
Murray State University

Department of Economics

BS –Economics/Social Studies - Grades 8-12Certification

2012-2013 Undergraduate Bulletin

Student ______M#______Advisor ______


Oral and Written Communication (7 Hours)HoursSemesterGrade

ENG 105Critical Reading, Writing, and Inquiry4______

COM 161Introduction to Public Speaking3______

Scientific Inquiry, Methodologies, and Quantitative Skills (10-14 Hours)

MAT 220Business Calculus3______


MAT 250Calculus and Analytic Geometry I5______

Approved University Studies Science or Math3-5______

Approved University Studies Science with Lab______3-5______

World’s Historical, Literary, and Philosophical Traditions (6 Hours)

CIV 201 or 202World Civilization I or II3______

HUM 211The Western Humanities Tradition 3______

Global Awareness, Cultural Diversity, and the World’s Artistic Traditions (3 Hours)

Approved University Studies______3______

Social and Self-Awareness and Responsible Citizenship (6 Hours)

Eth., Soc. Resp., or Civ. Engage. Approved Course ______3______

ECO 230Principles of Macroeconomics3______

University Studies Approved Electives (9 Hours)

CSC 199Introduction to Information Technology3______

*Technology-Intensive Course

ECO 231Principles of Microeconomics3______

Approved University Studies Elective ______3______

Required Courses (22-26 hours)

ACC 200Principles of Financial Accounting3______

BUS 099Transitions1______

ECO 305Money and Banking3______

ECO 330Intermediate Macroeconomics3______

ECO 331Intermediate Microeconomics3______

ECO 460International Trade and Finance3______

ECO 498Research Methods in Economics1-3______

ECO 499Senior Seminar in Economics1-3______

MAT 135Introduction to Probability and Statistics4______


CIS 243Business Statistics I2______


CIS 343Business Statistics II2______

Required Limited Electives (9 hours)




300 –level or higher (except ECO 310), ECO electives approved by advisor.

Required for Secondary Certification (38 hours)

EDP 260Psychology of Human Development3______

EDU 103Issues and Practices of American Education3______

EDU 303Strategies of Teaching3______

EDU 403Structures and Foundations of Education2______

EDU 405Evaluation and Measurement in Education13______

SEC 420Practicum in Secondary Schools13______

SEC 422Extended Practicum24______

SEC 421Student Teaching in the Secondary School14______

*Writing-Intensive Course

SED 300Educating Students with Disabilities3______

Required Minor (21-24 hours)









Choose either geography, history, political science, or social science minor. Social science minor is recommended.

Note: If any course is required in the major and minor, a substitute course must be approved by an advisor to gain the total degree program hours.

Total Curriculum Requirements – 131-142hrs

1EDU 405 and SEC 420 must be taken together and two semesters before student teaching

2SEC 422 must be taken one semester before student teaching


The following scores on the Specialty Exams are required to be eligible for a teaching certificate:

Social Studies (5086 or 0086)– Passing Score of 153

Principles of Learning and Teaching (5624 or 0624) – Passing Score of 160

Teacher certification requirements are subject to change. Before registering for the test(s), please refer to the Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB) website at for current requirements or contact the Division of Professional learning and Assessment at 502-564-4606 or 888-598-7667.

Grade Point Average Requirements:

Grade point averages are reviewed during three checkpoints: admission to teacher education (see Requirements for Admission to Teacher Education), admission to student teaching (requires a 2.75 average overall; a 2.75 average in content area; a 2.75 average in professional education) and at the time of completion/graduation (2.75 overall).

IMPORTANT: Upon completion of 60 undergraduate credit hours (junior status), students enrolled or desiring enrollment in education coursework beyond 12 hours credit MUST be admitted to the Teacher Education Program. Students must be admitted to Teacher Education prior to enrollment in upper level teacher education courses.

Admission to Teacher Education requires:

  • Minimum GPA of 2.75
  • PPST Scores – Reading – 176, Math 174, and Writing 174
  • 24 or more credit hours including a B or better in ENG 105, MAT 117, COM 161, and EDU 103 or CTE 200
  • Interview with major academic advisor
  • Approval of your college Admissions Committee

See Teacher Education Services office for details on admission to Student Teaching.

Statement: Certification requires demonstration of computer competency to meet Kentucky Teacher Standard 6. All teacher education students in P-5, 5-9, 8-12, or P-12 programs must demonstrate computer literacy prior to approval for student teaching and may do so through one of the plans described below:

Plan 1:Pass approved computer literacy exam administered jointly by the College of Education and the College of Business.

Plan 2: Successful completion, with grade of C or better in CSC 199 (3 credit hours) or equivalent.

Note: Continuous assessment procedures are used to document and systematically monitor student progress through each program in order to determine the degree to which students have internalized and can demonstrate proficiency with the Kentucky Teacher Standards. The eligibility portfolio is formally assessed during the student teaching semester. For additional information and requirements, each student should see his/her advisor.

Student ______Advisor ______

Date ______Date ______