Norfolk Older People’s Strategic Partnership Board - Membership (09.04.15)

Chair (1) / Also Chair of Norwich Older People’s Forum / Joyce Hopwood
Norfolk County / Director, Adult Social Care / Harold Bodmer
Council / Adult Social Care / Janice Dane
(7) / Community & Environmental Services (Libraries) / Jan Holden
Chair, Adult Social Care Committee / Sue Whitaker
Vice Chair, Adult Social Care Committee / Elizabeth Morgan
Community & Environmental Services (Transport) / Niki Park
Consultation & Community Relations (Communications) / Paul Jackson
(5) / Representative from one of the following: / Laura McCartney-Gray
Norwich Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
South Norfolk CCG / Oliver Cruickshank
North Norfolk CCG / Rebecca Champion
West Norfolk CCG / Caroline Howarth
Great Yarmouth & Waveney CCG / Lorraine Rollo
Health & Social Care Commissioning / Catherine Underwood
Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital and representative of the three acute hospital trusts / Emma McKay
Norfolk & Suffolk Foundation Trust (mental health) / Chris Hardwell
Norfolk Community Health & Care NHS Trust and Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board / Anna Morgan
District Councils / Borough of Kings Lynn & West Norfolk (housing) / Emma Boore
(3) / Norwich City Council (housing) / Nigel Andrews
South Norfolk District Council (housing) / Tony Cooke
Other Statutory / Norfolk Constabulary / Amanda Ellis
Agencies (2) / Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) / Gaye Clarke
Statutory/Vol (1) / Healthwatch Norfolk / Mary Ledgard
Voluntary / Third / Age UK Norfolk / Hilary MacDonald
Sector Agencies / Age UK Norwich / Phil Wells
(5) / Norfolk Housing Alliance & Freebridge Housing / Robert Clarke
Community Action Norfolk / Jon Clemo
Voluntary Norfolk / Linda Rogers
Independent / Norfolk & Suffolk Care Support - residential care / Denise Denis
Sector (2) / Norfolk Independent Care (NIC) - home care / Jo Ardrey
Carers (1) / Carers Council / Lesley Bonshor
Older People’s / Norfolk Council on Ageing / Derek Land
Representatives / Norfolk Council on Ageing / David Button
(11) / Norfolk Council on Ageing / Carole Williams
North Norfolk Older People’s Forum / David Russell
Broadland Older People’s Partnership / John Bracey
Breckland Older People’s Forum / Shirley Matthews
Norwich Older People’s Forum / Verity Gibson
South Norfolk Older People’s Forum / Ann Baker
West Norfolk Older Person’s Forum / Hazel Fredericks
Great Yarmouth Older People’s Network / Val Pettit
Norfolk Older People’s Forum / Emily Millington-Smith
Co-opted (2 ) / Broadland Older People’s Partnership / Pat Wilson
Vice Chair / Graham Creelman
40 members

Sonya Blythe

/ Corporate Support Manager, Democratic Services, Norfolk County Council

Annie Moseley

/ Support to the Older People’s Strategic Partnership Board, Age UK Norfolk

Trish Rogers-Daymond

/ Business Support, Democratic Services, Norfolk County Council