Mayor: Councillor C Meathrel
Deputy Mayor: Councillor R Harris
Councillors: B Austen, K Jones, A Lonsdale, J Morris, R Peart, L Rose, D Rollason,
M Stevenson, B Thorne, G Wickham
Mid Devon Advertiser – Ellen Grindley
Town Clerk – Mrs C Lakin
6 Members of the Public
Police Report
PCSO Pike said that she had been unable to attend the meeting this afternoon with Mr Banwell, Head Teacher Rydon Primary School and Cllr Rose to talk with parents concerning the use of the Community Hall carpark.
She said that December had not been a bad month
Crime figures for November were:
· 14 ASB issues
· 3 shoplifting
· 4 criminal damage
· ASB – boy racers have now moved onto Swift Units as well as Greenhill Way and Pottery Road. Reports of loud explosions, have been received and I think they may have fire crackers
· ASB has also been experienced in Darren Road and Andor Avenue with youths up to no good, throwing things across the road and in Andor Avenue this has resulted in criminal damage to a vehicle
Boots, Kingsteignton Retail Park, have been plagued with shoplifting but following a Crime prevention meeting with the Manager and putting procedures in place, the shoplifters were caught within one week.
Councillors asked questions:
· Were the boy racers on bikes or in cars? They were mainly in cars and were not all local youths with some coming from Paignton and Teignmouth and other areas
· Were other businesses at Kingsteignton Retail Park targeted by the Shoplifters that had been caught at Boots? No it was only Boots that had been targeted
Public Participation
Members of Orchid Avenue had come to the meeting to raise their concerns on Planning application ref: 14/03262/FUL – 21 Orchid Avenue – Detached bungalow. A spokesperson spoke on behalf of the residents and highlighted the following concerns regarding the building of a new dwelling alongside 21 Orchid Avenue:
· The majority of residents living in Orchid Avenue are elderly and more mature and have signed a petition as they had not heard about this application as the planning notice had been put up outside No: 6 and not No: 21 Orchid Avenue. Residents had become aware of this planning application by word of mouth.
· Residents oppose to the proposed development on the grounds of social well being
· Concerned at the parking issues that will add to already difficult parking in this area causing a danger to residents as the road is already overloaded with vehicles parking for the Doctors, Chinese Takeaway and the Dentist. This new property will add to an existing problem.
· Cause added danger to residents and children walking in the area.
· Parked cars have already been damaged - some cars have virtually been hit by people turning in the road and that has cost local residents money themselves.
· There will be a lack of parking at No: 21 and at the new property as the existing garages are going to be removed leaving just one parking space for each property. Excess cars will have to park on the road and exacerbate the parking problem.
· Access to the property will be an issue using the small garage entrance that was previously only used for storage with no dropped curb and there will be no way of turning.
· The proposed property will not be in keeping with the street scene as it will be built near to the boundary wall of No: 21, where other properties are set back with a front garden.
· The elevated position of the new property will overlook other properties taking away privacy and affecting the value and causing loss of light for people in Shadynook Park
· There will be an increased flood risk. This area is a current flood risk area and residents already have flooding issues and they are worried that this new development will exacerbate this.
· Insurance has been very difficult for current residents in this area with water issues and levels - how can a new property get insurance which is a big question residents have as properties in the area are finding problems with insuring their properties.
· The proposed property has been named a retirement bungalow, but it has no mobility access, no level access but has steps going up into the property. There are a lack of amenities, lack of provision of garden and clear over development of the site.
Cllr Meathrel thanked the residents for attending the meeting and said that their comments would be taken into consideration when the Planning Application was discussed at the Works Services and Planning meeting following the Full Council meeting.
District Councillors Reports
Councillor B Austen
This has been an unusual month with few meetings and I have nothing of particular interest to report on Kingsteignton.
TDC have received the reapplication of the Planning Application for Penns Mount (Codex Site) for 40 houses, which was discussed at the last Planning meeting. The application was passed with conditions. The one condition was the provision of a Zebra Crossing for the children.
Councillor A Lonsdale
I have received an e-mail from Teignbridge District Council advising me of the of Section 106 agreement grants from the Newcross Development of 236 dwellings for the benefit of the community.
The breakdown is as follows:-
· Air Quality £17,572.88
· Education Land £200,677.97
· Kingsteignton Cycle Route £10,847.46
· Public Art £10,847.46
Overview and Scrutiny Committee 24th November 2014. I attended as a guest and made notes on the Teign Estuary Cycle Infrastructure scheme up date. B3193. There is no connection to Chudleigh and Chudleigh Knighton. Negotiations are taking place with the Port of Teign Estuary. Planning permission for the Stover Canal Path Section was granted and work has started October 2014 to be completed in March 2015. Race Course Link Templers Road to Town Quay Improvement to be completed end of 2014– Plans for cafe. Tolerance Plan for multi-use paths.
It was brought to our attention that the Tour of Britain cyclists stayed in the area overnight bringing money into the economy.
01/15 Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllr Walters who was on annual leave.
02/15 Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
03/15 Mayor’s Report
Monday 1 December - Attended the Devon Association of Local Councils meeting in the Cardinal Newman Building, Exeter
Monday 8 December - Attended the Kingsteignton Town council, Mayor’s Civic Carol Service, held in conjunction with the pupils of Rydon School, assisted by Rev. David Goddard and the KCBC Band. In attendance were Mayors from Dawlish, Newton Abbot, Chudleigh, Kingskerswell and Teignbridge District Council and other dignitaries. My thanks go to all the readers, County Councillor Tony Dempster and to the junior members of K.A.F.C. for the collection, plus KTC councillors for help and assistance with refreshments. Approx. £160 was raised for the Mayor’s Charity Kingsteignton Athletic Football Club.
Wednesday 10 December - Attended our final (four) committee meetings for this calendar year. As Mayor I thanked all the councillors for a wonderful team effort over the last six months. Each project on our books has traction and motivation. Further I must report on the tremendous effort on the part of Cllr Beryl Austen and her team for their work on behalf of Kingsteignton Youth Centre.
Thursday 11 December - Attended the meeting of the Labour Party to meet Roy Freer and members to wish them a Merry Christmas.
Friday 12 December - Unfortunately, I was unable to attend the KIngsteignton Outdoor Carol Service personally, however, I was informed of its success whilst working on the checkout in Tesco. Again, many thanks to all those members who helped organised this community event.
Sunder 14 December - Attended at residents request and noted the concerns of a planning application within Orchid Close, Kingsteignton. I advised Cllr Peart regarding these concerns and will leave this matter to the Works, Services and Planning Committee.
Tuesday 16 December - Attended the Planning Committee hearing at Teignbridge District Council, Council Chambers, Newton Abbot. As Mayor I spoke against the application by Codex on what proved to be an unsuccessful matter regarding the development and loss of green space within Kingsteignton. Part of a 5 acre green space had already been lost to the adjacent development by Eagle One/Linden Homes.
Wednesday 17 December - Attended a marvellous KTC dinner at the Thatched Cottage to celebrate with my fellow councillors – a wonder Christmas event. As Mayor, I toasted thanks to all staff and councillors for their sterling efforts during the year.
Sunday 21 December - Attended to a local matter at Orchid Close at the request of a local resident. This matter related to fears of flooding and the brook over flowing due to the bank failing to support land on each side of the brook. Again this was referred back to Cllr Peart.
Thursday 25 December – Helped the Salvation Army prepare and dish up this year’s Christmas Dinner for approx.30 people from the local community. Awarded the chief-dish-washer of the day for which I duly accepted a taste of Xmas pudding with cream/custard.
Friday 2 January - Picked up Cllrs Thorne and Peart and proceeded to check the higher risk flood areas as part of the procedures adopted for Flood Prevention. Sandygate and Newton Road areas were examined and drains were found to be full of leaf waste and grit. Cllr Peart will be actioning a letter to Highways/Drain Clearance as a priority. During our site visit at Moorland View our enquiries helped us get an update on this development and the type of ownership and purchasers seeking new homes.
04/15 Minutes
The Mayor presented the minutes of the meeting held on 3 December, 2014 which were adopted.
05/15 Clerk’s Report
· Mr Turner and Mr Hedges have now removed the Christmas Tree and lights from the Fountain.
· The Kingsteignton/Newton Abbot Guide has now gone to print and should be available for distribution by the end of January, 2015
· The funds from DCC re: Kingsteignton Youth Centre have now been received
· The application form from Awards for All towards the cost of the Fitness Equipment at Clifford Park has been submitted, we now await a response from them
· An application for the Councillor Vacancy has been received and the applicant will be called to an Interview with the council on Wednesday 15 January, 2015 to be held at 6.30 pm prior to the Finance Committee meeting.
06/15 Committee Reports
Community Hall/The Fountain Committee: Cllr Rollason presented the minutes of the meeting held on 10 December, 2014. Cllr Rollason proposed that these be adopted, seconded by Cllr Meathrel and agreed.
Recreation/Footpaths Committee: Cllr Thorne presented the minutes of the meeting held on 10 December, 2014. Cllr Thorne proposed that these be adopted, seconded by Cllr Jones and agreed.
Finance Committee: Cllr Harris presented the minutes of the meeting held on 10 December, 2015. Cllr Harris proposed that the minutes be adopted, seconded by Cllr Morris and agreed.
Works, Services & Planning Meeting: Cllr Peart presented the minutes of the meetings held on 3 & 10 December, 2014.
Cllr Wickham asked why all the information that had been provided to the meeting on 10 December, 2014 concerning item 147/14 Street Naming had not been recorded. The Clerk said that the minutes needed to record the matter being discussed, the proposal, who proposed the item and seconded it and whether the motion was agreed.
Cllr Peart proposed that the minutes be adopted, seconded by Cllr Wickham and agreed.
07/15 Representatives Reports
There were no representative reports
08/15 To set precept for Financial Year 2015/15
Cllr Harris said that the setting of the Precept for the financial year 2015/16 had been discussed at the November Finance meeting and that at this meeting it was proposed that the increase in the Precept should be 1.69%. He said that before Christmas he had received a request from the Management Committee of Kingsteignton Youth Centre asking if the Town Council would consider increasing the precept for the town by £30,000, which would be an increase of 22%.
Discussion took place and Cllr Austen proposed that the setting of the Precept be referred back to the Finance Committee meeting on 21 January, 2015, which could then be ratified at the February Full Council Meeting. Seconded by Cllr Stevenson and agreed.
09/15 Traffic Survey to be carried out on Vicarage Hill re: Penns Mount applications
Cllr Meathrel said that he would like traffic surveys to be carried out on Vicarage Hill and other areas in the town. He said that he had obtained information on how to organise for traffic surveys and had spoken to PCSO Pike to ask if the Devon and Cornwall Police Cadets could assist the council with this. Cllr Meathrel asked the committee if they were in agreement with him arranging for a traffic survey to be conducted and said that if the Police Cadets were able to assist he would take care of any costs incurred from his Mayors Allowance. Agreed.