General Member Meeting


Present: ASteele, ELaskowich, SCarroll, and 4 PTA General Members

Guest: Monika Johnson-Hostler

Discussed Budget:

Currently anticipating budget of ~$5000 for 2017/2018. This is one of the lowest starting budgets we will have had in 4 years. Will be cutting funding to scholastic news, field trips, teacher grade spending, and all extensions / specialty classrooms due to poor fundraising totals. This cost will either result in increased per student responsibilities of parents or cutting out programs altogether.

Why this was low?

  • Fundraising disruption due to construction
  • Lack of time / volunteers to run fundraising events (ie dances / movie nights)
  • Cannot run boosterthon events during instructional periods during school day

Focus next year primarily on cultural arts spending since this is an area not supported by school budget

Monika Johnson-Hostler – District 2 Representative and Board Chair

Survey for magnet status has resulted in selection of theme as Environmental Sciences

Millbrook Elementary is also elementary theme and is 1 year ahead of LHES

Currently magnet grant application is being drafted, we are not approved YET

If grant is not won, then local dollars may be used to implement magnet status

Also expanding population draw for LHES – attempt to combat high socioeconomic bias –

Reducing class size for K-3 and elimination of TA’s, ARTS, or PE

  • Unforeseen circumstance, legistlators were trying to do good by reducing class size, however didn’t fully realize the implications
  • 10 schools in NC contain 55% of the state population
  • Trying to propose happy medium bill to come this week which raises class sizes to allow for PE/Arts funding
  • HB13 passed the House 02/16 – currently in the Senate (and then will go back to the House for full approval)
  • TA’s are at the principal’s discretion (and special needs)

Need for increased teacher salary – NC teachers are underpaid

Policy manual is what the school board does

“Save our Summers” vs modified track 4 to combat summer slide

  • Earlier school start – end of July
  • 2 week breaks for fall/spring / winter and 2 months off in summer
  • Last day of school end of May
  • Save Our Summers primary drive of travel industry to make $$

What can parents do to sway opinions of the school board as it relates to budgetary or calendar considerations, teacher pay and modified schedules?

Call state superintendent and legislators.

Stacie Carroll – president

Fundraising: - will also discuss at board meeting

1. Current take home kit….how much money generated in the past and anticipated for this year?

2. Tigerfest…last year’s total revenue and current projection for 2017.

3. Spirit Night…McDonalds willing to host, we pick a date and encourage staff involvement.

4. Daddy/Daughter Dance…how will we make money? Ticket packages sold? Discuss those possibilities.

5. Possible Petunia/Flower Sales through Tarheel Nursery

6. Equality Equation kickoff party with proceeds benefiting LHES PTA

7. Mommy/Son game night if daddy/daughter dance a success

8. Any suggestions/ideas welcomed