcademy.

VII. Adjournment:

With no further business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned at 11:28AM.