designed for your comfort


Poznan’s Homely Place team will appreciate your cooperation in following the rules below, which are intended to ensure a peaceful and safe stay for all our Guests.

1.The Apartment is let on a daily basis.
2.The number of Guests staying in the Apartment must not be higher than that for which the Apartment has been booked. Should more persons be found to be staying, then the lease will be terminated with immediate effect, without Homely Place Apartments being liable to refund any rental costs whatsoever.
3.The check-in time is 4.00pm on the arrival day and the check-out time is 10.00am on the day you leave the Apartment.
4.If you want to extend your stay in the Apartment, you should let it know by 10.00am on the day preceding the expiry date of the lease.
5.The stay can be extended provided that the Apartment has not been booked by someone else for a given day.
6.Homely Place Apartments reserves the right to dismiss a guest who:
does not have or does not want to show a valid identity document,
is under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicating substances,
grossly breached these Rules during his or her previous stay.
7.Failure to return the Apartment before 1.00pm is understood as an extension of the stay by another day.
8.The Guest must not hand over or make the Apartment available to any third party, also during the lease.
9.Unchecked visitors may stay in the Apartment between 7.00am and 10.00pm. If an unchecked visitor stays in the Guest’s Apartment beyond 10.00pm, the Guest is deemed to have consented to being charged the full price effective on that day also for the unchecked visitor.
10.Pets are permitted provided that they are registered and an additional fee of 30 zlotys is paid.
11.Homely Place Apartments may dismiss a Guest who comes with an unregistered pet.
12.Any property left behind by the Guest in the Apartment will be sent to the designated address at the Guest’s expense. If not instructed otherwise, we will store such property for three months and afterwards give it away for charity or public use. At the same time, Homely Place Apartments disclaims liability for any properly Guests may leave behind in the Apartment.
13.Pursuant to the fire safety regulations, it is forbidden to use in the Apartment any electrical or gas equipment that is not part of the Apartment’s furnishings, such as immersion heaters, radiators, gas burners, inflammables, explosives and bad smelling products.
14.Whenever you leave the Apartment, please turn off all household appliances, home electronics, unneeded lighting, water taps and close the windows and doors.
15.It is strictly forbidden to take our any property being part of the Apartment’s furnishings (such as towels, pillows, appliances, etc.). Should any such property be missing, then the Guest will be charged additional costs.
1 6.It is completely forbidden to smoke in the Apartment. Smoking is permitted only in the designated place, namely on the balcony.
17.The Apartment’s quiet hours are from 10.00pm to 6.00am.
19.If state or municipal police intervention is required, you will be charged by Homely Place Sp. z o.o. a fine of 500 zlotys.
20.Should the Guest, either intentionally or accidently, damage any property being part of the Apartment’s furnishings, then he or she will have to pay for its repairs or write-off. The Guest is also held liable for any damage attributable to his or her behaviour and that of any third party visiting him or her in the Apartment.
21.On the check-out day the Apartment’s furnishings are checked for their condition and quantity. Any claims regarding identified damage will be resolved in an amicable manner or, if such damage is left uncompensated, through litigation.
22.Should these rules be breached, then the lease may be terminated with immediate effect, which would result in the Guest having to leave the Apartment and pay for any damage.
23.If the Guest has to leave due to such reasons, he or she is not entitled to be refunded the rental for the unused stay. The paid rental may be applied to another date.
24.If the Guest would like to use our parking space, he or she is obliged to leave his or her car only where he or she is told to do so by Homely Place Apartments.
25.If the Guest loses a garage remote control, he or she will be charged 500 zlotys.
26.Your personal information will be processed by Homely Place Apartments only for booking purposes, to facilitate further bookings and for marketing purposes as set out in the Personal Information Protection Act of 29 August 2007. The person making a booking is entitled to request access to and update his or her details.
27. At the same time, we are open to your comments and suggestions that could help our current and future guests enjoy even more pleasurable stays. We will do our best to meet your expectations.

We wish you a very pleasant stay and welcome you again