Data Management Committee Meeting

Date: Thursday, April 2nd, 2009, 2:00 – 3:30pm

Location: Tower Boardroom, 22nd Floor

Members: K. Bailey, C. Bennett, B. Benson, Bob Boiko, A Canfield-Budde, N. Hyde Corning, L. Coveney, J. Drew, W. Dryfoos, M. Eisenberg, J. Fine, R. Forman, P. Hoffman, R. Karpen, J. Kresl, N. McDonald, T. Mildon, J. Posey, A. Walchuk-Nagel, C. Westmoreland, B Whitehead, B. Yock.

Facilitator: Bill Yock

Note Taker: M. Albin


Topic / Presenter
·  Review and approval of March 19th Minutes
- Approved
·  Announcements
EDW End User Agreement Final Review
Anja presented the group with the end user agreement that will be required to be signed by users of the data in the EDW.
Initial group of users will read and “sign” the agreement via a catalyst survey.
The “Acceptable Access and Use” section is the most significant piece.
Major points:
- Users will be asked to protect the integrity of the data
- Access to the data does not grant the right to publish or distribute the data
DMC members discussed this last point; it seems like it could be confusing. Other discussion points:
- One member asked if there is a section on what do if there is a breach. Response: Information Systems Security Standards does specify what to do.
- Publish vs. distribute- distribute should be in the last paragraph
- Eliminate the word “sole”
- “External parties”- should that be defined?
- Wording about “legitimate business need” should be made explicit.
Anja will send the agreement out for review, and will close the review period by next Tuesday. / Anja Canfield-Budde
Data Trustees Outreach Plan
Bill displayed a ppt with the Data Trustees Outreach Plan. He expressed a couple of concerns: the length of time it will take to do the outreach, and that there will be a perception on the part of the trustees that there will be more work to do.
Group discussion:
- Concern about certain trustees that may deny that certain data domains are under their delegated authority
- May need to update policy documents to state that departments that manage the data will be responsible for the cost of breaches
- Bill says he is targeting UTAC agenda for June, but the plan may not be ready for presentation until the August meeting.
- It was decided that the process of outreach will refine the data map as Trustees review and respond.
- Charles, Ann, Nancy, and Jim will review the data map regarding the financial data domains. Nancy reported that some initial outreach to SOM Trustees resulted in some confusion in this area. / Bill Yock
DMC Web Site Update
Some updates on the DMC site:
- Policies and Procedures page- guidelines published
- The data map will be marked clearly as a work in process
- Enterprise reports library
- Institutional Definitions- as a part of rebranding
- Top 5 – background summary added
- Plan to develop distinct external and internal site; right now the internal and external aspects of the site are muddled together.
Group discussion:
- It was suggested to add descriptions to FAS Open Access.
- How do people get to this page?
- Should we be on UWIN? MyUW? Enterprise portal?
- If there is a place that an end user goes to access info, we should link from there.
- A syndicated approach in delivering data to people will be good.
- We may want to do a marketing campaign to embed the DMC web site url into other Web pages across the UW.
- The DMC site is going to be review by OIM communications team to organize content according to different users and audiences.
- Bill told the group that we were awarded a grant for a portal system but still have not seen the details to see if it is worth accepting. / Bill Yock
Task Force Updates
Access and Roles
Ann reported that her group has discussed:
- User agreement (discussed above)
- System access to data and access to aggregate data
- Need to evaluate: If individuals ask for access to SAGE, what should we be looking for?
- Access permissions to aggregate data- could be a phased project
- Outside of the warehouse, there should be a way to give guidance to users that if they combine data from a shadow system and the EDW, they need to be thoughtful about that data
Ann said that they are brainstorming on these issues and welcome feedback/input/
Organizational Code Improvements
Brandon hasn’t received any feedback on the Organization Code Report. DMC members should review; this will be on the next agenda.
Enterprise Reporting (formerly Top 5)
A new group has been formed: Academic Advisory Group for Enterprise Reporting, which encompasses Top 5 + URP.
The group will include a select group of senior administrators of the deans, Anja, and leads of the Top 5 Task Forces. Jim Loter will facilitate the group. / Task Force Leads