Wattle Six Learning Journey

Term 3, Week 2

Photographers: James and JayReporters: Domenic, Yanson, Hayley and Meryl

Persuasive Writing:As a whole class we created a tally chart displaying who walked to school and who drove to school.One student commented “If I could choose how I got to school I would choose to drive” and a rich discussion began about what our choice of getting to school would be. We created walk/drive corners where students who like walking to school went into one corner and those who liked to drive went to another corner. Students from each group were then asked to persuade those in the other group why their choice was better. We brainstormed a list of words that we felt were strong enough to persuade (can, must, should, need) and when we were putting our point of view across to the other group we looked at our list of words and used them in our persuasion. We created a class chart where each student provided a reason why we should walk and a reason why we should drive. Having our discussion helped us to understand another person’s point of view. Some of us were persuaded to change our minds after hearing our friend’s telling us why we should walk or drive!

“We were writing about why we should drive or why we should walk to school”, “I like to drive to school because the car is warm and that is what I said to persuade”, “We put sticky notes on the big board”.

PATHS and Mathematics: Subtraction using Mystery Messages: One of the values at Bullcreek Primary School isRESPECTand we had a whole class discussion about what we believe respect should look like. Our ideas are on a chart in the classroom if you want to take a look. We have agreed to show respect to ourselves and others at all times. For mathematics we have been using counters and straws to help us understand about subtraction. We were able to solve the mystery message “Be respectful’ by answering the subtraction questions.

“This is our mystery message maths”.

Digital Technologies: To follow on from our learning of coding using mystery messages, we looked at coding using computers. Firstly, we all investigated the coding program ‘Blockly’ in the classroom and then we went to the Library so that each of us had a computer. We investigated, and manipulated coding blocks, to complete the puzzles using the Blockly program.

Spelling: We always start our spelling lessons by brainstorming words that contain the focus sounds. This week the sounds were aras in star and aas in fast. We were so good at coming up with words for each of these sounds that there was no room left on the board to keep going! We completed a word search that contained all of our spelling words. We needed to know what letters were in each word otherwise we could not find them in the word search.

“We were trying to find all (of) the words”, “I was doing my word search”.