SCADA Systems Present and Future, Substation Automation and Beyond: Managing IED Data in the Enterprise to Realize Real Business Process Benefits
Baltimore, Maryland
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Seminar Agenda
8:00 a.m.Welcome, Participant Introductions and Opening Remarks
8:15 a.m.Introduction to Enterprise Level Substation System Integration (ELSSI) and Substation Automation (SA)
- What is an IED?
- What is ELSSI?
- Substation Integration and Automation Levels
- Integration versus Automation
- Communication Paths From Substation
- Enterprise Interoperability
- IEC 61850
8:45 a.m.Why Substation Automation? Why Now?
- Why Needed?
- IED Level Benefits
- Integration Level Benefits
- Automation Functions
- Enterprise Level Functions
- Equipment Condition Monitoring
9:15 a.m.SA Technical Issues
- Open Systems
- Substation Automation Applicability
- Benefits of Open System Approach
- System Responsibilities
- System Architecture
- Substation Host Processor/Data Concentrator
- Substation Local Area Network Requirements
- User Interface
- IED Integration
- Communication Interfaces
- Corporate Data Repository
10:00 a.m.Break
10:30 a.m.Acquiring Operational and Non-Operational Data from Substation IEDs
- Operational Data
- Non-Operational Data
- Characteristics
- Data Paths
- Acquisition of Operational and Non-Operational Data Items
- Enterprise Server for Non-Operational Data
11:15 a.m.Approaches to Integration & Automation
- Basic Architecture
- System Topologies
- Types of Approaches
- EMS & SCADA Approach
- SCADA & RTU Approach
- PLC Approach
- PC Approach
- Vendor Product Oriented Approach
- Architecture Issues
12:00 p.m. Lunch
1:00 p.m.What Would a SA System Look Like?
- Distributed LAN Configuration
- Design Issues for Consideration
- Equipment Photographs
- SA Training Simulator (SATS)
2:00 p.m.SCADA Systems Evolution and Overview
- Evolution From 1830 to Present
- Uses of Supervisory Systems
- System Hardware
- System Software Functions
4:00 p.m. Break
4:30 p.m.Summary
- Levels of Integration and Automation
- Communication Paths From Substation
- New Versus Existing Substations
- Protocol Fundamentals
- Protocol Considerations
- North American SA Projects
- Relevant Standards
5:00 p.m.Seminar Adjourns
Reference Material
Speaker Biography
Technical Papers and Articles
- McDonald, John D., Rajagopalan, Shankar, Waizenegger, Jack R., Pardo, Fernando, “Realizing the Power of Data Marts”, IEEE Power & Energy, May/June 2007.
- McDonald, John and Ipakchi, Ali, “Roadmap to the Future: Integrating Substation Information and Enterprise Level Applications”, Electric Energy T&D, September-October 2006.
- McDonald, John D., Carpenter, Dave, Foster, Vent, “Kentucky Utility ‘Fires Up’ Its First SCADA System”, Transmission & Distribution World, February 2005.
- McDonald, John D., Carrasco, Joe, Wong, Chiu, “Riverside Initiates Substation Automation, Plans SCADA and Data Warehouse”, Electricity Today, Issue 8, 2004.
- McDonald, John D., Hansen, Harvey, “Ketchikan Finds Solutions to Outdated, Proprietary RTUs: Overcoming Proprietary SCADA Protocol is Key”, Electricity Today, Issue 2, Volume 16, 2004.
- McDonald, John D., “Overwhelmed by Alarms: Blackout Puts Filtering and Suppression Technologies in the Spotlight”, Electricity Today, Issue 8, Volume 15, 2003.
- McDonald, John D., “North Carolina Municipal Power Agency Boosts Revenue by Replacing SCADA”, Electricity Today, Issue 7, Volume 15, 2003.
- McDonald, John D., “Successful Integration and Automation Relies on Strategic Plan – Automation Requires Integration”, Electric Energy T&D, January-February 2003.
- McDonald, John D., “Substation Automation – IED Integration and Availability of Information”, IEEE Power & Energy, March/April 2003.
- McDonald, John D., “Industry Activities in Substation Protocol Standardization”, EPRI Substation Equipment Diagnostics Conference IX, New Orleans, February 2001.
- McDonald, John D., Doghman, MohamadI., Dahl, William E., “Present and Future Integration of Diagnostic Equipment Monitoring at OPPD”, EPRI Substation Equipment Diagnostics Conference IX, New Orleans, February 2001.
Seminar AgendaSeptember 25, 2007