(a) Professional Preparation
A list of the individual’s undergraduate and graduate education and postdoctoral training as indicated below:
Undergraduate Institution(s), Major, Degree & Year
Graduate Institution(s), Major, Degree & Year
Postdoctoral Institution(s), Area, Inclusive Dates (years)
(b) Appointments
A list, in reverse chronological order, of all the individual’s academic/professional appointments, beginning with the current appointment.
(c) Products
A list of: (i) up to 5 publications most closely related to the proposed project; and (ii) up to 5 other significant publications, whether or not related to the proposed project.
A list of: (i) up to 5 products most closely related to the proposed project; and (ii) up to 5 other significant products, whether or not related to the proposed project.
Acceptable products must be citable and accessible including but not limited to publications, data sets, software, patents, and copyrights. Unacceptable products are unpublished documents not yet submitted for publication, invited lectures, and additional lists of products. Only the list of 10 will be used in the review of the proposal. Each product must include full citation information including (where applicable and practicable) names of all authors, date of publication or release, title, title of enclosing work such as journal or book, volume, issue, pages, website and Uniform Resource Locator (URL) or other Persistent Identifier.
(d) Synergistic Activities
A list of up to 5 examples that demonstrate the broader impact of the individual’s professional and scholarly activities that focuses on the integration and transfer of knowledge as well as its creation.
(e) Collaborators & Other Affiliations
• Collaborators and Co-Editors. A list of all persons in alphabetical order (including their current organizational affiliations) who are currently, or who have been collaborators or co-authors with the individual on a project, book, article, report, abstract or paper during the 48 months preceding the submission of the proposal.
• Graduate Advisors and Postdoctoral Sponsors. A list of the names of the individual’s own graduate advisor(s) and principal postdoctoral sponsor(s), and their current organizational affiliations.
• Thesis Advisor and Postgraduate-Scholar Sponsor. A list of all persons (including their organizational affiliations), with whom the individual has had an association as thesis advisor, or with whom the individual has had an association within the last five years as a postgraduate-scholar sponsor. The total number of graduate students advised and postdoctoral scholars sponsored also must be identified.
Name, Ph.D.
Department of Engineering Science
182 Stocker Center
Ohio University, Athens, OH 45701
(a) Professional Preparation
University of Townland Civil Engineering B.S. 1998
City University Chemical Engineering Ph.D. 2003
Acme Medical School Cybernetics Postdoc 2003-2009
(b) Appointments
Sept 2004 – Assistant Professor of Engineering Science
Ohio University, Athens, OH
Dec 2001 – Aug 2004 Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Acme Medical School and Hospital, Boston, MA
Sept 1996 – Oct 2001 Graduate Research Assistant
City University, Baltimore, MD
(c) Products
(i) Five most closely related to proposal project
Shirure VS, Henson KA, Schnaar RL, Nimrichter L, and Burdick MM. Gangliosides Expressed on Breast Cancer Cells are E-selectin Ligands. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 406(3):423-9, 2011.
Wang L, Shirure VS, Burdick MM, and Wu SJ. UVB-Irradiation Regulates VLA-4-Mediated Melanoma Cell Adhesion to Endothelial VCAM-1 under Flow Conditions. Mol Carcinog, 50(1):58-65, 2011.
Resto, VA, Burdick MM, Dagia ND, McCammon SD, Fennewald SM, Sackstein R. L-selectin-Mediated Lymphocyte-Cancer Cell Interactions under Low Fluid Shear Conditions. J Biol Chem; 283(23):15816-15824, 2008.
Alves CA, Burdick MM, Thomas SN, Pawar P, and Konstantopoulos K. The Dual Role of CD44 as a Functional P-selectin and Fibrin Ligand in Colon Carcinoma Cell Adhesion. Am J Phys-Cell Phys; 294(4):C907-916, 2008.
Patent: Intransigmoidentallic ensconced transmogrifier, US patent number 6,423,316, filed 2/2/2000.
(ii) Other significant products
Merzaban JS, Burdick MM, Gadhoum SZ, Dagia NM, Chu JT, Fuhlbrigge RC, and Sackstein R. Analysis of Glycoprotein E-selectin Ligands on Hhuman and Mouse Marrow Cells Enriched for Hematopoietic Stem/Progenitor Cells. Blood, 2011 Jun 9. Epub ahead of print, DOI: 10.1182/blood-2010-11-320705.
Nimrichter L, Burdick MM, Aoki K, Laroy W, Fierro MA, Hudson SA, Von Seggern CE, Cotter RJ, Bochner BS, Tiemeyer M, Konstantopoulos K, and Schnaar RL. E-selectin Receptors on Human Leukocytes. Blood;112(9):3744-3752, 2008.
Hanley WD, Napier SL, Burdick MM, Schnaar RL, Sackstein R, and Konstantopoulos K. Variant Isoforms of CD44 are P- and L-selectin Ligands on Colon Carcinoma Cells. FASEB J; 20:337-339, 2006.
Hanley WD* Burdick MM, Konstantopoulos K, and Sackstein R. CD44 on LS174T Colon Carcinoma Cells Possesses E-selectin Ligand Activity. Cancer Res; 65(13):5812-5817, 2005.
Burdick MM and Konstantopoulos K. Platelet-Induced Enhancement of Colon Carcinoma Cell Adhesion to Vascular Endothelium under Flow. Am J Phys- Cell Phys. 287(2):C539-547, 2004.
(d) Synergistic Activities
1) Interdisciplinary projects currently in progress with collaborators outside my lab include development of the Intermechtal Phylocutorplasmitic Rheoxical Assay with Drs. DJ Metz (Ohio University (OU)), R Maytor (OU), and VA Restone (University of TX-Medical Branch (UTMB); analysis of cellular mechanical/rheological properties correlating with the CD57+/CD57- cancer stem cell phenotype with Drs. F Bene and D Theas (both, OU); identification of novel structures on cancer cells with Dr. L Nimroy (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro); and characterization of parallax-mediated control of ligand function on cancer cells with Dr. SJ Wuchte (OU) and Dr. VA Restone (UTMB).
2) Fostering of Undergraduate Research: 11 students (2008-present, 3 women, 6 are from Appalachian Ohio); 3 students presented posters at the national 2009 AMEX conference plus the 2010 AARL conference, 1 student gave an oral presentation at the 2010 OLEG conference. 1 student has a manuscript in review, 4 students have 2 manuscripts in preparation. 2 students have received competitive University awards to support their research projects. 3 students continued research in the OU CES MS program under the PI’s mentorship.
3) Service to the Scientific Community: Manuscript reviewer for Cancer Res, Biotech and Bioeng, Glycobiology, Int J Cancer, Phys Biol, and Annals of Biomed Eng. Ohio University resource person for the NSF GRFP.
4) Service to the Science Education Community: Courses developed (2008-present): Applied Constology, a core engineering science class for OU Science Engineering undergraduate majors, cross-listed for graduate Science Engineering graduate students, taught annually, a redesign of the initial class offering in 2007 to incorporate current issues in science engineering; Topics in Science Engineering, new technical elective class, continuation of Applied Constology.
(e) Collaborators & Other Affiliations
Collaborators: Alvestad CA (The Johns Hopkins University (JHU)), Fenwalt SM (University of Texas-Medical Branch (UTMB)), Fierroton MA (JHU), Goddard S (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Nimroy L (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro), Pawarte P (JHU), Restone VA (UTMB), Wang L (Central Cancer Institute), and Riesbeck SG (OU).
Graduate Advisor and Postdoctoral Advisor: Graduate Advisor, Dr. Konstantinos Konstantinopolous, City University; Postdoctoral Advisor, Dr. Robert Safferstein, Acme Medical School.
Thesis Advisor and Postgraduate-Scholar Sponsor: Talosh J. Smeithe (PhD, Ohio University), Tolston S. Faber (MS, Ohio University), Jonathan P. Conquist (MS, Ohio University), Liberton Liu (MS, Ohio University), Grant Q. Marshall (MS, Ohio University), Smither Matthews (MS, Ohio University). Total number of graduate students advised = 6. Total number of postdoctoral scholars = 0.