Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Thursday 8th March 2018 (re-convened from 1st March due to snow)in the St Keverne Methodist Hall at 7.00pm.

The following Councillors were present:-

Cllr A Richards
Cllr D Kevern / Cllr W Pollard
Cllr W Frisken / Cllr Mrs A Strickland
Cllr M Anselmi / Cllr Mrs J Ludbrook
Cllr A Tylor / Cllr J Ough

Also present: - C Cllr J Rand and 9 members of the public.

1.To accept apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs R Richards, R Combe, D Lambrick and Mrs S Lyne.

As both the Chairman and Vice-chairman were absent, it was RESOLVED that Cllr A Richards takes the Chair for the evening.

2.Members to declare disclosable pecuniary and prejudicial interests (including details thereof) in respect of any item on this agendaand any dispensations thereon previously granted or requested now

Cllr D Kevern – item 7e) applicant step-grandson

3.To receive Cornwall Councillor Julian Rand’s report

Cornwall Council was now cutting to the bone; efficiencies had been carried out, cost cutting analysed and now it was cutting into the core of services in order to cope with the reduction in government grant from £404m in 2009 to £59m for 2018/19. They tried cutting funding to CAB’s but members rejected that. Adult Social Care funding was under real pressure. 9th Feb CORSERV budget was approved for the year 2018/19. The current year would end up giving £5.87m back to Cornwall Council. 13th Feb saw more Boundary Commission discussion on the ward sizes after the reduction of Cllrs in 2021. There had been an error in the calculations so a new plan was brought out for maybe 88 Cllrs with two different configurations of ward boundaries to make it work. 19th Feb was the WLAG meeting; some nice projects were coming out of that, one being Lynher Dairies that had recently won a national award for its new cheese as a result of the funding. 20th Feb all day spent on Cornwall Council budget. Council tax would rise by 4.9%. (2.99% council tax and 2% for Adult Social Care). The WLAG programme spoken about in previous meetings was probably now fully committed. However there was a £6.3m Community Lead Local Development fund that was part ESF, part ERDF, part government and part private investment that applied in areas of multiple deprivation, or, if the area wishing to apply was not in multiple deprivation it could still qualify if it adjoined an area of multiple deprivation that would benefit. Coverack could benefit St Keverne. There was a later deadline of 2021 for this funding. It was felt this might help with the Dolor car park wall. A member of the public had approached both the Parish Council and Cornwall Cllr Julian Rand to see whether a temporary job could be done to get the Rosenithon to Godrevy path open for Easter. Cornwall Cllr Julian Rand stated it had been indicated that the work would be done at the end of February but this had not happened. A scheme was being drawn up and work would start when the weather improved and not until then. It was noted.

4.Public Question Time

Ian Calvert, from a company called Wildanet based at Goonhilly, explained that they were about to roll out a wireless broadband network in the next few weeks. They were looking for sites for masts and St Keverne church was an option for this village. They were keen to work with the local community and village halls in particular where they would give free bandwidth to a hall if they got established in the village concerned. Their masts would be up to15m high poles that were mobile and therefore did not require planning permission, but they did not usually need to be that high. They could provide FROM 30-450MB to households and 1GB -100GB to businesses. This would enable digital inclusion for places that could not receive decent, or any, broadband speeds at present. They would be training people how to use it and the first mast was due to go live in Gweek in the next 3-4 weeks. A member noted that St Keverne Vicar had been speaking positively about hosting such masts on the church on Radio 4 – he had stated he was happy for it to go ahead provided it was what the parishioners wanted. Another member felt it would be a great benefit to a building to be able to host a mast. People subscribing could also then do away with line rental. It was noted.

Another member of the public spoke about item 7e) stating it would be a family house for his stepson. It was noted.

5.To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting – correction required re Porthoustock toilets

The Clerk advised that Porthoustock Village Hall Committee received money from the Beach Committee towards the cost of water and electricity so it would be keeping that and the Parish Council would not have to take over these costs. The Porthoustock Village Hall Committee would not be passing the money onto the Parish Council, which was miss reported at the last meeting. It was noted and that the Parish Council would no longer have to grant £2k towards the toilets upkeep in future. Cornwall Cllr Julian Rand reported that £33k grant had been given to Porthallow Village Hall from WLAG, not £63k as reported in the minutes. It was noted. Taking these 2 matters into account, it was RESOLVED that the acting Chairman sign the minutes of the last meeting as a true and correct record.

6.To receive pre-planning presentation on proposals for the replacement of the Old Beach Café, Porthallow with small residential development

A very initial idea had been drawn up for the replacement of the Old Beach Café, Porthallow with a small residential development. The building had been empty for 6-8 years and the plan was to replace it with 2 dwellings. It was noted that anything would have to take into account the flood level so the proposed buildings would be 4ft above ground level. There had been no Environment Agency discussion to date and the ground floor would have to be uninhabitable e.g. garage/storage but the first floors occupants needed to be able to escape so would require a rear exit. They had asked the landowner behind and they would reportedly give permission for them to get up to the coast path. A member sought confirmation that what they were seeking was 2 plots as against 1 now and 3 storey’s as opposed to 2 now. This was confirmed.

7.To receive the following planning applications

a)PA18/00197 Extension to existing kitchen and garage to enlarge kitchen and form new utilityand boot room and enlarge study above garage, Poldowrian, Gwenter Road, Coverack, Mr and Mrs Hadley

It was RESOLVED to support the application.

b)PA18/00636 Kitchen and utility extension, Porthbeer, Coverack Headland, Coverack, Dr Penny Barton

It was RESOLVED to support the application.

c)PA18/00713 Application for the modification of a planning obligation to allow permanent residential occupation of converted barns in respect of decision notice W2/PA98/00781/F, holiday units at Chywoon Farm, St Keverne, Ms T Munro

It was RESOLVED to support the application.

d)PA18/01135 Conversion of existing garage/store into ancillary accommodation for family and friends, and occasional holiday letting, Wethersfield, North Corner, Coverack, Miss J Marrinan

It was RESOLVED to support the application.

e)PA18/01682 Proposed extension, internal alterations and additional parking space, 1Tregonning Parc, St Keverne, Mr T Flockhart and Miss C Pawlyn

Cllr D Kevern left the meeting during discussion of this item. It was RESOLVED to support the application.

Cllr D Kevern re-entered the meeting

f)PA18/01322 Repair and remediation works to car park perimeter support wall, Dolor Car Park, Coverack, St Keverne Parish Council

This was an extra item and as it was the Parish Council’s own application it would not be commenting but requested the public, especially in Coverack, to support it as it was vital for the survival of the village at that end. A newer member of Council asked who owned the land and was advised that it was the Harbour Company, with it being leased to the Parish Council on a peppercorn rent. Another member asked whether the Harbour Company contributed anything, the amount that the honesty box generated per year and what the Parish Council did in return for collecting the money. A Coverack member advised that Council looked after it. The previous member surmised it to be a similar situation as the amenity land. The Coverack member stated that the benefit was not financial; it was the facility of turning space being available for emergency services and delivery vehicles for all the businesses down that end of the village as they could not get around the hairpin bend of School Hill. It was agreed that this be put on the next agenda for further discussion.

8.To receive planning decisions

30.01.2018 PA17/10555 APPROVED

Applicant: Mr and Mrs Talbot

Location: Mill House Mill Road Coverack TR12 6TE

Proposal: Extension and alterations to existing sun room to create first floorroof terrace above

07.02.2018 PA17/11170 APPROVED

Applicant: Mrs Beverly Sheehan

Location: Mapleleaf Farm Penhallick Coverack Helston Cornwall

Proposal: Blocking up of existing vehicular access and formation of newvehicular access

02.02.2018 PA17/11191 REFUSED

Applicant: Mr S Dixon

Location: Land and buildings adj to Tregisky Tregisky Lane North Corner, Coverack Cornwall

Proposal: Outline application for the construction of dwelling and attachedannexe (with details of access and layout). (Demolition of existingdisused external swimming pool and associated storage andchanging building). Resubmission of withdrawn application no.PA17/04091.

PA17/10326 Granted (CAADs and LUs only)

Location: Arrowan Vean Arrowan Common Coverack Helston Cornwall

Proposal: Application for a Lawful Development Certificate (Existing Use) for use as full residential without complying with an agricultural condition

01.03.2018 PA18/00072 APPROVED

Applicant: Trustees of WK Rogers

Location: Redundant Barns Rosenithon Farm Rosenithon St Keverne Cornwall

Proposal: Proposed demolition of existing poor quality derelict barn and construction of new dwelling with separate store and carport

9.Matters arising from the minutes not covered elsewhere on this agenda

10.There were no matters arising from the minutes not covered elsewhere on this agenda.

11.To discuss how long a temporary caravan can stay onsite for building works

The Clerk would email details of the case in question to Cornwall Cllr Julian Rand in time for the Planning Committee meeting the following Monday, after which he had a meeting with the senior planning officer when he could ask them to define the meaning of ‘temporary’ permission with respect to a caravan being on site for building work.

12.To consider quote for upgrading Porthoustock street lights for adoption by Cornwall Council

Cornwall Council would adopt two out of 3 Porthoustock street lights and the one at Treloyan. However, they would not adopt the one in the track at Porthoustock that lead up the valley towards Trenoweth Mill and carried a footpath and the South West Coast Path, despite the Clerk pointing out that there was a publicly maintained right of way there due to the public footpaths. If the light in Porthoustock could not be adopted Council would be minded to have it removed completely. A member would consult with residents in that lane to ascertain their views. It was RESOLVED to accept the quote in the sum of £2095.72 for the upgrade, which would then lead to Cornwall Council taking over the lights.

13.To discuss closing off of path down to Menaver beach, between Trewarnevas and Lestowder

This path was not on the Definitive Map and recently a gate had been closed with a notice stating ‘no public access’. However, people from the Gillan area had walked this route from the coast path down to the beach for over 40 years and did not want it closed off. They could provide evidence for a modification order to get it on the Definitive Map if necessary. The land had changed hands in May 2017, which had prompted this action. Cllr Kevern advised that it had always been free access and should remain free access in case cattle went over the cliff. It was agreed to get a modification order pack.

14.To discuss planning for Dolor sea wall and getting people & business to write in support

This had been done under item 7f) above.


a)Clerks & Councils Direct magazine

This was noted.

b)Request to hold a music festival for potentially 10k people at Headland, Coverack

Members suggested that the person attends a meeting to put forward a proposition but had deep concerns about the single track roads leading to the Headland. There might be other areas in the parish where it would work.

16.To receive the financial statement

Current account £4987.83Business Premium account £33,118.80

17.To approve the following outstanding accounts - cheques to be signed by Councillor Frisken:

It was RESOLVED that the following accounts be approved and cheques prepared

a)Clerk’s pay (Feb) (net of tax & pension)564.49

b)Clerk’s expenses (Feb) 51.65

c)Cornwall Pension Fund (Mar)164.64

d)Susan Roberts (St Keverne bus shelter cleaning) 60.00

e)United Methodist Church (room hire) 20.00

f)Key Express (New lock for toilet roll holder Coverack gents) 11.94

g)SWW water rates Coverack harbour toilets 66.30

h)SWW water rates St Keverne toilets133.93

i)SWW water rates N Corner toilets364.02

j)Planning fee for Dolor sea wall planning submission117.00

k)SSE street lighting energy 64.06

l)St Keverne Parish Hall hire 9.00

m)BDL (toilets cleaning inc Porthoustock & N Corner) 1240.00

n)Cornwall Council planning workshop fee x 2 24.00 (paid)

18.Any other business (for information only)

It was noted that a request had been made for Council to make a donation to the Beacon. It would be put on the next agenda.

It was advised that there had recently been a visit by the Lord Lieutenant of Cornwall to the parish and that there was probably a royal visit to Coverack coming off. This would be lead by the Chairman with Cllr Frisken shadowing. This would be good publicity keeping Coverack in the spotlight and a chance to tell people that it was not just Coverack flooded in July but areas in the rest of the parish as well. The acting Chairman stated that good feedback had been received from people who had received flood relief money.

The next meeting of the Council would be held on Thursday 5thApril 2018 in St Keverne Methodist Hall,at 7.00pm.

19.In view of the nature of the following items, it wasRESOLVEDto exclude members of the press and public under the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 (Standing Order 1)

20.To consider quotes received for re-fencing St Keverne car park

Two quotes had been received in the sums of £1210.00 + VAT and £949.67 + VAT respectively. It was RESOLVED to accept the lower quote of £949.67 but to ask whether posts could be put in between the existing posts in the trimmed hedge and tack the wire back rather than totally re-fencing and grubbing out hedge that had recently been nicely trimmed. Cllrs Anselmi and Kevern would meet the contractor on site to discuss.

21.To discuss lease for above

This was due for renewal and would be discussed with the landowner when the Chairman and Clerk met him to consider provision for improved disabled access to the churchyard.

The meeting closed at 9.02pm.