World Development MATTERS!

Fran Chandler, World Development Adviser.

80 Gaston Way, Shepperton. TW17 8EY Tel: 01932 226935

Issue 59June 2013

In an historic vote on transparency, the European Parliament voted to adopt rules that compel all EU-listed companies as well as private companies to publish all payments over €100,000 to governments where they operate. They are also required to identify individual projects in every nation in which they do business.

The EU, the USA and now Canada,(Australia is moving this way also), will be obliged to come clean and lay out their payments in these bite size-chunks of €100,000 – that accounts for over 65% of businesses which trade in oil, gas and minerals around the world. And they have to publish in a simple format which means that agencies and people most affected in mineral-rich nations will now be able to identify precisely where the cash flow is going and so hold governments and industries to account.

The Prime Minister is making some interesting moves on overseas tax havens linked to the UK suggesting the establishment of a register of beneficial ownership to maketracing company owners easier. He also said that they had agreed to sign the OECD's Multilateral Convention on Mutual Assistance in Tax Matters and to automatic information exchange with the UK. There are huge reservations as to whether this can be achieved.

The land grabs issue is looking far more complex and worrying when considered alongside the agreements being drawn up in the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition. This in itself is causing division between civil society organizations and their governments in the African nations which are signed up to it.

For those who want to read more about this and concerns for the livelihoods of the smallholder farmers in the developing world see the attached blog by Barbara Crowther (Fairtrade Foundation) and Guardian article by George Monbiot.

There is indeed still much to pray about.


Do you think music can change the world? The ONE Campaign is launching agit8: iconic #protestsongs by top global artists. You can share via Facebook or Twitter or both. They are looking for 500 ONE members to sign up to share, then the message will get posted on everyone's accounts on exactly the same day at exactly the same time.

This is to be a huge moment to try and bring hundreds of thousands of new people into the fight to achieve the goal to end extreme poverty by 2030.

You’ll get to see some big names in music (and lots of talented up-and-coming artists) put their spin on some of the greatest protest songs of all time. And you will get to listen, create, share and vote for incredible music and videos.

Sign up here:

23 June: One World One Wealth

9.55 am to 5.00 pm at The School of Economic Science11 Mandeville Place, London, W1U 3AJ

Although the world economy has never been more productive, across the planet we continue to see that not everyone benefits equally. Alongside increasing wealth there continues to be considerable poverty. In attempting to redistribute wealth through taxation and benefits Governments appear to be only partially effective whilst at the same time introducing considerable distortionsinto the economy. In addition methods of collecting revenue have not kept pace with the developments of globalisation.

This colloquium will examine the current situation and consider the possibility of new, fairer means of distributing the world’s wealth for the benefit of all.

Enough to Go Round ? Peter Hollandand Leonie Humphries

Tax HavensJohn DeVal

How the Wealthy Stay WealthyClive Meek

How Tax Shapes the Economy, John Christensen, Director of the Tax Justice Network

Is Sharing a Solution?Rajesh Makwana Director & Adam Parsons, editor of Share the World’s Resources

Chaired by Peter BowmanHead of Economics , School of Economic Science

There will be a substantial opportunity for questions from the floor

The fee for the day is £17 (including refreshments and a buffet lunch) if booked through the School Office at Mandeville Place prior to Friday 21 June,and £23 thereafter. Tel: 020 7034 4000

30 June: Join the Phone Fast

Every time we purchase a mobile phone we help to fund violence and rape in the Democratic Republic of Congo - home to the world’s deadliest conflict since World War II. Armed groups control the mines of precious minerals such as coltan which end up in our phones/laptops. Micah Challenge wants you to write to your phone company and ask them to find an ethical source for these raw materials. For more details as to how you can take part see:

13 July: Operation Noah supporter meeting

10.30am to 4.30pm, St Aloysius Church Hall, 20 Phoenix Rd, Euston, London NW1 1TA

Following a short AGM Operation Noah’s exciting new national campaign will be presented so that supporters can help feed in ideas and shape the campaign and get enthusiastic about promoting it. The new campaign, asking churches to disinvest from fossil fuels, will be officially launched in the autumn.

Guest speaker, Ann Pettifor, will be speaking about ecological justice and the economic and financial context of climate change. With her understanding of debt, the financial sector and campaigning she brings a unique perspective to the question of whether churches should continue to hold substantial financial stakes in the fossil fuel sector.

David Atkinson, Honorary Assistant Bishop of Southwark Diocese, will talk about the theological rationale underpinning the new campaign.

Small group discussions: to explore some of the deeper questions, challenges and dilemmas.

Workshopled by Paul Bodenham: to help supporters communicate effectively both on the new campaign and on any other aspects of climate change. It will provide an introductory session for Operation Noah Ambassadors and any interested supporters. The Ambassadors will be at the fore-front of communicating information about Operation Noah and taking the campaign forward across local communities. There will be time for personal action planning, identifying support needs and networking to build a small community of Ambassadors to take forward education and awareness-raising work.

To book your place register here. Cost £10 to cover venue hire. Please bring lunch to share. Hot drinks and biscuits will be provided. Arrive from 10am if you are able to help with setting up. You can download a flier to help promote the event here.

28 September:Runnymede Ramble

Following the success of last year's Runnymede Ramble sponsored walk, which raised almost £1,500 for the work of Christian Aid in one morning, there is a new, improved version this year.There will be three options: a morning uphill walk, an afternoon downhill walk, or an all-day up-and-down round(-ish) trip.

The morning walk will again start from StainesMethodistChurch (9.30 for 10a.m) and make for the Village Centre in Englefield Green in time for lunch. The afternoon walk will start at 1p.m from the Village Centre and end at the MethodistChurch, while the round trip will incorporate both sections, with a pause at the Village Centre to draw breath and take in sustenance.

Contact Linda Marshall (Christian Aid organiser for Staines & Laleham) Tel: 01784 456474.

20-27 October: One World Week – Theme - “More than enough?”

14-20 October: Shine a Light on Corruption!

There will be worldwide public prayer and action as part of the EXPOSED campaignto shine a light on corruption. Could your church or business hold a vigil?Please get in touch with Micah Challenge via this website link.

Career opportunity

WDM is looking for someone to share the head of campaigns and policy role:

'The City and the Common Good: What kind of City do we want?'

If you missed this excellent series at St Paul’s Cathedral the talks are now available online.

Good People - you canview a full video of that debate.

Good Money - full video of the event is now available to view.

Good Banks - the keynote address from Archbishop Justin Welby isnow available here.

Enough Food IF campaign

If you missed the Ecumenical service on 8 June you can download and read the full speech.

The Most Reverend Vincent Nichols speaks for Enough Food for Everyone IF - Ecumenical Service.docx

In his video message Archbishop Justin Welby congratulates David Cameron for maintaining the UK’s pledge to deliver 0.7% to the aid budget each year.

Watch the video message on youtube >

Radiohead painting for sale. Have you got an art collector in your congregation?

Some of you may remember this painting, done for Trade Justice Movement by Thom Yorke and Stanley Donwood for the 2005 Wake Up to Trade Justice event. The time has come to sell it to raise a bit of money for TJM and hopefully find it a good home. It will be sold at auction at Bonhams at 1pm on Wednesday 3 July. Please take a look and circulate to anyone you think would be interested.

I hope you all get lots of rest and relaxation during the holiday period after such an action-packed start to the year.
