Quick Steps:
Working with the Recruiting Summary and Viewing Applications
From Home Base
Click on Applicant Listing
If you need navigation help see:
Navigation to the Recruiting Summary.
Applicant Listing
In the Applicant Listing section the user is provided several different search options to find and view applicants.
Job Information: This section will list the hiring department, the number of positions available, and the number of applicants who have applied.
Search for Applicants: There are four options available to search for applicants:
NOTE: Departments can download applicants into an excel spreadsheet, which will include the following information: name, previous UT employment, phone number, email address, date applied and application status. After locating your applicants, simply click Download Applicants.
- Option 1 – Find All Applicants: Directs you to the list of applicants located at the bottom of the Applicant Listing page.
- Option 2 – Find Applicant by Name: Allows you to search for a specific applicant by name.
- Option 3 – Find Applicant by Referral Date: Allows you to search for applicants who applied on or after a certain date specified. This feature will enable you to sort out applicants you have previously reviewed.
- Option 4 – Find Applicants by Applicant Status: Will allow you to search for applicants by status. This tool can be helpful when searching for applicants who have mailedin additional materials, applicants who are non-competitive, etc.
All Applicants: The applicants will be listed in alphabetical order by last name. The phone number, referral date and time will also be displayed for the applicant. This section will also allow you to view an applicant’s resume/application, by clicking on the applicant’s name.
Applicant ListingContinued
NOTE: The following symbols next to an applicant’s name represent:
This symbol indicates the applicant has updated the application/resume since applying.
This symbol indicates previous or current UT System employment.
This symbolindicator shows that the applicant qualifies for veterans preference under Texas Status 657.003 which states in part: An individual who qualifies for a veteran's employment preference is entitled to a preference in employment with or appointment to a public entity or for a public work of this state over other applicants for the same position with similar qualifications but who do not have a veteranspreference.
Applicant Status
The purpose of this section is to assign a status to an applicant. The Applicant Status page will allow you to manage your applicant pool by sorting the people you want to review, interview, and eventually hire.
NOTE:Before proceeding with this section, refer to the Applicant Statuses document.
Job Information:This section will list the hiring department, applicant instructions for this position, the number of positions available, and the number of applicants applied.
Search for Applicants by Applicant Status:This section will allow you search for an applicant with a specific status. In this section you will see check boxes that correspond with a status. You can select one or more statuses and pull up those applicants with the corresponding statuses. Once you select your search criteria, click Find Applicants.
View Instructions
Applicant Status Continued
Applicant Status: This section will allow you to view all applicants who have submitted an online resume/application for your job posting.
To view the applicant’s resume/application, click on the applicant’s name. A new window will appear with the Applicant’s Information.
After reviewing the Applicant Information, change or update the applicant’s status by clicking on the drop-down menu and selecting a new status. To save changes, click Modify Applicant Status and then Close Window.
NOTE:The applicant status can also be modified on the Applicant Status page. Simply select the status from the drop-down menu, check the Modify Status? box for the applicant(s) requiring the new status and click the Save/Refresh Changes button, located at the bottom of the page.
Applicant StatusContinued
To add or change the reason for non-hire, click the Modify Status for Non-hirelink. A new window will appear.
Type the justification for non-hire in the text box.Once completed, click Modify Reason for Non-hire, to save the change or update.
NOTE: If you believe this reason for non-hire will be common among the applicant pool, check the box next to, “Add this reason to the list of repeat reasons for non-hire.” This statement will be available for future use in this document. To use it for another applicant, simply select the appropriate box. This feature saves you from retyping the same information over again.
NOTE:Refer to the Examples of Reasons for Non-Hiredocument for examples of acceptable reasons for non-hire.