Proceedings of Virtual Concept 2005

Biarritz, France, November 8th – November 10th, 2005


Author 1, Author 2 2, Author 3 3

(1) : Address
E-mail: {author1,author2} / (2) : Address and affiliation
E-mail: { author1,author2} /
(3) : Address
E-mail: { author1,author2} /

Paper Number -1- Copyright Virtual Concept

Virtual Concept 2005 Article Title

Abstract: abstract title is size 10, Verdana (or Arial) police, bold, spaced out before 30 pts. The abstract is written with Times characters, size 10. The paragraph is justified. The abstract includes less than 150 words. It is followed by 5 key words, spaced out by 6 pts. The key words definition is spaced out by 6 pt with the first title of the article.

Key words: 5 key words.

1- Article Aim

This article aims to support the VIP and Honor Guest presentations.


This article does not need to be huge. Sometimes, only 1 page may be provided by the author(s). nevertheless, The article does not be abla to exceed 10 pages.

It will be published in the proceedings of the conference having an ISBN number and disseminated by Springer Verlag.

2- Title of the article and head of the article

The title of the article is written with Verdana (or Arial) characters, size 14. It is spaced out with the head of the page by 36 pts. It is spaced out with the authors list by 24 pts.

Author list is written with Times police, size 10, centred.

The authors are referenced with number exponents. The exponents refer to table below spaced out with the author list by 24 pts. This table specifies affiliation address of each author: it is written in Times characters, size 10. The first author is obligatory the contact author.

The head of the article precises that this article fits to the conference Virtual Concept 2003. The pages are numbered (foot of the page, on the centre).

3- Type of file

The article is only written in English. Authors submit article in PDF file format. PDF file must not exceed 5 Mo or in Doc format. Full article or Final Camera-Ready Paper will be submitted on the electronic submission web site, connecting with account of Contact Author.

4- Margin and text

4.1 – Titles

4.1.1 –First Titles

Titles and sub-title are numbered as the following form: : 1-, 1.1-, 1.1.1-. First titles are written with Verdana (or Arial) police, size 9, bold, spaced out before by 24 pts and after by 6pts.

4.1.2 – Sub-titles

Sub titles are spaced out before by 14 pts and after by 6 pts. Second level titles are written with Verdana (or Arial) police, size 9, indented by 0.5 cm.

4.1.3 – Sub-sub-titles

Sub-sub title are spaced out before by 10 pts and after by 6 pts. Third level titles are written with Verdana (or Arial) police, size 9, indented by 0.7 cm.

Sub-Sub Title: fourth level titles are size 10, bold and followed by the text. They are not numbered.

4.2 – Length and characters

The article must not exceed 10 pages. It must not exceed 5 Mo in PDF format.

All the article is written in Times characters, size 10, exception of titles, table and picture legends.

4.3 – Margin

The text is written in two columns. The margins are defined in the following picture for an A4 paper (avoid the letter format paper):

Figure 1: Margins and paper size.

5- Equation and numbers

Equations are referenced in the text. The equations are numbered with Arab numeral put in parentheses in the right margin of the column. The equations, numbers and variables are written in italic, size 10. Units respect the international system forms (m, g, s, etc.). The equations are spaced out above and below by 12 pts.


6- Pictures and tables

The pictures and the tables are placed on one column or all across the page. They are centred. The pictures and the tables are referenced in the text.

The pictures are numbered, below, using bold text format, size 9, Times police. The legend is centred in the column or in the page:

Figure 1: legend.

The tables are numbered, below, using bold text format, size 9, Times police. The legend is centred in the column or in the page:

Table 1: legend.

A spacing out of 12 pts are below and above the pictures and the tables. A spacing out of 10 pts are below legend.

Figure 2: function.

7- References

The references are numbered in the order of apparition in the text, with Arab number, in square brackets. In bibliography, brackets and numbers are in bold.. Every reference must be cited in the text. The bibliography is the last section of the article and it is presented as follow:

[1] Troussier N., Pourroy F., Tollenaere M. and Trebucq N. Information structuring for use and reuse of mechanical analysis models in engineering design. In Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 10(1): 61-71, 1999

[2] X. Fischer. Stratégie de conduite du calcul pour l'aide à la décision en conception mécanique intégrée ; application aux appareils à pression. Thèse de doctorat, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Métiers, 2000.

[3] Bennis F., Chedmail P. and Hélary O. Representation of design activities using neural networks: application to fuzzy dimensioning. In IDMME'2000, Montréal - Québec, 2000.

References are spaced out by 4 pts.

Paper Number -3- Copyright Virtual Concept