SPC—Special Service/Interdenominational (in active service in a manner not otherwise provided for, which must be approved by the district assembly upon recommendation by the District Advisory Board and/or the Ministerial Credentials Board).

If you believe your current ministry engagement qualifies as an assigned ministry and is best suited to the Interdenominational/ Special Service (SPC) ministry role code, you must have the written approval of the District Advisory Board (Manual, para. 536.11). Such requests will be considered by the Advisory Board at its meeting in mid-January.

In addition to your annual report, you must provide the Advisory Board with a copy of the Statement of Faith and of the governance of the church/organization you are serving, reflecting that its doctrine and governance are in the mainstream of the historic evangelical Christian churches. All of these materials must be in the District Office by January 12 in order to be included on the Advisory Board’s agenda.

Those having already filed these documents with the District Advisory Board must indicate on the report

“No change in church/organization served and no change in doctrine/governance”

if, in fact, there has been no change. Otherwise, a statement outlining any changes must be included. If you are serving a different organization entirely, you will need to provide the initial documentation as described above.

536.11. No ordained minister shall regularly conduct independent church activities that are not under the direction of the Church of the Nazarene, or carry on independent missions or unauthorized church activities, or be connected with the operating staff of an independent church or other religious group or denomination, without the annual written approval of the District Advisory Board or the written approval of the Board of General Superintendents. When the said activities are to be conducted on more than one district, or a district other than the district on which said minister holds ministerial membership, the written approval of the Board of General Superintendents must be obtained prior tothe participation in said activities. The Board of General Superintendents shall notify the respective District Advisory Boards that a request for said approval is pending before their board. Should an ordained minister fail to comply with these requirements, he or she may, on recommendation by a two-thirds vote of the entire membership of the Ministerial Credentials Board, and by action of the district assembly, be dropped from the membership of the Church of the Nazarene. The final determination as to whether any specific activity constitutes “an independent mission” or “an unauthorized church activity” shall rest with the Board of General Superintendents. (112-12.1)