I am writing to let you know that I’ll be planting cotton this summer and wish to alert you to the damage that can be caused to cotton crops from Phenoxy herbicide (aka 2,4-D) drift. Although most farmers use best practice and do the right thing, I’m supplying this information to all of my neighbours in the hope that it will help address drift problems this season.

Cotton is extremely sensitive to Phenoxy herbicide damage, resulting in yield losses, quality discounts and in some cases the destruction of entire crops. Last year there was an unacceptable level of Phenoxy herbicide drift that impacted on cotton and other summer crops in the majority of cotton growing areas. It is apparent that the main issue was poor application practices and that fallow weed spraying was conducted in unsuitable conditions, resulting in considerable off-target drift to crops, pastures, native vegetation and waterways.

There are a large range of products in the 2,4-D Phenoxy herbicide group including Amine 625, Amicide 625, Estercide 680 and 800, Surpass 300, Surpass 475, 2,4-D 300, Garlon 600, Safari 600, Tordon 75D, Invader 600, GrazonXtra, Starane 200, Starane Advanced, Flagship, MCPA 500, LVE MCPA and Polo. If you use these products, or they’ve been recommended to you, please be aware that they are all from the 2,4-D group which can be extremely damaging to cotton if not applied correctly, particularly on farms within a 10km radius of susceptible crops.

To facilitate good, open communication in order to avoid inadvertent drift incidents this year:

·  Please notify me, either by fax on [INSERT FAX NUMBER] or phone on [INSERT PHONE NUMBER] prior to a planned application of 2,4-D. Please then send a subsequent text message once the spray job has commenced.

·  Try to use 2,4-D products that are less volatile.

·  Read the product (drum) label to ensure you follow best practice for the spray application. The label specifies legal requirements for wind speed (3-15 km/h as measured at the site of application) and spray quality (coarse to very coarse droplets according to the ASAE standard S-572). These conditions apply to any product containing 2,4-D as the active ingredient.

·  Training in chemical application may also provide additional information relating to improved efficacy as well as techniques to minimise spray drift and is available by contacting Bill Gordon on (0429) 976 565 or email

Further technical information for best practice spray application is available at www.grdc.com.au (Spray Drift Factsheet) and decision support at www.spraywisedecisions.com.au.

As a cotton grower I also recognise my responsibilities in minimising spray drift and stewardship of Roundup Ready® and Roundup Ready® Flex cotton technologies and have implemented practices to minimise the likelihood of glyphosate spray drift from my property to yours.

I hope these suggestions can reduce local spray drift incidents this season so that we can all maintain access to Phenoxy herbicide products and enjoy a good season. I realise this is a sensitive subject, so if you’d like to discuss the issue further, please call me on [INSERT PHONE NUMBER].

Yours faithfully