The Right Act at the Right Time


-It is never right to do the wrong thing. And, it is never wrong to do the right thing.

-Sounds obvious. And, in concept it is. In application, it can be more challenging. (different

situations, circumstances, settings, pressures, temptations, etc.)

-However, we need to do that which is right.

-Christians and doing:

-Doing is to be an integral part of Christianity.

-Yes, faith is integral (Heb 11:6). Yes, faith is to be based on proper knowledge (2 Pet 3:18).

However, Christian faith isn’t limited to a realm of belief and knowledge. Instead, it is to

extend into the realm of action (Jas 2).

-A Christian faith is a faith which does.

-Example of Jesus

-As Christians, we don’t only believe in Jesus but also want to behave (do) like Jesus.

-Acts 10:34-39a

-Matt 4:23-25

-We could go to a number of other passages which address the many wonderful works of Christ.

-It is truly amazing to think about all Jesus did—the people he interacted with—the lives he

touched—the lives he changed.

-Of course, that does not include all the lives impacted spiritually. Just think of that greater


-Jesus as Recipient

-We think of all that Jesus did to impact, help and strengthen others.

-We rarely think of him being the recipient.

-Luke 22:39-46

-We cannot fathom the depth of agony experienced by Jesus.

1. What was about to happen—severe suffering.

2. What rested upon his shoulders—hope.

-I don’t want to do anything to seemingly minimize the physical suffering of Jesus. Yet,

we know his agony extended beyond the physical and involved mental & emotional aspects.

-Luke 22:43 – God sent an angel.

-This is one of the occasions when we are given basic facts but not details.

-What exactly took place on this occasion?

-Lenski’s comments – physical strengthening

-In response to his prayers, an angel was sent. This is what Jesus needed.

-Notice, he continued to pray and the answer remained “no.”

-However, it seems Jesus was strengthened physically—on the side of humanity.

-This was the right thing for Jesus at the right time!

-Beyond this point we see fortitude in our Savior.

-Application for Us

-Obviously, we can’t travel about performing miracles.

-But, we can do the right thing at the right time for another person. We can be the source of

help, encouragement and strength for somebody else. We may not even know it though.

-I believe in the purpose and power of prayer.

-1 Thess 5:17; 1 Pet 3:12

-Perhaps a kind deed may be utilized by God in response to another’s prayer.

-How many here this morning can relate to a time when you needed something/somebody; and,

right at the right time, somebody did or said something which was simply the right thing to do in

order to bring strength and encouragement.

-Maybe it was a visit in a time of loneliness. Maybe it was a call in the time of

discouragement and/or worry. Maybe it was a card in the time of frustration. Perhaps it

was a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on.

-example of Sharon’s card

-Yes, we are individually accountable to God (Rom 14:12, Phil 2:12). Yet, we need to operate as

a community of believers.

-Acts 2:42-27; 1 Thess 5:11; Gal 5:13

-Summary and Invitation

-Perhaps the right thing at the right time may be a visit, a phone call, a good deed, an email, a

post on social media, a card, a meal dropped by, a word of encouragement, a “thank you,” a “sorry,” etc.

-It is never wrong to do the right thing.

-Now, with all this being said, the absolute best thing—the most right thing—a person can ever

do is be obedient to God through the Gospel of Christ and remain faithful.

-What about you?
