The White House, Hockliffe Street, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire LU7 1HD

T: 01525 631920 E: W:

Information for Hirers

Thank you for choosing The White House to hold your meeting. Please note that there is no car parking at The White House, however there are several pay and display car parks within the town centre, the nearest one being a 5 minute walk in Hockliffe Street Carpark, LU7 1HJ.

The fire evacuation point is located outside the front of the building.

We do not allow smoking at The White House, so please ask your colleagues to smoke as far away from the building as possible. Please also remove any cigarette butts to the nearest public litter bin.

Charges for The White House are as follows:

Council Chamber – capacity 35 people

Per Hour - £57.00

Half Day Hire (09:00-13:00 or 13:00-17:00) - £126.60

Full Day Hire (09:00-17:00) - £220.80

Meeting Room – capacity 12 people

Per Hour - £46.20

Half Day Hire (09:00-13:00 or 13:00-17:00) - £94.80

Full Day Hire (09:00-17:00) - £189.60

The White House charges relate only between the hours of 9am-5pm, Monday – Friday. Any bookings outside of these hours are by special arrangement only and will be charged at £30 per hour in addition to the normal hourly rate as above.

Refreshments including tea, coffee and biscuits are available at a cost of £1 per person, per break. Please ensure you inform us of break times prior to the date of your booking in order for this to be arranged.

Catering options are also available from £6.50 per head, please contact us for more details and menus.

The Men’s toilets are located at the top of the stairs by the main entrance, ladies toilets are on the ground floor through the door next to the main reception desk.

Please note that there are a number of offices within the building which will be in use during your hire period, and we ask that your colleagues respect this by keeping noise to a minimum when using the communal areas of the building.

We have WIFI in the building, the guest code is LLTC@lu71hd

Payment needs to be made before the date of your hire, no deposit is needed. You can pay by:

  • Cash
  • Cheque (made payable to ‘Leighton-Linslade Town Council’)
  • Online using a Worldpay payment link to your email account (please ask for this to be sent to you)
  • BACS: NatWest Sort code: 53-70-11 A/c No: 96428147

A/c Name: Leighton-Linslade Town Council

Please quote our Invoice number or your name on all payments.

Please leave the rooms in the same condition that you found them. Remember that your booking times are the limit of when you can arrive and when we need the room clear, so please build in setting up and clearing away time into your booking.

We would love to hear back from you if you have any feedback.

Email: telephone: 01525 631920.

The White House, Hockliffe Street, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire LU7 1HD

T: 01525 631920 E: W:

The White House Booking Form

Contact Details
Name of Organisation
Contact Name
Email Address
Email Address for Invoicing
Booking Information (please delete as appropriate)
Day/Date Required
Time Required (please state start/finish times)
Room Required / Council Chamber (35 people) / Meeting Room (12 people)
Smart TV Required / Yes / No
Laptop Required / Yes / No
White Board Required / Yes / No
Refreshments Required (chargeable) / Yes / No
Catering Required (chargeable) / Yes / No
Other Requirements (please state)

Please note that Leighton-Linslade Town Council will process and retain your personal data for a period of 6 months after your booking, for the purposes of providing information, sending invoices and receipts relating to your hire agreement. Your data will be held securely and will not be passed on to any third parties. Our full privacy notice can be found on our website:

Actioned by
Catering Organised if required
Management Initial